Sermon Critique - Terry
LLT Course on Homiletics
Final Sermon Critique
Name: Terry
Sermon Title and Passage: Journey curb 2 curb
One sentence summary: - shows law gospel 3rd person – and responsibility of ours to follow and encourage others to follow Christ.
Is the sermon faithful to the text?
Does the sermon adequately proclaim Christ Jesus, as Savior an Lord?
Yes – could be a little clearer – but over all – ok job
Does the sermon distinguish between Law and Gospel? Does the Gospel predominate?
Yes – could have had a little more punch to the law…
Are Illustrations and stories relevant to the text?
Awesomely so
Is the sermon sacramental? Does it take advantage of its “liturgy”
Good connection there…
Did the sermon flow well?
Yes – almost too smoothly
Body Language consistent?
Vocals Strong/Appropriate?
A few people couldn’t hear you – btw – where was your energy? If nervous – use that to fire yourself up.
Understandable – Does it impact congregation?
People’s comments?
Terry – you had it aced on paper, the delivery was sorta like an English comedian – soft spoken and a little flat. You did great – and I think as you relax up there, and you will be awesome….
Grade : Pass with high honor