A Place Called Hell
A Place Called Hell – Luke 16:19-31
EBC 7/10/05
The passage this morning describes a place called Hell. The very idea of hell is mocked and ridiculed by many. However, I still believe the Bible and the Bible talks about a place called Hell.
Much of what we know about hell we find out from our Lord Jesus. There are 162 references to Hell and eternal judgment in the Bible, 70 of these were spoken by Jesus himself.
Why did Jesus speak so much about Hell? 1- He believed in Hell’s reality 2- He didn’t want us to go there.
Notice Some Things about Hell
I. It is a Place of Sensation (16:23-25)
A. Notice is Hell the man can think, see, hear, speak, feel and has the ability to express himself.
B. Even though his body was buries he has some type of body that allows him to live
1. Never believe for one second that death is the end. Man was given and immoral soul that will live on somewhere for an eternity.
2. Your soul will not spend one second in the grave. If you’re saved you will go to the presence of the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8), if you’re lost you will go to Hell.
II. It is a Place of Separation (16:26)
A. Notice the man found himself separated from Lazarus and Abraham. The Bible describes it as a great gulf.
B. The Bible further describes this great gulf as being “fixed”. That is it will never be taken away.
C. What things will we be separated from?
1. No sunrise or sunset
2. No one to tell you they love you
3. No laughter of a child
4. No family, no friends, no fellowship, nothing but endless isolation
5. Worst of all is they will be banned from the presence of God
III. A Place of Suffering (16:24-25)
A. Torment – the rich man is in a place of extreme torture. Tormented – present tense. This tells us the torments do not end. They are eternal.
1. Mark 9:43 – unquenchable fire
2. Rev. 14:10-11, Isa. 66:24 – misery and pain
B. I think one of the worst realities is found is V.25. The word “remember”.
1. Those in Hell have the capacity to remember the events of life.
a. They’ll remember every sermon and the fact they rejected it
b. They’ll remember every time they were given a tract
c. They’ll remember every time the Lord convicted them of their need to Him
d. They’ll have no one to blame but themselves.
IV. A Place of Stubbornness (16:24-31
A. V.24 – Selfish and self-centered – wants Lazarus with Him
B. V. 28 – concerned only about his family
Point is even in Hell he is unchanged, he is still wrenched lost and have no room for God.
The good news this morning is that no one in this room has to go to Hell. Jesus died no the cross for you and shed His blood and arose from the dead all so you can be saved and go to Heaven and Not Hell (Matt. 25:41). Come to Jesus.