Beginning At the End: God's Rescue Mission
Jesus’ resurrection, exaltation and outpouring of the Holy Spirit is both the fulfillment of God’s plan and the beginning of his rescue mission.
Lavish Pouring
It’s only by imagining that world, a world where people were puzzling and praying over ancient texts to try to find urgently needed meanings in times of great stress and sorrow, that we can understand how Peter could even think of launching in to a great long quotation from the prophet Joel in order to explain the apparently confused babbling and shouting that was going on. If I was asked by a crowd to explain why my friends and I appeared to be behaving in a drunken fashion I don’t somehow think I would at once start quoting chunks of the Bible, even the New Testament. But Jerusalem was full of people who were eager for signs that maybe the people of Israel had at last arrived at their destination, even if it didn’t look like they thought it was going to do. Yes, says Peter. We’ve got to the point where all that the brochures said is starting to come true. These are indeed ‘the last days’.
It means ‘knowing God’s rescuing power, the power revealed in Jesus, which anticipates, in the present, God’s final great act of deliverance’.