Call Me Crazy
i. The word of the LORD rare in those days because of the hardness of heart among the people of Israel and the corruption of the priesthood. God will speak, and guide, when His people seek Him, and when His ministers seek to serve Him diligently.
in him they are “yes” Indicates that God’s promises are true, trustworthy, and fulfilled in Christ.
b. Yesterday, today, and forever: His unchanging nature provides a measure for all Christian conduct, particularly in the word and in worship. We should not expect something completely “new” as if it were from a “new Jesus.” The nature of Jesus as it is revealed in the Bible is the same nature of Jesus that should be seen in the church today.
Matthew emphasizes this theme throughout his Gospel (e.g., Matt 7:29; 9:6; 21:23). Jesus has repeatedly demonstrated His authority over all things—the human body, demons, natural elements (such as wind and water), the Sabbath, sin, and even death.