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Today we are going to begin a series of messages entitled The Blessed Life and for the next several weeks we are going to be talking about money, giving, generosity, & learning how to be a blessed people.
We will answer questions like…
What problem was God solving when He instituted (invented) giving?
Why do I worry so much when it comes to money?
Why do I work so hard and never seem to get ahead financially?
Why are some Christians doing so well financially but I’m struggling?
Are there real biblical principles that affect my finances, good or bad?
Why do I worry so much when it comes to money?
Why do I work so hard and never seem to get ahead financially?
Why are some Christians doing so well financially but I’m struggling?
Are there real biblical principles that affect my finances, good or bad?
So, this morning we are going to deal with the root cause of why people struggle with giving & being generous.
And guess what - it’s not a lack of money…b/c there are believers who have money who still don’t tithe & give consistently.
So, it’s not a money issue...It’s a heart issue.
It’s a heart issue.
The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart.
Iow’s, we treasure & value the wrong things.
So, as we look at this passage this morning, I want you to consider this statement — What we love determines how we live…and what we love determines how we give.
Your life reflects what you really love & it’s also true that what you love determines what you give.
So, if you have your bibles open to I want to share with you 3 truths from this passage.
19 “Don’t collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal.
Jesus is direct & to the point & He says we shouldn’t pursue earthly treasures over heavenly treasures.
Now Jesus isn’t saying that we shouldn’t save for the future…or that having things of value is wrong.
But He is condemning the attitude toward money & possessions that makes these things more important than eternal values.
He let’s us know that our most prized possessions shouldn’t be the things of this earth…and He let’s us know why.
He says they don’t last & they can be taken away.
Moth & rust can destroy them.
They are here today & gone tomorrow.
He also says that thieves can break in & steal…They aren’t capable of being protected.
NOTE: We need to be reminded that the stuff that we so often value & accumulate in this world is going to wear out & fade away.
In this life, earthly treasures can leave us & it’s certain that in death we will leave earthly treasures behind.
I’ve never seen a hearse pulling a U-haul behind it.
The things of this world are temporary.
Let me also say to any who value looks & appearance - Looks fade & these bodies wear out.
So, what does Jesus say to do?
In v. 20, He says lay up treasures in heaven.
He says to treasure the right things that last and can’t be taken from you.
NOTE: Earthly treasures aren’t secure but heavenly treasures are eternally secure.
and can’t be taken from you
avenly treasures are eternally secure.
When we love others & give to the poor & give to the work of God.
eternally secure.
When we pray & fast & witness…these are treasures that we are laying up in heaven.
These are things of real & lasting value…These are things that we will be rewarded for when we get to heaven.
NOTE: What you do for God & His kingdom has lasting value.
Where is your treasure located? Is it down here or up there? Is it located on the earth where it can be lost or is it safely secure in heaven?
located on the earth
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
where it can be lost
Jesus tells a story in that provides a helpful commentary on our text.
or is it safely secure in
16 Then He told them a parable: “A rich man’s land was very productive.
17 He thought to himself, ‘What should I do, since I don’t have anywhere to store my crops?
18 I will do this,’ he said. ‘I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones and store all my grain and my goods there.
19 Then I’ll say to myself, “You have many goods stored up for many years. Take it easy; eat, drink, and enjoy yourself.” ’
20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life is demanded of you. And the things you have prepared—whose will they be?’
21 “That’s how it is with the one who stores up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”
a story in
This story ties together vs. 19-20 to v. 21.
together verses 19
Store up treasure for yourself, here on earth, and you will not be rich toward God and heaven.
21 that provides a helpful
In fact, the condition of your heart and what you truly value will become clear for everyone to see.
20 to verse 21. Store up treasure for
commentary on our text.
will become clear for all to see. Why? Because “where your trea
Why? Because “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
yourself, here on earth, and you will not be rich toward God and
NOTE: God wants you to give & be generous b/c He wants your heart.
is, there your heart will be also.”
We know that everything belongs to God…but if you’re holding on to it & rather than giving it & trusting God to meet your needs…God doesn’t have all of you.
If you’re trusting more in your money than you are in the One who gave you the money you have…God doesn’t have your heart.
One of the basic and fundamental truths of the Christian faith is that our heart, who we really are on the inside, should belong to God.
He created us and in Christ He has redeemed us…and to love anyone or anything…or to treasure anyone or anything, more than Jesus is nothing less than spiritual adultery.
our heart, who we really are on the inside, should belong to God. He
created us and in Christ He has redeemed us, purchasing us with the
And to love anyone or anything, to treasure anyone or anything, more than Jesus is nothing less than spiritual adultery.
s blood of His Son. To love anyone or anything, to treasure
It’s idolatry of the heart.
(Illus. Rich Young Ruler)
anyone or anything, more than Jesus is nothing less that spiritual
16 Just then someone came up and asked Him, “Teacher, what good must I do to have eternal life?”
17 “Why do you ask Me about what is good?” He said to him. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
18 “Which ones?” he asked Him. Jesus answered: Do not murder; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not bear false witness;
19 honor your father and your mother; and love your neighbor as yourself.
20 “I have kept all these,” the young man told Him. “What do I still lack?”
21 “If you want to be perfect,” Jesus said to him, “go, sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.”
22 When the young man heard that command, he went away grieving, because he had many possessions.
Money & possessions had this young man’s heart.
Money & possessions had become his idol & god.
