The Main Things

His Old House; Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing


A good friend of mine says, “I’m all for progress so long as nothing changes.”
Progress, by definition, is change.
Think about the last 120 years, last century

The Main thing: Travel

Getting people from point A to point B
Stage coaches, steam engines, hyperloop
Maybe someday we’ll experience transporters.
“Beam me up Scotty”

The Main Thing: Communication

Letting your mom know you got home safely.
Sharing information
Pony Express, mail
Crank telephones to cell phones
1 line connected everyone in town.
Each family had their number of rings.
Now 8 year olds have their own phone number.
What exactly is the main thing about a smart phone?
Texting, twitter, maps, FB, Internet?
Where do making phone calls rank?
One of the inventing engineers supposedly asked the very serious question, “Who in the world would want one of these things in their house?”
How many do you have in your house?
You know you have a computer in your car, too.
You know there’s more technology in your smart phone than there was in the lunar module that put men on the moon.

The Main Thing: News & Information

Reality, locally, nationally and internationally.
Fire updates, weather, community announcements to Washington DC to the Middle East.
3 networks, nightly news
Chet Huntley and David Brinkley
Harry Reasoner in the opening scene smoking
Cable news, fake news
The main thing is always the main thing. Progress is changing the style of how it happens.

Church (What’s changed?)

Most would say this is progress.
King James to how many different versions and translations?
Elevated pulpits so ppl could hear to church in the round to digital sound boards and sound systems.
Pipe-organs, pianos, rock bands
Neighborhood churches to multi-sites
Chicago there’s a Catholic church every 2 miles
1 mile was considered appropriate walking distance.
Irish-Catholic, Polish-catholic, Roman Catholic; all different neighborhoods
Most have closed
Cars, declining attendance, lack of priests.
Progress is all about style. Being relevant to the culture where the church exists.
The fundamentals are still the fundamentals.
What has changed is how they are taught and practiced.
Congregational music. Hymns to contemporary songs.
Hymns were written as educational tools to teach the bible and doctrine to the ppl, many who couldn’t read.
How did preachers get their messages out?
Taught songs about them.
We’ve gone thru radio, tv, tapes, cds, and now internet podcasts.
You can listen to practically every preacher in the country.
It’s all over the internet.
New songs are no longer intended to teach. They are intended to help us pray. They are meditations.
Much like the chants of ancient monks.
Good, good Father. I know you know that, but it’s good to meditate on it from time to time.
No matter how much progress we make and no matter what else changes, we have to maintain the main things as the main things.
Church is still a relatively new concept.
Still very Jewish, but changing.
Acts is a book about the beginning of the church and its early progress. Even then, as things progressed, the main things stayed the main things
Some of them were

The main things


Jesus said make disciples
Reach out, build relationships w/ ppl who don’t know Jesus and introduce them.
And, those who do know Jesus, encourage them to grow closer.
Spiritual growth, maturity.

The Message

The Word of God
The entire bible
The Name of Jesus
Who He is, all that He is.
Not just a miracle worker, but Messiah, Master, King, Lord
Jesus is the reason we do this and the Bible is His story.

Meet Needs

Serve each other using the resources God has provided us.
Spiritual gifts, abilities, time, money
Paying special attention to widows, orphans, and the poor.
Sacrificial service, we give and we receive.
We’re studying Acts.
Acts, as the progress of the church, can be divided into 3 sections.

Progress in Acts

The theme verse is
Acts 1:8 NIV
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
So, the book is organized around this outline

The church in Jerusalem (ch. 1-5)

The church in Judea & Samaria (ch. 6-9)

The church throughout the world. (ch. 10- )

Today, we’re studying . It is a transition chapter from a primarily Jewish organization to an organization that will need to deal w/ maintaining the main things as the main things as progress happens in other cultures.
Progress is good, but it leads to some serious issues. And, these issues can become major distractions and disruptions causing the church leadership to take their collective eye off the ball.
When we do that the wrong things become the main things.
As a church, as we progress, we cannot let the wrong things become the main things.
We must maintain the main things as the main things even though issues will arise that will tempt us to take our collective eye off the ball.

