Gods Word; From the start to Now

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A look at Gods Redemtive history, From the beginning to Now.

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Everything Has A Story

Everything In Life Has a Story. And as you may have noticed with your own life, It unfolds more like a story than it does a Math problem.
Some stories are more interesting than others
Some stories tell the tales of Adventure, Sorrow, or Love
some tell stories of history and truth, while others are the story of fiction.
Think about your story and all the different events that have shaped it, the climax and plateaus, the low points and the boring points.
now think about this, Your story has a story
If your story was told how would it be told, how would you want it told?
for example your birth
perhaps a time you told some one something Impactful in their life and those few moments changed the course of their life in such a way that could no less be called a defining moment.
If your story was told how would it be told, how would you want it Told?
God has a story that he wants told, and that he has told over the ages.
It’s his redemptive story that unravels over 1500 years, and is contained with in 66 books.
ive heard it described as 66 love letters
66 books of love that have been written from him to us.
66 books of truth, wisdom, adventure sorrow and love.
These books have not always been, and the creation of these books them self is a story to tell.
4. Essentially we are going to be looking at a time line of the bible and how did we get the bible we know today.
Essentially we are going to be looking at a time line of the bible and how did we get the bible we know today.
Essentially we are going to be looking at a timeline of the bible and how did we get the bible we know today.
Essentially we are going to be looking at a time line of the bible and how did we get the bible we know today.
How was Gods Story Told
How was God’s story told?
.How was Gods
How did he tell us what he wanted us to know over the ages.
-How did God Tell us what he wanted us to know.

What Is the Bible? 2000 BC

What is the Bible? It may seem simple, but how do you define what the bible is?
The revelation of the character, and the will of God
It tells us who he is and the relationship that we can have with him
Our story starts with him in the Garden of Eden and we see it ending in Revelation with the tree of life, essential it starts and ends in Eden. The state from what we were to the state of what we will be.
However, God’s story that he is conveying in the bible starts before Eden
Scripture, or the the word of God, we see it as today has over 40 authors and was written over a 1500 year period of time, containing 66 different books. 39 old 27 new
The Bible describes who we are and what we are, the only satisfying answers to our human existence. It answer the questions who we are, and what we are doing here. It gives us purpose.
2. However, how God speaks over the ages changes.
“The method may change but the message remains the same” -PT
Before 1600 BC the stories of creation would have been told through oral traditions. The stories and accounts from people such as Abraham- Issac- Jacob in the early stages, before the completion of Genesis, or the Torah- would have been orally told.
That may seem crazy in our age but keep this in mind, So at the Time of Abram- Noah would have still been alive, and at the time of Isaac, Shem would have still been living. people who had first hand accounts were able to tell the story of the flood many years after the flood.
Though the method of that time for sharing the information was different the Message would remain the same.
example: giving you scripture written in braille you could not read it, so written would be better. Or giving a blind person an audio tape.
example: giving you scripture written in brale you could not read it, so written would be better. Or giving a blind person an audio tape.
3. God Breathed
2 Timothy 3:16 ESV
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
2 Timpty 3:16
All Scripture is God breathed, the breath of God written upon the hearts of man.
Essentially Scripture or the WORD OF GOD started within the first three verses of Genesis,
Genesis 1:2 ESV
The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:3 ESV
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
The Pen of God is the Breath of God
The very first time we see God speak and utilize his word was when he spoke the world into existence.
The power of speaking and the use of words is how we know and understand everything.
Our God is not a silent God, we would not know him lest he spoke to us in some way.
Over the ages the method has changed, yet the message has not
The Abrahamic Covenant was given by God to Abraham, with Circumcision being the symbol of the covenant. The symbol of whom God’s people were.
Looking at Moses
God spoke to him from a burning bush
Fast forward to Mount Sinai
We know Moses went up to the top of Mt. Sinai where God both spoke to him and wrote the 10 commandments on tablets of stone.
The way this is done, is if it is being described in a Holy Manor
Everyone stays back, “I’m coming stand back, stay out of the way”
The 10 commandments are presented as Holy
They describe his character and the interaction he wants from us.
I am the Lord thy God, thou shall have no other god before me.
You shall not make idols
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
Remember to keep the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
Honor your father and your mother
Don’t murder
Do not commit adultery
Don’t steal
Don’t bare false witness against your neighbor
Do not covet
Essentially the 10 Commandments are the first piece of “cannonized scripture”.
Cannon definition: (A set of texts which a particular religious community regards as authoritative scripture). The body of things that God set aside for his own word for Permanent forum.
Redemptive History ( God ties Himself to History)
The Bible Tells the Story of Redemptive History.
It is about God Redeeming mankind from his fallen state, to a place where he can stand once again in a garden of Eden like experience. It starts and ends in Eden.
It explains how God dealt with the human race from the fall through out different times in history.
It is a progressing story, and it does progress through out history.
And in every era the redemption story is reveled, and not all at once.
1370-1055 BC The Era of the Judges (ruling for 315 Years)
1051-1011 BC The Reign of Saul (40 years)
1010-970 BC David’s Reign (ruled 40 years)
Archeology has found the Tel Dan Stele Stone discover in 1993 at Tel Dan in Northern Israel. Contains inscriptions about a triumphal victory over the king of Israel and his ally the King of the “house of David”.
970-931 BC Solomon’s Rule (39 years)
586-538 BC (Fall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile (48 years)
538 First return of the exiles to Jerusalem
516 the completion of the second temple.
He reveals these things to man through out history and time, the story keeps pace with the his plan of redemption, not that it is given all at once but God address people where they are with history. His plan keeps pace with his speaking.

