The Joy of Treasure
The Joy of Treasure
When we look at the cross and the punishment that christ bore it is easy to look around us and see a world full of evil in need of a savoir. We can look at maybe a murder, a thief, Someone who sleeps on the streets, or even someone who just seems angry all the time and think “ wow these people really need jesus.” But it's a little trickier when we start thinking of people who seem like they are doing great in life. Maybe they are wealthy, famous, have a lot of power, or even seem to be morally upright. Or even often times when we look at ourselves we think “come on i'm not a bad person, do i really need christ, i've never hurt anyone.”
What are some ways we would measure someone's success or being right before God today? Would we imagine a homeless man more successful than a rich man? Often times we would judge someone's success by their wealth, fame, or even how they act in public. Right? Who are the people we seem to idolize the most? Some of them may be who we see on TV, in movies, or in music. When people see them they act crazy and out of hand running up to them and screaming. So we often think they are amazing and perfect because of their status. So While we may look at these signs of success as a stepping stone to being right before God the scripture we are going to look at today actually says its a stumbling block.
The young man's quest
Point out a question or a problem from the text - what is this guy really after? Show in the text - eternal life So right away what can we tell about this guy. The author of this book says that he had great possessions, and if we look at Matthew and Luke we will see that he was also young and a ruler. Notice this man tries his best to cling closely to the Ten Commandments. So he is young, rich, powerful, and morally upright. In that time the jews thought that if you had all these things then you were blessed by God. They also thought that eternal life was a reward for our own righteousness. This man runs up to jesus and he kneels before him. People in israel would typically not run because of the heat and they did not have air conditioning like we do. This says alot about his earnestness to speak with jesus and his hopes to become a disciple. So he comes to jesus and he asks him what he can do to inherit eternal life. Now this eternal life isn't living forever here on earth. This type of eternal life is spending forever in the presence of God. Many people even christians think of heaven as this paradice where you will just be really happy for ever. But the eternal life the bible talks about is spent with God. As we all know who you are with is more important than what you are doing. He asks this also because he doesn't take it for granted and feels that there is a chance he might not make it. Many of us do the opposite we believe in heaven and we take it for granted that we are going there.
How does jesus answer this guys questions? He answers him with another question, what is good but God alone. Why do you think he does this? This means there is something wrong with his question when he asked it. Jesus is trying to get the man to think about the word good and how he is using it. The pharisees and religious leaders would almost never let anyone call them good because they didn't want to be a blasphemer. Good was typically a name only given to God. The man thought jesus was good. Jesus says you haven't thought it through what that word means, or how good God is or high is standard is. Then he goes to show him God's high standard. He asks him about the ten commandments. The ten commandments were a summary for God's will for his people. Jesus quotes from them because he basically says im not gonna give you a different answer than what's already written. This guy feels like he has kept them all but he still sinses that he doesn't measure up. So he says i have done all those things but i feel its not enough. He uses these commandments because he knows of a deeper problem with this mans heart and that is that he is lacking something in his relationship with God.
What's interesting is that Jesus doesn't quote all the ten commandments he quotes from the second half the parts that have to do with other people. He does not mention the first commandments that have to do with our relationship with God. this implies that this is where the problem is. Tho he looks like a good person to other people there is a problem with his relationship to God. this view of God is very common this is the view that says God will save the good people. There are good people and bad people in the world and that God is going to save and take care of the good people. That's clearly what this young guy thought and it is what most people in the world think today. But jesus will show us that's wrong and if you hold on to that idea you will become like this young man. Never sure you are good enough for God no matter how much you do.
what's interesting about this man's original question is that he doesn't ask what can be done or what Christ can do for his eternal life, he asks what can I do. He is probably thinking that he will be a great asset to Christs work. He thinks he can provide all the money and power they need and with his zeal for morality it will help him to have eternal life. See jesus never says that he is a lier or that he didn't keep those commandments he told him with love that he still lacks one thing.
So what we see first of all is what this young man's quest is, he wants to be good enough for God. and notice he feels confident that whatever it is, he can do it. His attitude is that he just needs jesus to tell him what it is and he can go do it.