Progress Issues

Acts 6:
Acts 6:1 NIV
In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.

Racial/Ethic issues

Acts 6:
Acts 6:1 NIV
In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.
I’ve been a part of 4 other churches.
1 is smaller, 2 about the same size, 1 much larger (2500 at our peak Sunday).
Larger church can do a lot things. Resources that smaller churches just don’t have in the amount of money and number of people.
For instance, a church sets aside 1% of their gross revenue to feed hungry people.
If the revenue is $250,000, then they give $2,500 for food.
If the revenue is $2.5 million then they give $25,000.
It’s still just 1% but it’s a huge difference in food.
At the same time, more people means more issues.
More marriage issues, kid issues, money issues, job issues, feed hungry people issues and cultural issues seep in.
Some say Sunday morning is the most segregated time in our country.
Much illegitimate, but some legit.
Different cultures, even in the same areas, like to do things differently.
We naturally gravitate toward those most like us.
That’s what was going on in this first church.
This is a transitional chapter. The church is beginning to draw from outside Jerusalem.
Many of these outsiders, not born Jewish, became Jewish and now are accepting Jesus as the Messiah.
Still very Jewish, but they bring much of their birth culture w/ them and those who prefer it gravitate toward it.
Now they have a specific group of people who are falling thru the cracks. The issue has an ethnic/racial element.
Much like if we had more Native Americans and Hispanics come here. They might prefer more flavor and feel from their culture.
We are almost entirely a white, middle class church.
We naturally gravitate toward those things we favor from our culture.
Nothing wrong w/ this.
But, we need to be aware and welcoming of people from different cultures and make sure their needs are being met.
Helenists vs. Hebrews
Helenists are Greeks. Different language, different culture than those who established this church and the early growth.
No one in particular was looking out for them. And, since “birds of a feather” , not immoral or sinful, just practical and real, this group was being neglected.
The early organization was breaking down as the numbers grew and different cultures were represented in the body.
Early on they were organized. But as time passed and people came they became disorganized.
Not only a racial, cultural element, there was an organizational element. \
Or, disorganizational element.

Disorganized issues

They were committed to meeting the needs but b/c their organization and programs were designed for a small church, they couldn’t keep up w/ the needs.
Mutual care had become a strong witness in the community. No class struggle in the church. The wealthy were making significant sacrifices to help the poor.
Moses in the law, Jesus in His teaching, James’ (Jesus’ brother) in his letter and Paul all addressed the importance of giving special attention to the poor, widows and orphans.
James 1:27 NIV
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Paul gave Timothy a Widows’ list, qualifications.
A woman couldn’t get a job, earn a salary, or own property. If she was divorced or widowed she had to get help.
Most would move in with a close male family member.
If there were none, she was left to either beg or become a prostitute.
The church intervened here.
Rather than see these women have to beg or prostitute themselves, they came up w/ a list of qualifications, that if she met them, the church would provide regular financial assistance.
In return, the woman would work at the church.
Remember, women couldn’t hold jobs. This was a radical, yet very practical solution.
In time the church will get there. In the mean time, there was some complaining going on, legitimately so. And the issue needed to be addressed.
So the church had to improve their organization to be able to do what God had called them to do.
These are main things.
And the existing leadership needed to step up, recruit and train more leaders to make sure this didn’t happen again.

