Dating 101: Character
Dating 101: Character
4 things a good wife will do for you
She is a strong woman who will strengthen you. The Hebrew word translated ‘excellent’ (or ‘virtuous’) is the same word translated ‘strength’ in verse 3. This word was also used of valiant warriors. The ‘weaker sex’ is not weak in every sense. Such a woman is a rare and valuable gift from God (18:22; 19:14). Just as God made Eve from the flesh of Adam, only God can create a woman like this for you. Just as the young man is exhorted to search for wisdom, so he should earnestly search out a woman like this, not settling for less
You can trust her faithfulness to your marriage vows. She is not flirtatious or immodest. When you go out of town, you don’t have to worry that she will be with another man (7:19). You can trust her with your reputation. She will bear your name with dignity. She will not gossip or reveal your secrets to others. You can trust her with your money (and your credit cards). She won’t spend you into debt. You can trust her oversight of your children and household.
The virtuous woman devotes herself to assisting her husband in every way she can, particularly in the domestic realm. Such a husband is richly blessed. I have seen many a man greatly improved by marriage to the right woman. She consistently does him good ‘all the days of her life’ (v. 12b). She doesn’t let difficult circumstances or her ‘time of the month’ prevent her from doing good. She treats her husband better than he deserves because she does it ultimately for the Lord.
The husband’s status is mentioned in this chapter about the excellent wife because he wouldn’t be where he is in life without her. Because his home is well run, he is able to put his full energy into pursuing success in his vocation. She also serves as a trusted advisor and confidante, helping him to manage his business or career. The man who aspires to be a leader in the church needs a wife like this. A wise old preacher once told his son, ‘Your wife will make you or break you in the ministry.’