Causes of Unforgiveness

Looking at the difficulty of forgiving and justice.
Amazingly, the Ten Boom’s little home became the hub of the underground network. From their secret hiding place, the fingers of the underground reached into the farthest corners of Holland. As those of the Ten Boom family lived their double lives, they shuffled the hunted Jews into their one-room hiding place for sometimes up to two weeks, while members of the underground sought to slip the stowaways out of the country to safety.
Meanwhile, Corrie lived with the constant fear that they could be caught … and with reason. The family was betrayed by a fellow watchmaker whom Corrie’s father had trained a few years earlier. As a result of this treachery, Corrie never embraced her father again nor delighted in the presence of her beloved sister Betsie. How could Corrie not be consumed with bitterness toward this “friend” who betrayed them? She suffered the severity of these words …
“Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.”
(Psalm 41:9)