The New Family
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Last week we observed Jesus dealing with people on the sabbath. If you missed the last two sermons dealing with the sabbath please go back and have a listen. The religious leaders, namely the Pharisees and scribes have held a counsel with the Herodians to figure out a way to kill, or destroy Jesus. The Pharisees were a group of men who held to the 613 levitical laws in the strictest sense. They also added to the word of God and made for themseveles oral traditions. They treated these traditions as if they were the word of God. They conspired with the Herodians to destroy Jesus as it says in vs 6. Ordinarily the pharisees would have had nothing to do with the herodians, because these we a group that supported Herod Antipas the tetrach of Galilee. They also wanted Herodian rule of Judea. It seems the Pharisees and the herodians now have a common enemy. So very early on Jesus is hated and people are trying to have him killed. For what, go back through the first two chapters. Why would anyone want to kill him. It shows the evilness of man’s heart.
Today we will continue on with chapter 3 starting in verse 7 read with me.
Great crowds follow Jesus
Great crowds follow Jesus
Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea. Jesus had growing hostility towards him and popularity as well. The word translated “withdrew can mean flee from danger. I think Jesus knew what was taking place and he also wanted to extend his ministry beyond the towns and their synagogues. The lake is Galilee also known as the sea of Galilee
People were attracted to Jesus and came to Jesus all around both near and far “the regions across the Jordan” This area was largely Gentile and symbolized the land beyond the Jews. Mark points this out because seems to suggest all people not just the jews were seeking Jesus.
All of these people some demon possessed, inflicted with illness and disabilities. This would have been a seen of great commotion. Pushing shoving trying to get to Jesus, trying to touch him.
Jesus tells his disciples to have a small boat ready for him, so he could avoid being crushed by the crowd.
Jesus knew most of these people were coming to him not for submission to God and with sincere hearts. Most were coming only because they wanted to be healed or they were curious of this Rabbi who seemed to have authority and power. The disciples most likely didn’t realize this and were prob getting caught up in all the fame. We remember what happened when the people started bring their children to be touched by Jesus the Disciples were hendering those kids and Jesus because angry, saying let the children come to me.
Verese 10 says he had healed many they had pressed around him to touch him. The unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, “you are the son of God”
The demonic world had no question of who he was. They were greatly threatend by His presence. Calling out and confessing Jesus was the son of God was the ultimate Christological title. This was a confession of fear. Jesus was later after the crucifixion a human roman soldier called Jesus the Son of God. The demons were declaring as fact, the true identity of Jesus and the religous leaders the pharisees wouldn’t even consider this a possibility.
Jesus strictly orders them to be quite and not to make him known. Jesus does this because his identity needed to be revealed in God’s timing. Everything had to take place exactly as God planned and not one milli sec sooner or later. God is in control of everything including timing of all things.
Jesus chooses His apostles
Jesus chooses His apostles
Verse 13 says he went up on the mountain- I think Mark’s intent with including this was to symbolize Jesus going up and drawing near to God. Moses would always go up the mountain when drawing near and communicating with God. In Luke’s account it says Jesus prayed all night long.
Jesus went up on a mountain and prayed all night long. He then called to him those whom he desired. He then appointed twelve and called them apostles. “apostolos” The word apostles means a delegate a messenger
Verse 14 so that thy might be with him and he might send them out to preach and have authority to cast out demons, He appointed twelve.
When he selected them he had three purposes in mind
training them by personal example and teaching
Send them out to preach the gospel
Gave them authority to heal and cast out demons
They would continue this work as an example for us, Paul in gives us a theme for discipleship.
The number of the Apostles is significant because there were twelve tribes in the nation of Israel. Through Abraham, Issac and then Jacob were the promises and the covenant of God. Jacob had twelve son who became the tribes of Israel. Israel was chosen to bring the messiah into the world so that through him all the nations could be blessed. At this time the Nation of Israel was spiritually dead and we already begining to reject their Messiah.
God was establishing a new covenant, He needed to establish a new foundation to build upon. He had not forgotten his promises to Abraham, He is just fulfilling them.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
The 12 Apostles were the Nucleus of this new Spiritual nation. Jesus changed the names of the people. He makes them new. There is hope for us, we are saved out of darkness and into light to become new creations. The number twelve therefore symbolizes the new or restored people of God, which would be known as the Church. The “Ekklesia” Called out ones of God.
After this he went home and the crowd gathered again. They couldnt even eat
His family heard of it and they went to seize him for they were saying “ he is out of his mind’
Jesus is establishing a people. His own family think he’s crazy
When you are ministering you must follow the example of Jesus and withdraw to the sea. You must withdraw from the hustle and bustle and get rest for your souls.
Like Jesus you may be met with hostility and with acceptance, Jesus said the world hated him and when you follow him they will hate you too. Don’t think its strange
Crowds and masses of People mean nothing- Many teachers today have a great following leading many people to damnation. Many people still today are just part of a crowd, a cultural crowd, a healing crowd, a curious crowd of what this Jesus can do for them.
The spiritual world submits to the authority of Jesus. We do not need to fear the unseen. God never commands us to be afraid. There are demons and unclean spirits, know this Jesus has authority over them and they are terrified of Him
We must follow the example of Jesus and Pray before any decision. he prayed on that mountain before God, then and only then He chose the 12. When was the last time you prayed all night long. Spent more than 30 min straight in prayer about a decision?
The disciples were commissioned to preach the gospel, that means to go out and tell people the Good news regarding Jesus. They weren’t told now that you are christians go to church every Sunday and listen to a 25 min sermon and thats it. Do you preach and teach others about Jesus? Not just inviting people to Church, but telling people about the truth of Jesus? We have been called into a new family a royle priest hood. Ambassadors of Jesus to a dying world.
lets pray