Leadership/Admin. issues

Acts 6:2–5 NIV
So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism.
Hands on service like this is important. But, few are experienced and educated like the apostles.
As important as this group of widows is and their needs, this is not what God called the apostles to do.
So, in that sense, it is not appropriate for them to stop doing what God had called them to do to do something else.
God would not be pleased.
Micromanagement, lack of delegation, in cases like these is a sin.
So, they call the whole group together to choose 7 men.
This is not an official office at this early point.
The term “deacon’ is an transliteration of the Greek word for servant.
They sought 7 qualified servants to be responsible for the Greek widows.
Note every man was qualified. Just b/c they were believers and members of the church did not qualify them for this leadership position.
They didn’t have to do the work but they had to make sure it got done.
Their qualifications were that they had to be “full of the Spirit”, that completely submissive to God and controlled by the HS that indwelled them.
Demonstration the fruit of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, maturity and powerfully capable of getting the main things done.
And they had to be wise. A reputation for making good decisions.
Later, it becomes an official office and right after Paul gives the qualifications of widows he gives the qualifications for deacons.
The apostles will continue to pray and teach. They will seek God’s will in prayer and the words and pass it.
They recruited these good men then got out of their way and let them do the work.
Stephen and Philip mentioned first. Then 5 men with Greek names. IOW, recruit men from that culture to minister in that culture.
Choose from among those who brought the issue to light.
IOW, if you’re bringing a problem, be willing to participate in the solution.
Don’t try to convert these Helenists to become strict Hebrews, serve them as godly Christian women in relevantly to their situation.
Bringing a multi-ethnic presence to the leadership in the church.
We have fired up our nominating committee to recruit and nominate men to join our elder board. 3 are rotating off and 4 will remain on.
We are in the process of looking for qualified men.
Some have asked why we don’t have deacons.
But, we do. We just don’t call them deacons.
Servants, hands-on, waiting on tables making sure it gets done.
Mike and Trish lead our adult SS bible study.
Betty Gerlock leads a group of women who lead women’s ministries.
Trish and Geri Breeze Bible study
Louise Searcy Children’s
VBS Sara and Carole Dirks
Men’s BS Brian Mee and Russ Breeze
Al Dirks
Lynn Rouyer Choir
Missions Linda Van Deren
Linda Van Deren Missions
Gary Brandt Bread ministry.
Ken Van Doorne Facilities, AA, ushers
John Wilson, Jim Burnett, Tom A/V
Judy Brusack Greeters
Walt and Enid Gustov custtians
A number of these ppl do more, in the interest of time.
And, they all have lots of help to get these ministries done.
We have deacons, we just don’t call them deacons.
So, they get more organized, get their eye back on the ball keeping the main things the main things.
What happened next?
More growth.
And what does more people mean? More issues.
Here we go.

Effective Changes, More Growth

Acts 6:7 NIV
So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.
Luke mentions 3 things specifically that grew.

The message spread

Even more different cultures were reached and the people came to Jerusalem to join the movement.
More people from the Reservation, more ppl from Flagstaff, more ppl from Cottonwood, more ppl from farms and ranches in the area, more ppl from Mexico, and more ppl from Munds Park.
Everyone has the way they like to do things according to their cultural norms and experiences.
You have your favorite chair in here. I know where to find you.
What do you do when someone sits in your chair?
What if we go to 2 Sunday morning services? Or 3? Or 4?
What if we sing one song every Sunday in Spanish?
I’m not sayin, I’m just sayin’. What if?
This will challenge your comfort zones.
And, create more issues that we will need to address.
These can detract from and distract us from keeping the main things the main things.
We have got to keep our collective eye on the ball and not let that happen.
Even more come.

Attendance grew

I’ve already addressed this. Luke mentions it specifically.
More from farther away and more locals.
One group of locals was of particular interest and cause bigger issues for the church leadership.

More defections

Up to this point the temple leadership was fairly put out that so many rank and file members were jumping ship to join this new movement.
But, now, many of their leaders were defecting, too.
They were furious and threatening to kill the apostles b/c they were losing so many ppl and so much influence.
But, one of their own stepped up and stopped them from killing. the 12.
But that was then.
As the temple loses more and more of their own, their opposition to this new movement gets more and more serious.
It’s about to get real.
And, if these other issues were distracting, they were child’s play to what’s about to happen.