Moving Forward (Proofs)

Moving past the prophets, Kings, and judges toward that of an Ultimate king and Priest
What proof do we have of christ
When Jesus came there was no New Testament
They had promises from the Abraham Covenant -God would bless the world though his family
David Covenant - A king and line of kings represent the line of God
The New Covenant - That God would write his law
2. Significance of Matthew Opening up with its Geology
Genealogies may seem boring but there significance is immense.
It shows not just lineages, but traces blood lines and covenants.
certain times God makes promises flowed through one geology while making another (Issac and Ishmael) two different promises, through two different blood lines. Abraham covenant was carried through Isaac, Not Ishmael, though his blood line does receive a promise And really one that was promised to Hagghar.
Matthew’s Genealogy creates the backing for the promise Christ, The backing for the covenants that were promised back to Abraham and then through David.
The Isaiah Prophecy tells of the events of Christ.
The Completion of the Old Testament takes place about 500 years BC
in the Time between the Completion of the OT and the time of Christ we get the
Septuagint: Greek Translation of the of the ancient Hebrew scriptures into Greek (285 BC)
The Pentateuch: First 5 books of the OT was probably translated first.
It is significant to note that the greek language was the English of the Mediterranean world.
The OT cannon or what everyone accepted as scripture was basically completed at the time of the 1st century. (estimated 70 translates who worked on it.
OT Cannon
The only books that may have been disputed in the time of the first century are said to be
Song of Songs
The Apocrypha (Meaning Hidden or secret)- referring to a range of 11 to 16 books that appear between the old and new testament.
They have are typically books with historical value, but possibly an uncuiual history to how we got the books in the first place.
It is interesting how the Septuagint plays such a role in the Apocrypha
The Jews of the dispersion in Egypt had a high regard for these books and included them in the Septuagint
The Jews from Palestine in turn rejected them from the Hebrew Cannon
The Roman Catholic Church in the council of Trent (1546 AD) declared that 11 of these books to be cannonical.
We don’t really see them in ancient writings and because of either where they came from, or how we got them, and the fact that they are mostly of historical value
The maccabean revolt.
But none the less we deem them non cannonical, and more historical.
possibly like an atless.
Agreed upon writings
Wisdom or poetry
Psalms & Proverbs
Major Prophets
IsaiahJeremiahLementatinosEzekiel Daniel
Minor Prophets
The fact is that most of these books were concrete by the time of Christ. We did never see where Jesus went to speak and quotes scripture, and the Pharisees reply back, “That’s not an accepted Book”. It just does not happen. There was an understanding of what the accepted books were.