NOTE: Money isn’t evil…and there isn’t anything wrong with having money.
It’s when we fall in love with money that it becomes a problem.
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and by craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.
Loving money leads to trouble.
Those who love money are never satisfied with what they have…They always want a just a little more.
NOTE: There is more to life than money.
15 He then told them, “Watch out and be on guard against all greed because one’s life is not in the abundance of his possessions.”
Money is a necessity…It is needed to live in this world…but there is more to life than making money & spending money.
In our passage, Jesus is telling us that the eternal should be more important than the temporary.
He isn’t wanting us to exchange the eternal for the here & now.
Don Carson said it this way - “It is a poor bargain which exchanges the eternal for the temporal.” (The Sermon on the Mount, 77)
Carson is right, “It is a poor bargain which exchanges the eternal for
the temporal” (
The Sermon on the Mount
, 77)
I ask you this morning - Are you exchanging the eternal for the temporal?
And I also want to ask you - Is your heart in the right place?
24 “No one can be a slave of two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot be slaves of God and of money.
John Piper says, “There is something about God and money that makes them tend to mastery...Either you are mastered by money and therefore ignore God or make him a bellhop for your business, or you are mastered by God and make money a servant of the kingdom.
Piper well says, “There is something about God and
oney that makes
them tend to mastery. Either you are mastered by money and therefore
by money and therefore
ignore God or make him a bellhop for your business, or you are mastered by
God and make money a servant of the kingdom. But if either tries to master
you while you are mastered by the other you will hate and despise it. This is
why J
But if either tries to master you while you are mastered by the other you will hate and despise it. This is why Jesus said it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Much money makes a cruel master.”
Either you are mastered by money and therefore ignore God or make him a bellhop for your business, or you are mastered by God and make money a servant of the kingdom. But if either tries to master you while you are mastered by the other you will hate and despise it. This is why Jesus said it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Much money makes a cruel master.” (“Don’t Be Anxious, Lay Up Treasures in Heaven,” Part 1) (3-2-03)
esus said it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Much money makes a cruel master.” (“Don’t Be Anxious, Lay Up Treasures
in Heaven,” Part 1
(“Don’t Be Anxious, Lay Up Treasures in Heaven,” Part 1) (3-2-03)
In v. 24, Jesus clarifies for us the situation we all face and the decision we must all make.
, Jesus
clarifies for us the
situation we all face and the deci
We can only serve one master.
sion we must all make.
The very nature of a master/slave relationship implies that a slave can only have & serve just one master.
We can only serve one master
Jesus makes it clear that no one can equally serve two masters b/c he will hate one & love the other, or be devoted to one & despise the other.
To one master you will show love & devotion…To the other master you will demonstrate hate & spite.
NOTE: Divided allegiance and loyalty is not possible in the Kingdom of God, esp. when it comes to your master.
especially when it comes to your master. “Only one can
when it comes to your master. “Only one can
Only one can be your Lord!
come out on
“God and the world will never agree, and however much we may attempt it, we shall never be able to serve both. . . .You can live for this world, or you can live for the next; but to live equally for both is impossible.”
may attempt it, we shall never be able to serve both. . . .You can live
for this world, or you can live for the
top” (Carson, 81). Only one can be your Lord! Charles Spurgeon is
next; but to live equally for both
(C. H. Spurgeon, Commentary on Matthew, 64)
is impossible” (C. H. Spurgeon,
Commentary on Matthew
, 64)
NOTE: We cannot submit to two Kings...We cannot obey two Commanders-in-Chief...We cannot serve two masters...We cannot worship two Gods.
adultery. It is idolatry of the heart.
The simple fact is one will win and one will lose in terms of mastery over your life.
Divided loyalty is not an option...You cannot be devoted to two things, here God and money, at the same time.
mastery over your life. Divided loyalty is not an option. You cannot
Serving two masters is impossible.
be devoted to two things, here God and money, at the same time.
The issue that Jesus is dealing with is who or what controls you…Or who or what you live for.
Iow’s, if you live for God…you can’t live for money...If you live for money…you can’t live for God.
Chief. We cannot serve two masters. We cannot worship two Gods.
If you live for money…you can’t live for God.
you, who or what you
Jesus understood that we only have so much devotion, love, & service to give…therefore, you will make a choice as to who or what you serve.
So, the more we love money…the less we will love God.
As our obsession for money increases, our passion for God decreases.
Sell your soul to money & you will forfeit your soul to God.
The New American Commentary: Matthew 2. Paradigmatic Preaching: The Sermon on the Mount (5:1–7:29)
We try so hard to create heaven on earth and to throw in Christianity when convenient as another small addition to the so-called good life. Jesus proclaims that unless we are willing to serve him wholeheartedly in every area of life, but particularly with our material resources, we cannot claim to be serving him at all (cf. under 8:18–22)
Who or What are you serving? Who are What has become your master?
And let me say this - You don’t have to be rich for money to be your master.
The poor can be just as greedy as those who are wealthy.
If you have a problem with giving or being generous…it’s not a money problem - it’s a heart problem.
And today, God wants to change your heart.
He wants to change your desires & your affections.
He wants you to seek those things that are above rather than those things that are here below.
Let’s pray today that God would help us have a proper view of money & possessions.
Pray that greed & covetousness would be broken from our lives.
Pray for God to help us to be content.
Let’s pray that God would help us to focus more on the eternal than the temporary.
Let’s pray!!!