Christs invitation- His invitation was to choose him over everything else and to follow him
What is jesus getting at here by saying that he lacks one thing? What could this man possibly lack? He seems to have everything: Money, power, and his morality. But jesus tells him that he is still lacking one thing. Finally the guy gets to hear what he came for. How exciting it would have been to hear that. Only one thing. He probably thought how hard can one thing be. I have everything I need, there is nothing I won't be able to accomplish. But he didn't expect what Jesus tells him. That that one thing is to sell everything and follow him.
Sounds like two things. But it is actually one. This thing that he lacks has two parts the first one is the obstacle to the second part. The main thing is that jesus is saying follow me, but what is the main reason this guy can't follow jesus? Hes tied to his money. Probably to his entire life as a rich person. He would have been familiar with jesus and his disciples and their lifestyle and he knew he didn't want that. He didn't want to live day by day trusting in jesus. He liked the comfort of all he had. Jesus invitation to this guy is risky, get rid of all of your stuff and follow me. Basically get rid of all of your safety and trust in me. His invitation reveals this mans attachment to money. it shows that his heart is actually divided. Something he wants besides God. he doesn't want God supremely he wants God and his money. What this man doesn't realize is that he has not surrendered his heart fully to God. His devotion is split between God and his possessions.When he is forced into this decision we see where his heart truly is. He can do alot of stuff but walk away from his money. We all have a master we can't say no too. Whether its sex, money, what people think of us, so on. And if God were to let this guy have eternal life in the way that he was right now it would not be good for him. He would actually be the eternal slave of his money. He would never learn to fully lean on Christ and trust in him.
A Lot of people think the main teaching of jesus is to do good. Most people think jesus wouldn't have cared if people would follow him. All he wants is for everyone to love each other. But this blows that away. Jesus says the way to have eternal life is to follow me. Follow me and i'll take care of the eternal life problem. Is jesus after good works? This guy already told jesus all his good works and he told him all i want is for you to want me. I want a relationship with you. And we know jesus isn't trying to be unreasonable or hard on this guy because it says here that he loves him. If someone said they were willing to be your friend but they told you, you have to get rid of everything first. You would think that that person is arrogant and unreasonable. And you would say away with that friend. But jesus says it out of love. Showing that it is in the guys best interest. He has a problem with his ties with money and jesus wants to set him free of that. See jesus knows that in the long run his trust in his own devices will lead him into an eternity under God's wrath. But because Jesus loves him he is giving this man an opportunity to realize that and drop it all to follow him. To put his trust fully in God. We should pray and ask the spirit to reveal to us the one thing that we lack. To show us the master that will keep us from God.
The disciples’ shock- They were shocked to hear how difficult it is to enter the kingdom. They were shocked to discover that material advantages do not translate into heavenly advantages.
As this man walks away in sorrow you can imagine what the disciples faces must have looked like. The text here shows they were pretty shocked. They were probably thinking something along the lines of, “ Jesus! Why did you let him go? He could have done amazing things for us. He could have given us all the money and resources we need to continue this journey.” Not only did they probably think he would have been a great tool for Jesus’ ministry they also thought that because of his possessions he was blessed by God and with his great morality surely he would make it into the kingdom of God. Because this man's problem wasn't so obvious. They didn't yet understand the big issue here. Jesus tells them how hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God. As we previously saw this man's problem wasn't money at all, the problem was his trust and love for it. More clearly his lack of trust and love for God. This is something that the disciples wouldn't have thought of right a way. Jesus goes on in verse 25 to compare a wealthy person's efforts of inheriting eternal life as hard as trying to push a camel through the eye of a needle. Right a way they realize that this would be impossible for anyone to achieve. Pushing one of the biggest things they had through one of the smallest things. This great contrast left them feeling helpless themselves. So they question back with heist. Well who then can be saved? They are thinking if this guy couldn't make it there is no way I could ever do it.
Then jesus gives them probably one of the most eye opening answers to their question. Notice jesus does not say oh don't worry guys it's impossible for rich people to be saved but not poor people. Poor people are the good guys and reich people are the bad guys. Don't be so prejudice against poor people! That's not what he says at all. Instead he tells them now you understand. He tells them that with man it is impossible for any person to be saved, but all things are possible with God. One of the big themes throughout the bible is that God can do what is impossible for man. This must have been such an liberating answer for the disciples to here as they sit in their hopelessness. Finally realizing that they can fully trust in God to bring them the salvation they have been longing for.
