The Lord's Supper (2)
Corinthians 12
Canonical Order of texts on the Lord’s Supper
Approximately 1400 BC. The exact date of writing is not known. Possibly Moses kept an account of God’s work which he then wrote out in the plains of Moab before he died.
This book was apparently written in a two-year period after Paul’s imprisonment in Rome, about AD 63, but before Paul’s death (Acts 28:30). No outcome of Paul’s trial is mentioned by Luke; nor is there any mention of the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Therefore, a date in the early 60s is probable.
c. AD 54–55
Chronological Order of Text on the Lord’s Supper
In Acts, the reason it records nothing about the communion meal is because in no sense did anyone in Acts even know what happened in the last supper room. They had not heard about those words of institution, or it wasn’t considered something to be celebrated.
Roman Dinner Parties
Is it possible that Christians in Corinth began to use their Roman dinner parties—which, again, think of Corinth, they know how to party well and have food together—is it possible they began to use their Roman dinner parties as a commemoration of Jesus’ last Passover meal?
to commune, break bread together, is a normal part of fellowship, and thus Christian fellowship. Christians would’ve been known. Again, Jews and Gentiles eating together, what a big issue (Act 15 or Gal 2); the issue of eating together was huge.