Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
As I have mentioned several times, Isaiah 40-48, focused on Judah’s Deliverance through the Persian King Cyrus.
After 70 years of bondage to the Babylonians, they were to be set free.
This is all prophetic.
Isaiah points to something that will happen 170 years from the date that he preaches about it.
Starting in chapter 49, the emphasis moves to Deliverance that will be achieved ultimately through Jesus.
And not just for Judah from Babylon, but all people from their bondage to sin.
In chapters 51-52, the news that A Servant Savior who would deliver all people, required RESPONSE.
Again the emphasis is listen to obey, don’t just let it go in one ear and out the other.
Listen Up
Listen 51.1, Pay attention 51.4,
Listen 51.7, listen 21
Warren Wiersbe calls his commentary of Isaiah “Be Comforted”
This is why God wants His people to listen up… he has words of comfort to bring.
Verse 3, verse 12, verse 19, verse 52.8
Verse 3- The Lord will comfort Zion… What is the evidence of this?
He says in 1-3 that He has been involved in the Nation from the beginning.
He quarried them out as a people.
He called Abraham and Sarah.
He plans to bring joy and gladness like the Garden of Eden.
In verse 6 and 8, He promises salvation that will last forever to all the people of the worlds.
Respond to the Savior who is totally submitted to the Father.
I have taken care of my own, and I will take care of my own.
Wake up
These verses are a call to attention and action.
The call to wake up actually begins back in 51.7
There it was a wake up call to realize that God’s wrath against their sin had been satisfied.
In the following verses God describes how bad it had been and again seeks to COMFORT THEM!
He tells them to wake up and get ready!
Put on their best clothes.
Get ready to celebrate.
Wake from spiritual slumber and stupor.
This is a call to spiritual revival.
I believe this is a call that needs to be voiced to the church often.
We get used to the humdrum, half-heartedness of apathetic stupor.
Get ready!
You prayed for rain, now carry an umbrella!
There is a change of fortunes on the way!
God is going to bring a complete turnaround!
They have waited and waited and now the deliverance had come!
The end result is to know THAT GOD IS HERE (Verse 6)
Sometimes we pray and pray, and God moves in one way or another, but He always moves!
But there is a call to wake up and be prepared!
This has to be a call to faith… to believe and be prepared.
to pray and to do.
Get up
There is in verse 11 a call you move out.
Get up and get going.
Listened up, you woke up, now Get UP and move out.
Remember, the emphasis in these few chapters is that we are to ACT on the fact God has sent us a Savior.
This is calling faith to action.
11 and 12 are a call to leave Babylon, but it is much more than that.
It is worth noting that in 51.17 when Isaiah said wake up, he followed that by stand up.
In 52.1 he said wake up and in verse 2 he said stand up.
Shake off the dust.
Clear out the cobwebs.
This is a call to ACTIVE faith.
You will notice in verses 7-8 the ACTION
Feet carrying the message of peace
Bringing good news
Proclaiming salvation.
Watchmen (those who scan the horizon for danger or in this case rescue) shouting for joy that the Lord is returning.
What do we do we this passage?
We need to have listening ears to obey.
We need to wake up.
Perhaps many of us in this room are just going through the motions.
Satisfied and Content when God is calling us to greater levels of spiritual awakening.
We need to get up and move out.
Active faith.
Leaving sin behind.
Pursuing the things and priorities of God in our life with a red hot passion.
Carrying the Gospel in all that we do!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9