If we are to look at our own salvation like pushing a camel through the eye of a needle we are quickly humbled by our hopelessness. When were talking about salvation were talking about something humanly speaking an impossible thing. It's as impossible as a broke person trying to pay off their debt. The debt grows faster than their payments. Or even as impossible as a dead person raising himself from the dead. Because of our sin it is impossible for us to be in God's presence through our own strength. We are in desperate need of God to do the impossible to bring us into his kingdom. What I mean by this is spending an eternity in the midst of his glory. The work of christ was something we could never do. We needed christ's perfect sacrifice on the cross. Something only God himself could achieve for us. Unlike the guy in the story we don't go to Jesus asking what can i do for you. We came and say I see that i need you to do something for me.
Christ’s promise- No sacrifice is to great to make for the kingdom
As they are realizing that the issue here wasn't a lack of what this man has done and that it was a heart issue. The disciples start to feel a little prideful or looking for confirmation. So Peter jumps up and says,” well jesus as you can see we have left everything to follow you.”Jesus already assumes a lot of people will have to make some serious sacrifices to follow him. We all may have sacrifices we have had to give up for christ. Jesus sees this coming and he says you very well may take a price to follow him. Jesus assures them that what they have sacrificed and what they may sacrifice in the future is not for nothing.
In Other Words there's actually two treasures in this passage. There's a treasure that the disciples choose and there is a treasure that the young ruler chooses. The disciples left their treasure to follow jesus and the young rich ruler left jesus to follow his treasure. What jesus assures them is that they have made the right choice.
What we gain in jesus overpowers any joy we would have without him. There is a joy we have now and there is a joy we will have after death. There are some christians that only look at the joys that following christ brings now. They may say something like he promises us wealth, health, or success. This idea is not entirely false but not only that, it leaves you in a place where you don't have anything to look forward to after death. Then there are other christians who say well all the blessings we will receive from christ will come after this life.l. This is great for giving us something to look forward to in the next life but leaves us feeling hopeless and defeated in this life. Most of the time people who believe this idea will say something along the lines of,” well were just here to suffer and life is meant to be a struggle. Well I think the text shows us the mindset we need to have is in the middle of these two ideas. Through christ we are blessed and victorious here on earth but also in the life to come that all we have to enjoy here is only a small portion of what we will have in heaven. But this doesn't promis money, power or health, what this promises is something better than that. Something eternal, something that lasts. It is talking about the overwhelming joy we will have in knowing God personally and intimately.
If we give our trust into these worldly desires we will find it will leave us feeling more empty than before. You can even ask people who have won the lottery. The moment they first got the money i bet they were pretty happy. But as time goes on they start to feel empty again. And they will tell you that winning the lottery was actually the worst thing that had ever happened to them. Or how many famous people can you think of that wish they could go back to a life of not being famous. Some have even faked their own deaths to escape the spotlight. But Having christ is a joy that will never leave. It is a joy that will satisfy your desires fully.
The Joy of Treasure, The Joy of Christ - Mark 10:17-31
Christianity talks of forgiveness; we think bad people need, not me
wealthy, famous, powerful - but even seem to be morally upright
more basic question - what makes someone good in our eyes?
we idolize stars - think they’re perfect, surprised when they fall
so is our ‘success’ stepping stone or stumbling block to know God
story from Mark that helps us see the truth about our ‘advantages’
The young man’s quest
v.22 ‘great possessions’, Matt. Luke - young, ruler, morally upright
Jews thought if you have these, you are blessed, get eternal life
runs to Jesus - little unusual - shows his earnestness to hear Jesus
want eternal life - not just never dying, but living with God forever
heaven not just a paradise - what’s important is who you’re with
he doesn’t take for granted - unlike modern people ‘we’re all going’
answer: why good? why answer like this? question has a problem
problem with ‘good’- most religious people used good for God alone
Jesus: ‘I’m good? haven’t thought that thru - what is God’s standard?’
