Getting Back The Passion (2)
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I remember when I first came to God, my passion for the Kingdom was birthed through a life of pain and disappointment.
My first love was founded in the action of doing worship and everything the scripture asked me to do, for a rebirth of a Passion that wasn’t driven by talent, personality, or hormones, but was now for
“The Kingdom of God.”
But then, as I matured or thought I had, I married and then the birth of my only child became my passion in life.
Remember, Passion isn’t Passion until it’s tested.
Have you felt the pain of losing that first love?
It will cause us to hide or burry the passion for the kingdom of God in order to avoid the shame, caused by poor decisions.
Have you ever felt your passion had somehow left you…. alone?
The disciples were separated from Jesus and were hiding, and had lost their passion for the kingdom.
It’s the life Jesus lived, and his suffering in death, that should drive are own passion for the Kingdom, through doing and explaining to others the…..
Death (To Self), Burial (The Past), and Resurrection (A New Passion) in our own lives.
Death (To Self), burial (The Past), and resurrection (A New Passion) in our own lives.
So If you’ll turn to the book of
We will learn how we can get our passion back for the Kingdom of God.
3 To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:
In some strange way, Jesus experienced a sort of Joy beneath all the pain of the cross.
The writer of hebrews alluded to the crisis of the cross and reports the “Purpose” of his passion.
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Passion is your perseverance,
The Cliche, No Pain No Gain, suggest that Gain validates pain.
EX: My Trainer. Make up your mind the body will follow. She forces me to do another rep, I have no passion for that pain,
Passion must be practiced in order to get your passion back.
Passion only comes by Doing: love Do: Bible reading Do: worship Do: Praise
Another-words, Passion isn’t how high you jump, but how you Remain, when your feet hit the ground.
What’s your walk like?
As a Pastor I look to people who are passionate but stable in their emotions.
EX: Shawn
Jesus is our prime example of success over the obstacle of the cross between him and his Goal.
The Cross was not the end, but it was the means.
He didn’t enjoy it but…..
Passion endured it, vision was the joy that gave him the strength to achieve the goals end.
Luke stated in our text…
In the ESV, Characterized Jesus as, He “presented himself.”
Jesus Suffered our shame, and gave back our human dignity by choosing us , like a groom who has chosen his bride.
“To Who, Chosen?” (The passionate) do great things for God.
If you can’t do it in a small place, why would God promote you to a bigger place.
Remember, There is a discomfort associated with the death of….
II. Our Passionate Lifestyle--
We are in grave clothes like a mummy by are irresponsible-responsibility.
“I recently read that the average person will spend approximately half his waking hours at work.
Over the course of a lifetime, that is about a hundred thousand hours on the job.
Here’s the mistake so many of us make: we start out pursuing a passion and end up settling for a paycheck.
So instead of making a life, all we do is make a living.
our deep-seated passions get buried beneath our day-to-day responsibilities like grave clothes.
Don't get me wrong. You need to take care of your responsibilities. You need to pay your bills, take out the garbage, and plan for retirement.
But your greatest responsibility is pursing God-ordained passions.
We see that kind of mistake in the attitude of a man Jesus encountered.”
“[Jesus] said to another man, “Follow me.”
But the man replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”
Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.
This man seemed responsible, and was innocent enough.
But Jesus discerned an excuse, That it was a delay tactic.
This man was afraid of suffering the rejection of family and persecution.
Has anyone ever been rejected or you’ve suffered persecution for what your doing?
Have you stopped Do-ing, so it doesn’t hurt you”
III. Suffering can cause us to burry our passion!
Jesus, Agonized in prayer in the garden and when they came to Jesus and revealed his friend had betrayed him.
They mocked him and his dreams of being King.
At that point, Jesus may have wrestled with his ambitious nature. (Pass this cup)
Like us,
We never want to bury our passion, because someone hurt us, but redirect it toward a godly vision
Control it, but don’t kill it…..
EX: Line up with the Pastor.
Let me explain a passion of a man of God.
Let your Pastor know where your passion fits in the Kingdom.
3 I know you are enduring patiently and are bearing up for My name’s sake, and you have not fainted or become exhausted or grown weary.
4 But I have this [one charge to make] against you: that you have left (abandoned) the love that you had at first [you have deserted Me, your first love].
He commends your Labor, but you’ve abandoned the passion of your first love….
How do you get it back? (Repent or Die)
Jesus had to die before there was a resurrection.
When the woman visited the tomb she found the grave clothes neatly folded, this represented the fact he wasn’t going to need them again because he will never die again.
Have you ever experienced the Death of Passion or desire?
Jesus was ALIVE!
It becomes all about practicing the death, burial (Passion had left) and resurrection our own lives, THAT….restores passion!!
We read our text in…
III. verse 3 “Being Seen” The passion is resurrected
Gods into recycling old bottles. (Wine Skin or bottle)
The Devil wants to rob you of something that’s not visible yet, and any time the invisible is stolen you can’t detect something that was absent, yet.
Example: If you asked a separated couple the question,
what day, did the passion for the marriage leave?
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
Depletion comes when enthusiasm flows out of a person like a fine wine leaking from a broken wine bottle.
God doesn’t trash a broken bottle, but recycles it.
The process of recycling is collecting WASTE MATERIAL & Breaking it down into blocks that can be turned into NEW PRODUCTS.
Like a drop of center for recycling,
A woman is brought into the birthing room, the room prepared to assist her painful delivery….
16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
God speaks of a woman in pain, sorrow and travail.
(This being part of the recycling process)
The painful progression of contractions that separate her bones like an earthquake, as the near death-like pains come faster and harder as she get’s closer to delivery.
The softer and weaker vessel is crushed under the traumatic experience of delivering the child.
(The new product called passion)
She vows to never do this again. However, That the desire to be with thy husband again…..
There is no cure for the pain of the past like the present desire.
The weary and passionless will rise again to have another child.
Birthing a child isn’t easy, but the Joy of delivering that child makes you forget the “Pain”
The resurrection of new desire will come by…..
IV. VER:3 “speaking…”. “The Kingdom of God”.
You can’t live in fear like the disciples did, it wasn’t until Jesus commanded them to “assemble and wait” (4-5)
They received “power” (Ver 8) after the HG came upon them.
And they became “Witnesses” of Jesus
When we share the Infallible truths (VER 3) of gods word Revival will come to all that hear and speak it”
In conclusion:
Are you gonna let a painful past rob you of God’s calling in your life, and the passion for it?
EX: David said, Create in me a clean heart (AMP)
O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
The confession of Davids compromise and loss of his integrity… that was exposed by the prophet and the loss of a man’s life at the hands of David soldiers, led to the Loss of the child born from the womb of adultery.
Now David wept bitterly “I can’t get back my baby”
“ But I Can get back my passion”
1st…Die to self, then share the Good news, That he’s “alive”,
2nd….Fold the grave clothes of this life, and rise up.
3rd…. You can resurrect the passion by speaking of the “infallible truths that will heal and meet the needs of people.
God so…..loved the world, he gave.
When you share and Love the passion of the kingdom, the more your passion will be restored!!!