The New Church

John 1:1 NKJV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:2 ESV
He was in the beginning with God.
We Now are leaving the OT and Heading to the New.
Jesus - The Significance of the WORD made Flesh. Jesus is now the LIVING word, The Revelation of God Himself. He is living among us. The word is now not just being spoken through prophets, or learned through writing but interacting with us, teaching us...
If you were marooned on a desert Island, and could only have one book of the bible with you what would it be?
Mine would probably be Matthew.
First thing out of the gate we have John the Baptist teaching the repentance and baptism for the remission of sins.
He quotes the Isaiah scroll announcing the coming of the Lord.
Matthew 3:3 ESV
For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight.’ ”
2. Jesus affirmed scripture, he did not dismiss it
in many cases he rose the standard
Jesus knew the Scripture, affirmed it and then fulfilled it.
3. TIME LINE of God’s Redemptive Story up to where we are Now
OT- Jesus is anticipated
Gospels - Jesus is Revealed
Acts - Jesus is Preached
Epistles - HE is explained
4. Compiling the NT
4. Compiling the NT
So Now that we know how the OT came to be and can see God’s redemptive story being told, How did we get the New Testament that we have today? If sinful people wrote down the words how can we trust them? Memories fade, how can we trust that what we are getting is Accurate?
Impact-full Events
911 - do you remember where you were on 9/11 when the towers were hit. I can, Remember everything about that day, from getting on the bus going to school. To my Geography teacher running in to our classroom and telling us all the towers have been hit. I watched that same news real that millions of others did that day. It was an impactful event not easily forgotten.
The Night I gave my life to Christ-
What impactful events have you had?
These types of events are events you don’t forget. You take them with you until the grave.
Even if an eye witness account of something happened years later it is not forgotten when it is an impactful event. 9/11/2001, Here Hurricane Katrina. Ask a local about it they talk about it like it was yesterday.
The events of Christ, and the Acts and epistles were written down so they would not be forgotten.
The majority of the texts were completed by the second half of the 1st century (50 AD)
4 BC- John the Baptist was born along with Christ
30 AD Jesus Dies and is resurrected
46 AD Paul has his first missionary Journey
49 AD Council of Jerusalem takes place (as seen in acts)_
60 AD Paul arrested in Jerusalem (as seen in acts)_
67 AD Paul Dies
70 Jerusalem is sieged by Emperor Titus
2 Time line of the writings
Josephus Antiquities of the Jews were written 94 AD
Time Line of Scripture
James 49 AD
1&2 Thessalonians 50 AD
1 Corinthians 55 AD
Verified by an archeological discovery in Delphi Grease. IN 51-52 AD there is an inscription that was found that relates to Acts 18 and thus dates Paul’s missionary journey).
2 Corinthians and Galatians 46 AD
Matthew 57 AD
Luke 59 AD
Ephesians and Philippians 60 AD
Acts and 1 Peter 62 AD
1 Timothy 63 AD
2 Timothy and 2 Peter 64 AD
Hebrews 69 AD
Jude 75 AD
John 85 AD
1 & 2 John 89 AD
Revelation 96 AD
By the End of the 1st century all of the works had been completed.
So Who Wrote the Bible
for example, Who wrote Romans.
It would be acceptable to say both God And Paul
The New Testament was spoken out of the fullness of the writer. God worked through him, or Breathed the word in to his heart and out flowed the words of God through the pen
Not that it was like a dictation session
he used the author, and what he had seen, from their perspective, to place these events, or teachings, into writing for the ages.
I kind of think of it like David in Psalm 119:105
Psalm 119:105–112 ESV
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn an oath and confirmed it, to keep your righteous rules. I am severely afflicted; give me life, O Lord, according to your word! Accept my freewill offerings of praise, O Lord, and teach me your rules. I hold my life in my hand continually, but I do not forget your law. The wicked have laid a snare for me, but I do not stray from your precepts. Your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart. I incline my heart to perform your statutes forever, to the end.
Psa 119:105-112
The Words that we find in scripture are there for a reason.
Though not dictated cannot be taken loosly
They must be read through the context of what the author intended
Author context
Historical context
Not proof text
Essentially we believe that scripture is the product of the Holy Spirit
What we believe about Scripture is what we believe about is source, We believe it is inspired. We believe that it is God Breathed. Theonustos.
We don’t believe that scripture was simply just written by a man, but men who were carried by the holy spirit. Divinely inspired.
Outside The Text
How do you view scripture? Subjective or objective
Subjective = “inspired because it inspires me” resinates within the person
Objective= “All Scripture is God Breathed” It is inspiring because of where it comes from, NOT how it makes one feel.
Scripture subjects itself to History
Events are Historically Verifiable.
Four Men lift apart a roof off of the top of Peter’s house and drop him in to Jesus, the man walks out and is healed. It is historically verifiable to its time and to Today.
You can see pictures of Peter’s house, where this miracle happened.
This is a difference from he Quran, and unlike teachings of the buddha.
How did the books of the New Testament spread
There are “fathers of the Faith” out side of the apostles who greatly moved christianity. The next up.