10 comm. = God’s standard (Jesus agrees) - guy has kept, still unsure
what’s Jesus showing him? notice: only uses 2nd half - about people
his prob. is with God - looks like good person, but relation wrong
common view: God saves good - what this guy thought, too
if you think like this, you’ll be like him - never sure you’re good enuf
his attitude: I’m sure I can do it, just tell me what I need to do
‘what can I do?’ thinks he’s an asset for Jesus, ignores what he can do
Christ’s invitation
• Jesus getting at? What could this man possibly lack.
• He seams to have everything: Jesus tells him he lacks one thing
• Finally he gets to hear what he lacks. hard can be. Has evry
• Didn’t expect Jesus answer. Sell everything
• Sounds like 2 things but one. 2 parts first obstacle to second
• Familiar with ministry lifestyle.
• Jesus invitation risky. Reveals attachment to money.heart divided
• Forced into decision. We all have a master. Eternal slave of money
• Never learn to trust in christ fully
• People think Jesus teaching do good
• Is Jesus after good works? No.
• Jesus inst being unreasonable. Friend away. Jesus love. Best interest
• Because Jesus loves him he is giving opportunity. We should pray our one thing
The disciple’s shock
• Man walks away sad. Disciples shocked. He could have done amazing
• Issue is not money but his heart, love for money, trust love for God
• Didn’t understand big issue, how hard to enter kingdom bc wealth
• Understands this would be impossible. Left them feeling helpless.who?
• Eye opening answer. Doesn’t say poor not rich poor good rich bad
• With man impossible but God possible. He can push a camel
• Look at own salvation this way. Helpless. Hopeless,
• Impossible with people not with God. Like broke to pay debt
• Desperate need. Kingdom. Means eternity in gods glory
• Jesus is the imposible
1. Christ’s promise
• Realize issue. Not lack of what has done. Heat issue
• They feel prideful. Peter see we have left everything
• Jesus already knows people will have to sacrifice
• Jesus assures them what they sacrifice isn’t for nothing
• Two treasures. Decibels chose. Ruler chose.
• Disciples left treasure for christ. Ruler left christ for treasure
• What gain w/ Jesus > joy w/o Jesus. Joy now joy after death
• Trust world desires more empty. Lottery. Famous don’t want fame.
• Having christ is a joy that will never leave. Satisfy desires fully
When we look at the cross and the punishment that christ bore it is easy to look around us and see a world full of evil in need of a savoir. We can look at maybe a murder, a thief, Someone who sleeps on the streets, or even someone who just seems angry all the time and think “ wow these people really need jesus.” But it's a little trickier when we start thinking of people who seem like they are doing great in life. Maybe they are wealthy, famous, have a lot of power, or even seem to be morally upright. Or even often times when we look at ourselves we think “come on i'm not a bad person, do i really need christ, i've never hurt anyone.”
What are some ways we would measure someone's success or being right before God today? Would we imagine a homeless man more successful than a rich man? Often times we would judge someone's success by their wealth, fame, or even how they act in public. Right? Who are the people we seem to idolize the most? Some of them may be who we see on TV, in movies, or in music. When people see them they act crazy and out of hand running up to them and screaming. So we often think they are amazing and perfect because of their status. So While we may look at these signs of success as a stepping stone to being right before God the scripture we are going to look at today actually says its a stumbling block.
The young man's quest
Point out a question or a problem from the text - what is this guy really after? Show in the text - eternal life So right away what can we tell about this guy. The author of this book says that he had great possessions, and if we look at Matthew and Luke we will see that he was also young and a ruler. Notice this man tries his best to cling closely to the Ten Commandments. So he is young, rich, powerful, and morally upright. In that time the jews thought that if you had all these things then you were blessed by God. They also thought that eternal life was a reward for our own righteousness. This man runs up to jesus and he kneels before him. People in israel would typically not run because of the heat and they did not have air conditioning like we do. This says alot about his earnestness to speak with jesus and his hopes to become a disciple. So he comes to jesus and he asks him what he can do to inherit eternal life. Now this eternal life isn't living forever here on earth. This type of eternal life is spending forever in the presence of God. Many people even christians think of heaven as this paradice where you will just be really happy for ever. But the eternal life the bible talks about is spent with God. As we all know who you are with is more important than what you are doing. He asks this also because he doesn't take it for granted and feels that there is a chance he might not make it. Many of us do the opposite we believe in heaven and we take it for granted that we are going there.