It’s About to Get Real

Acts 6:8–11 NIV
Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people. Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called)—Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia—who began to argue with Stephen. But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke. Then they secretly persuaded some men to say, “We have heard Stephen speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God.”
Acts 6:8-
v.7 was a transitional verse as a major transition is about to occur w/in the church.
Jesus said that they were to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
But what they did was stay in Jerusalem and build the first mega-church. Thousands.
It was about to blow up.
God introduced, allowed, whatever, serious persecution of the believers in the church.
It began here, w/ Stephen’s arrest, trial and stoning. He’s about to die.
It would no longer be safe for the Christians in Jerusalem so they ran to the villages of Judea and Samaria and they took their faith with them.
This is how it all started.
Stephen, the new deacon, demonstrated his qualifications. You think maybe the other 6 and anyone under consideration to become a deacon was affected by this?
He spoke powerfully, w/ wisdom and maturity, the Word of God.
The opposition, no longer just from Jerusalem. Not only were foreign cultures joining the church, they began to fight the church.
Cyrene and Alexandria were Egyptian and N. African.
Cilicia was in the NE Mediterranean coastline. The region where the city of Tarsus was located.
Saul, who became Paul was from Tarsus.
Maybe his opposition started here.
He’ll be overseeing the stoning of Stephen.
Persecution is escalating. This becomes a lynch mob.
So, Stephen, not just waiting tables and meeting needs but a powerful preacher, teaching the word of God and healer.
He does nothing wrong or illegal. So, they recruit ppl to lie, twist the truth.
They claim 3 things about his teaching
That he committed blasphemy against Moses and God.
That he’s inciting ppl to destroy the temple (as Jesus said the temple would be destroyed then raised in 3 days, referring to Himself not the building.)
That he’s teaching the law has been canceled. In fact Jesus fulfilled it so it’s no longer in effect or necessary. It pointed to Jesus all along. They should have known that.
Stephen is going to be given the opportunity to defend himself and he does a masterful job filled w/ the HS.
But they stone him to death anyway.
It’s real now. Renounce your faith or die.
Do you think that might be a little distracting?
Would this cause leaders to consider changing their message, stop recruiting and teaching ppl about Jesus, and no longer meeting needs which would stop ppl from joining them.?
We think we have distractions. We deal w/ racial issues, organizational issues, and leadership issues but nothing like the first church faced.
And, yet, we get distracted, take our collective eye off the ball and let the wrong things become the main things.
We can’t let that happen.
Jesus is building His church, His Old House. And He’s using us to do it.
We have got to make sure that we maintain the main things as the main things no matter what else may be going on around us.


So, why is this important to us?
It’s leadership’s responsibility, right? Yes.
So, there’s that.


Keep your eye on the ball.
Men’s, women’s ministry. Ushers, Greeters, Custodians.
Our priority, and your responsibility is to contribute to the process of leading the people close to us closer to Jesus.
What you do is important. But, it’s not the main thing.
We can’t do the main things if you don’t do your thing.
Help us make sure the main things get done.


Everyone, leaders and everyone else, get to know Jesus better.
If you don’t know Him, there is someone here close to you who can introduce you.
If you do know, get to know Him better.
Discover more about the character of God and take those characteristics for yourself and become more like Jesus.
In the process, many of you will qualify yourselves for leadership.
As we grow we will need you.
As current leaders age out, we will need more.
Growth, maturity, exhibit more patience, joy, peace, kindness. The fruit of a person full of the HS.
Your life will go better w/ these qualities. But you will also honor God and be able to serve better when you take these for yourself.


Your needs will be met here. And, you will have the opportunity to meet the needs of others here, too.
Real, significant, life-changing activities.
You can play a part in saving people by serving people.
Look to serve and find that you will be served in the process.
No matter how much progress we make and no matter what else changes, we have to maintain the main things as the main things.
As we grow, important issues will arise that may distract us and we might allow the wrong things to become the main things.
Let’s not let that happen.
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