35-101 AD Clement Of Rome
30-130 AD Papias
69-156 AD Poly Carp
100-165 AD Justin Maryter
130-202 AD Ireanus
328 AD Alexander of Alexandera
295-375 AD Athinius of Alexandrea
All the way up to the Council of Nicea 325 AD
We need to stop here to set the record straight about a few things...
The Council of Nicea was NOT where the Canonization of the bible happened
The Council took place to address the Arius controversy. A theological debate that became political. Lots of disputes (trinity)
Due to the controversy Constantine was getting aggravated of the squabbling among the church.
thus spurred theCouncil of Nicea
Athe the council Canonization of scripture was not really a topic on the agenda
They appointed standards and procedures, made it so bishops had to stay in one place.
the most difficult thing was the coArian controversy.
When they looking at scripture they could not agree on how to phrase some of these things around the trinity, Constantine suggested that they include a creed. (this is how contention intervened)
Out of that you get the Nicene Creed
Next, notice that I said that they used scripture
Well the Cannon had not happened yet? so how can that be?
Thats because 22-23 out of the 27 books of the New Testament have already been established and accepted as scripture. People just accepted them
By the second Century we have a collection of
The four gospels
Conical polian epistles
Criteria for Canonization
Critiria for CanonizationAposolicity: written by an apostle or associateOrthodoxy: Being inline with the extablished belifes of christianity, does it line oup ith what we already know to be true had are deemed inspiredCatholicity: unified acceptance among Christain churches
Aposolicity: written by an apostle or associate
Orthodoxy: Being inline with the established beliefs of christianity, does it line up ith what we already know to be true had are deemed inspired
Catholicity: unified acceptance among Christian churches
Athanius in 367 AD is the first one to name all of the gospels that make up the NT cannon in a festival letter of that year.
Ireanus also wrote about the Paulien epistles and gospels, and gave them examples of being scripture
Debated Txts
2 peter
2 John
3 John
Debated because they were typically smaller,
cited less
not spread across the same geographic areas.
Fales Works
Gospel of Thomas
3 Corinthians
the Revelation of Peter
They are not included mainly they are too new, not 1st century texts, but also authorship cannot be established. Or for some reason or another fail the criteria for canonization.
IT was not created by Constantine with the help of the nights templer in some smoke filled room. There was no vote upon what scripts to include or exclude.
Amount of manuscripts
Homers Illiad, the most prominent of secular ancitne litiitre, when considering valididty of the orignial. It passes the highest textual criticisum standars.
66260 manuscripts discovered between the OT and the NT
Has 1820
THE BIBLE HAS 66260 manuscripts discovered between the OT and the NT
Far surpassing any other historical work ever written. The amount of certainty we can have in whether or not we have an accurate de picture of what the authors were trying to say is ridiculous.
Divide that 66260 between two groups OT and NT
OT has 42000
NT has 18425
of which 5839 are in Greek
p52 is the oldest NT manuscript it dates back to 100-12 AD it is a part of . It was used to date the gospel of John.
Homers Illiad, the most prominent of secular ancitne litiitre, when considering valididty of the orignial. It passes the highest textual criticisum standars.
The OT has the Dead Sea Scrolls,
Has 1820
Interesting story on how they were discovered
But they contain the largest archeological discover of OT manuscripts ever found and date back to older than anything we have ever found
EVERY WORK that we have in the OT was found, with the exception of ESTHER.
The GREAT ISAIAH Scroll dates back to 200 BC and Is almost Identical to that of what you have in your bible.
What this does is disproves circulation theory. The texts change over time,. the the difference to day of a 1st edition to a 6th edition.
It shows they were used for much longer periods of time. Meaning they had to be more accurate. Something cannot just be wiped out by a new edition.
If you are asking if it contains grammatical differences, or spelling or copy errors then YES
Those “errors” do nothing to the CONTENT OF THE MESSAGE LET ME EXPAIN
we have 105% of scripture
We have the ability with all the different manuscripts to piece these together to create a complete picture of what we see as the bible today confidently.
Our bibles today kind of allow Us to be textual critics
99% of scripture text is sure. IT is at most 1% c rated texts. or unsure texts
Most of which can be boiled down to spelling or copy
like the name of a person
the plural of something
a cow vs a calf
1/5 of 1% is deemed meaningful or viable
(the woman at the well) it does not show up into manuscripts until about 7-800 AD) - some will argue that it should not be apart of scripture
The end of , It is longer.
However, with that said and if your world is shaken, don’t let it be.
Eiterway these changes don’t change anything to scripture. IF you believe it is scripture, it doesn’t change the message of Christ, If you don’t accept it, it doesn’t change much.
In the End What I am trying to Say is that despite these differences we should be 1000 times more skeptical of any other greco roman writting than any portion of scripture. And that includes works by Homer, or Plato.
How does This All Get us to the Bible that is sitting in your lap today
Example from Thompson Chain reference bible.
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