How does jesus answer this guys questions? He answers him with another question, what is good but God alone. Why do you think he does this? This means there is something wrong with his question when he asked it. Jesus is trying to get the man to think about the word good and how he is using it. The pharisees and religious leaders would almost never let anyone call them good because they didn't want to be a blasphemer. Good was typically a name only given to God. The man thought jesus was good. Jesus says you haven't thought it through what that word means, or how good God is or high is standard is. Then he goes to show him God's high standard. He asks him about the ten commandments. The ten commandments were a summary for God's will for his people. Jesus quotes from them because he basically says im not gonna give you a different answer than what's already written. This guy feels like he has kept them all but he still sinses that he doesn't measure up. So he says i have done all those things but i feel its not enough. He uses these commandments because he knows of a deeper problem with this mans heart and that is that he is lacking something in his relationship with God.
What's interesting is that Jesus doesn't quote all the ten commandments he quotes from the second half the parts that have to do with other people. He does not mention the first commandments that have to do with our relationship with God. this implies that this is where the problem is. Tho he looks like a good person to other people there is a problem with his relationship to God. this view of God is very common this is the view that says God will save the good people. There are good people and bad people in the world and that God is going to save and take care of the good people. That's clearly what this young guy thought and it is what most people in the world think today. But jesus will show us that's wrong and if you hold on to that idea you will become like this young man. Never sure you are good enough for God no matter how much you do.
what's interesting about this man's original question is that he doesn't ask what can be done or what Christ can do for his eternal life, he asks what can I do. He is probably thinking that he will be a great asset to Christs work. He thinks he can provide all the money and power they need and with his zeal for morality it will help him to have eternal life. See jesus never says that he is a lier or that he didn't keep those commandments he told him with love that he still lacks one thing.
So what we see first of all is what this young man's quest is, he wants to be good enough for God. and notice he feels confident that whatever it is, he can do it. His attitude is that he just needs jesus to tell him what it is and he can go do it.
Christs invitation- His invitation was to choose him over everything else and to follow him
What is jesus getting at here by saying that he lacks one thing? What could this man possibly lack? He seems to have everything: Money, power, and his morality. But jesus tells him that he is still lacking one thing. Finally the guy gets to hear what he came for. How exciting it would have been to hear that. Only one thing. He probably thought how hard can one thing be. I have everything I need, there is nothing I won't be able to accomplish. But he didn't expect what Jesus tells him. That that one thing is to sell everything and follow him.
Sounds like two things. But it is actually one. This thing that he lacks has two parts the first one is the obstacle to the second part. The main thing is that jesus is saying follow me, but what is the main reason this guy can't follow jesus? Hes tied to his money. Probably to his entire life as a rich person. He would have been familiar with jesus and his disciples and their lifestyle and he knew he didn't want that. He didn't want to live day by day trusting in jesus. He liked the comfort of all he had. Jesus invitation to this guy is risky, get rid of all of your stuff and follow me. Basically get rid of all of your safety and trust in me. His invitation reveals this mans attachment to money. it shows that his heart is actually divided. Something he wants besides God. he doesn't want God supremely he wants God and his money. What this man doesn't realize is that he has not surrendered his heart fully to God. His devotion is split between God and his possessions.When he is forced into this decision we see where his heart truly is. He can do alot of stuff but walk away from his money. We all have a master we can't say no too. Whether its sex, money, what people think of us, so on. And if God were to let this guy have eternal life in the way that he was right now it would not be good for him. He would actually be the eternal slave of his money. He would never learn to fully lean on Christ and trust in him.
A Lot of people think the main teaching of jesus is to do good. Most people think jesus wouldn't have cared if people would follow him. All he wants is for everyone to love each other. But this blows that away. Jesus says the way to have eternal life is to follow me. Follow me and i'll take care of the eternal life problem. Is jesus after good works? This guy already told jesus all his good works and he told him all i want is for you to want me. I want a relationship with you. And we know jesus isn't trying to be unreasonable or hard on this guy because it says here that he loves him. If someone said they were willing to be your friend but they told you, you have to get rid of everything first. You would think that that person is arrogant and unreasonable. And you would say away with that friend. But jesus says it out of love. Showing that it is in the guys best interest. He has a problem with his ties with money and jesus wants to set him free of that. See jesus knows that in the long run his trust in his own devices will lead him into an eternity under God's wrath. But because Jesus loves him he is giving this man an opportunity to realize that and drop it all to follow him. To put his trust fully in God. We should pray and ask the spirit to reveal to us the one thing that we lack. To show us the master that will keep us from God.
