Through the Dirt
Through the Dirt
You all may recall from last week how I preached for over an hour on our need to be of One Accord. And you may recall from the week before that how I preached for over an hour on Mother’s Day. You may even recall the length of the two sermons before that on the Shepherd.
It would seem a pattern of long winded sermons is developing. Sadly, I report that this morning’s sermon is not one of them.
Passage: Romans 5:1-11 Key Verses: 5:6 & 8.
Primary Thought: HE came through your sin to get to your heart.
Turn to Romans chapter 5
Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Look at all the comma’s. I preached on this verse back in October of 2016. The focus of that sermon was God’s love. The focus today will be your filth.
But God commendeth his love toward us, - He demonstrated, to us, for us, that He loves us.
in that, - through that act – in taking such a bold action – through the demonstration
while we were yet sinners, - parenthetical – interjection – statement of fact
Christ died for us.” – the demonstration – the action – that which He did do – CAN YOU PICTURE THE DEATH?
John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Through the darkness came the light –
Through the dirt of your life came the cleansing
Through the filth of your soul came the Redeemer –
Through the sin came the Saviour –
Through the Blood came the Atonement – spilled, shed, poured out and offered up, for you and for me.
You do not have to be clean to come to Jesus, He’s already come through the filth for you; He has already born the weight of the sin of the world. You simply need to believe that HE has. The condemnation is in the unbelief.
• Bottle of water named Purified; what God does when HE comes through the dirt.
• Like a closet light left on in the middle of the night, so shine the Light of Life into the life of the sinner.
Though we yet sin, what makes us think that God’s love has stopped? HE is unchanging! His love unending!
If He died for us while we were in bondage to sin; living without remorse, reconciling us unto Himself, why would HE forsake us now in our struggle to live for Him? He simply would not. Grace abounds more than sin, Rom. 5:20.
We have been Justified by His death; Saved by His life!
I’m preaching this morning from my brand new, Lambskin Bible, and yes, I’m proud of it. You see I’m proud of it because I know the Lamb whose life was sacrificed for it (the Word of God) and for me.
Do you know Him as Saviour, Redeemer, and Lord of your life?
You need to! Come to Him – Just as you are, dirty, filthy, raggedy, worn out beat down and hurting; COME!