The disciples’ shock- They were shocked to hear how difficult it is to enter the kingdom. They were shocked to discover that material advantages do not translate into heavenly advantages.
As this man walks away in sorrow you can imagine what the disciples faces must have looked like. The text here shows they were pretty shocked. They were probably thinking something along the lines of, “ Jesus! Why did you let him go? He could have done amazing things for us. He could have given us all the money and resources we need to continue this journey.” Not only did they probably think he would have been a great tool for Jesus’ ministry they also thought that because of his possessions he was blessed by God and with his great morality surely he would make it into the kingdom of God. Because this man's problem wasn't so obvious. They didn't yet understand the big issue here. Jesus tells them how hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God. As we previously saw this man's problem wasn't money at all, the problem was his trust and love for it. More clearly his lack of trust and love for God. This is something that the disciples wouldn't have thought of right a way. Jesus goes on in verse 25 to compare a wealthy person's efforts of inheriting eternal life as hard as trying to push a camel through the eye of a needle. Right a way they realize that this would be impossible for anyone to achieve. Pushing one of the biggest things they had through one of the smallest things. This great contrast left them feeling helpless themselves. So they question back with heist. Well who then can be saved? They are thinking if this guy couldn't make it there is no way I could ever do it.
Then jesus gives them probably one of the most eye opening answers to their question. Notice jesus does not say oh don't worry guys it's impossible for rich people to be saved but not poor people. Poor people are the good guys and reich people are the bad guys. Don't be so prejudice against poor people! That's not what he says at all. Instead he tells them now you understand. He tells them that with man it is impossible for any person to be saved, but all things are possible with God. One of the big themes throughout the bible is that God can do what is impossible for man. This must have been such an liberating answer for the disciples to here as they sit in their hopelessness. Finally realizing that they can fully trust in God to bring them the salvation they have been longing for.
If we are to look at our own salvation like pushing a camel through the eye of a needle we are quickly humbled by our hopelessness. When were talking about salvation were talking about something humanly speaking an impossible thing. It's as impossible as a broke person trying to pay off their debt. The debt grows faster than their payments. Or even as impossible as a dead person raising himself from the dead. Because of our sin it is impossible for us to be in God's presence through our own strength. We are in desperate need of God to do the impossible to bring us into his kingdom. What I mean by this is spending an eternity in the midst of his glory. The work of christ was something we could never do. We needed christ's perfect sacrifice on the cross. Something only God himself could achieve for us. Unlike the guy in the story we don't go to Jesus asking what can i do for you. We came and say I see that i need you to do something for me.
Christ’s promise- No sacrifice is to great to make for the kingdom
As they are realizing that the issue here wasn't a lack of what this man has done and that it was a heart issue. The disciples start to feel a little prideful or looking for confirmation. So Peter jumps up and says,” well jesus as you can see we have left everything to follow you.”Jesus already assumes a lot of people will have to make some serious sacrifices to follow him. We all may have sacrifices we have had to give up for christ. Jesus sees this coming and he says you very well may take a price to follow him. Jesus assures them that what they have sacrificed and what they may sacrifice in the future is not for nothing.
In Other Words there's actually two treasures in this passage. There's a treasure that the disciples choose and there is a treasure that the young ruler chooses. The disciples left their treasure to follow jesus and the young rich ruler left jesus to follow his treasure. What jesus assures them is that they have made the right choice.
What we gain in jesus overpowers any joy we would have without him. There is a joy we have now and there is a joy we will have after death. There are some christians that only look at the joys that following christ brings now. They may say something like he promises us wealth, health, or success. This idea is not entirely false but not only that, it leaves you in a place where you don't have anything to look forward to after death. Then there are other christians who say well all the blessings we will receive from christ will come after this life.l. This is great for giving us something to look forward to in the next life but leaves us feeling hopeless and defeated in this life. Most of the time people who believe this idea will say something along the lines of,” well were just here to suffer and life is meant to be a struggle. Well I think the text shows us the mindset we need to have is in the middle of these two ideas. Through christ we are blessed and victorious here on earth but also in the life to come that all we have to enjoy here is only a small portion of what we will have in heaven. But this doesn't promis money, power or health, what this promises is something better than that. Something eternal, something that lasts. It is talking about the overwhelming joy we will have in knowing God personally and intimately.
If we give our trust into these worldly desires we will find it will leave us feeling more empty than before. You can even ask people who have won the lottery. The moment they first got the money i bet they were pretty happy. But as time goes on they start to feel empty again. And they will tell you that winning the lottery was actually the worst thing that had ever happened to them. Or how many famous people can you think of that wish they could go back to a life of not being famous. Some have even faked their own deaths to escape the spotlight. But Having christ is a joy that will never leave. It is a joy that will satisfy your desires fully.
The Joy of Treasure, The Joy of Christ - Mark 10:17-31
Christianity talks of forgiveness; we think bad people need, not me
wealthy, famous, powerful - but even seem to be morally upright
more basic question - what makes someone good in our eyes?
we idolize stars - think they’re perfect, surprised when they fall
so is our ‘success’ stepping stone or stumbling block to know God
story from Mark that helps us see the truth about our ‘advantages’
The young man’s quest
v.22 ‘great possessions’, Matt. Luke - young, ruler, morally upright
Jews thought if you have these, you are blessed, get eternal life
runs to Jesus - little unusual - shows his earnestness to hear Jesus
want eternal life - not just never dying, but living with God forever
heaven not just a paradise - what’s important is who you’re with
he doesn’t take for granted - unlike modern people ‘we’re all going’
answer: why good? why answer like this? question has a problem
problem with ‘good’- most religious people used good for God alone
Jesus: ‘I’m good? haven’t thought that thru - what is God’s standard?’
10 comm. = God’s standard (Jesus agrees) - guy has kept, still unsure
what’s Jesus showing him? notice: only uses 2nd half - about people
his prob. is with God - looks like good person, but relation wrong
common view: God saves good - what this guy thought, too
if you think like this, you’ll be like him - never sure you’re good enuf
his attitude: I’m sure I can do it, just tell me what I need to do
‘what can I do?’ thinks he’s an asset for Jesus, ignores what he can do
Christ’s invitation
• Jesus getting at? What could this man possibly lack.
• He seams to have everything: Jesus tells him he lacks one thing
• Finally he gets to hear what he lacks. hard can be. Has evry
• Didn’t expect Jesus answer. Sell everything
• Sounds like 2 things but one. 2 parts first obstacle to second
• Familiar with ministry lifestyle.
• Jesus invitation risky. Reveals attachment to money.heart divided
• Forced into decision. We all have a master. Eternal slave of money
• Never learn to trust in christ fully
• People think Jesus teaching do good
• Is Jesus after good works? No.
• Jesus inst being unreasonable. Friend away. Jesus love. Best interest
• Because Jesus loves him he is giving opportunity. We should pray our one thing
The disciple’s shock
• Man walks away sad. Disciples shocked. He could have done amazing
• Issue is not money but his heart, love for money, trust love for God
• Didn’t understand big issue, how hard to enter kingdom bc wealth
• Understands this would be impossible. Left them feeling helpless.who?
• Eye opening answer. Doesn’t say poor not rich poor good rich bad
• With man impossible but God possible. He can push a camel
• Look at own salvation this way. Helpless. Hopeless,
• Impossible with people not with God. Like broke to pay debt
• Desperate need. Kingdom. Means eternity in gods glory
• Jesus is the imposible
1. Christ’s promise
• Realize issue. Not lack of what has done. Heat issue
• They feel prideful. Peter see we have left everything
• Jesus already knows people will have to sacrifice
• Jesus assures them what they sacrifice isn’t for nothing
• Two treasures. Decibels chose. Ruler chose.
• Disciples left treasure for christ. Ruler left christ for treasure
• What gain w/ Jesus > joy w/o Jesus. Joy now joy after death
• Trust world desires more empty. Lottery. Famous don’t want fame.
• Having christ is a joy that will never leave. Satisfy desires fully