Untitled Sermon (2)
Sermon Tone Analysis
We’ve spent about 4 months or so talking about spiritual gifts. I wanted to approach the topic from various angles to get a broader understanding of this spiritual truth. My goal was and still is to motivate each of us to intentionally pursue Christ, pursue the gifts of the Spirit and then put them into practice by serving in the capacity that God has called each of us.
So I am hoping that each of us have been motivated to spend time in prayer asking, “God, fill me with your Spirit, reveal to me the gifts that you have give men use me.”
Preaching is pointless if there is no transformation. This is not a criticism, but a reality - I know of only a handful of people who have taken our teaching on Spiritual gifts and have done or trying to do something with them. I am certain there are more, but I don’t know. So, this is not a criticism, but rather a request – would you let me know how the last few months have transformed you - specifically regarding the area of spiritual gifts and service. Would you let me know how my preaching has helped you on the journey toward Christ-likeness? What transforming is taking place?
I’m not asking if my sermons are good or you if like my preaching. Truthfully, I’m over that and not too concerned about that. My concern is if spiritual growth and transformation is taking place in all of us. Sometimes it’s just difficult to know and see what God is doing in other people’s lives.
Just shoot me a short email letting me what God is doing in you as a result of the preaching and teaching. Furthermore, it would be good to do that with all the teachers. Teens, let Mark know … parents, let the teachers of your kids know Pat, Tina, Donna, Nelly. Adults, tell Kerry, Jose, Gary. Let Ed and the team know ….
Not only am I concerned whether or not what we teach is making a difference in your relationship with Jesus Christ, but there is another concern that is somewhat connected, but perhaps a little more heavy. For many years, I’ve been concerned about the condition of the Church in America – concerned about our effectiveness and being distracted with things that are not really important - things that distract us from the gospel. The Church in America isn’t making the impact on society as it once did. Blaming society is not the answer - so let’s do go there.
Recently, my concern has shifted. I’m not only concerned about our effectiveness, but I’m concerned about our future - and specifically, I am concerned about us.
I can easily become distracted with and narrow my focus on culture and politics and global affairs etc. When that happens, it can suck up my time and energy - I get frustrated, angry, and I get off balance with what is important … so for the most part, I’ve tuned out the news. I do that for my own sanity and to stay focused.
However, to be a Christian and to live with our heads in the sand is foolish. It’s foolish for the Church and unfair to the unsaved. We need to be like the men of Issachar in 1 Chronicles.
These are the numbers of the men armed for battle who came to David at Hebron to turn Saul’s kingdom over to him, as the Lord had said:
All these men began joining David’s army so he could take his God-ordained throne.
from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command;
… joined the team.
My concern is this - do we understand the times, and do we know what to do in response. Believe me, the times they are a changing - and they’re changing fast. For example, it was only a couple of years ago that I stood here and preached in response to the legalization of gay marriage. And that decision broke some barrier and opened a floodgate of incomprehensible thought that has left many of us wondering - what is going on.
For example, it wasn’t too long ago that there were only two genders - male and female. But society has twisted and redefined not only gender, but redefined sexual orientation and gender identity and the family. And now they’ve created an endless combination of gender identities or orientations. As of right now, there are about 112 different gender identifications.
There are a multitude of changes that are rapidly taking place in our nation and they can leave our heads spinning if we try to follow everything that is going on. But the bottom line again is this - do we understand the times, and do we know what to do.
So, what are the “times?”
I’m not necessarily preaching about the “End Times,” or that Jesus is returning soon. It’s plausible. The world stage appears to be set. It is prophetically plausible that we are indeed at the brink of Christ’s return, but again, that’s not necessarily where I’m heading.
I want to do over the next couple of sermons is pull our heads out of the sand, if you will, and look at the times. I’m concerned that many of us will be caught off guard with what’s coming. I care about each of you. I want all of us to have a vibrant, deep, unshakable relationship with Jesus Christ - but I am concerned that not everyone here has that – and I’m concerned that the changes that will soon take place in America will force us to change how we do church and engage in Christian fellowship, and thus causing some to withdraw from the faith.
I am concerned that Christians will not adapt to and meet the challenges to what’s coming. See, if we’re having a hard time getting together outside of Sunday morning now - if we’re having a hard time getting together to pray now - if we’re having a hard time getting together to love and support and encourage each other now - if we’re having a hard time making disciples now - what will happen when we can no longer openly and freely preach and teach the whole Bible?
Unless there is a major shift in the direction of our government at all levels, Federal, State and local, the way that we do church and live our Christian faith is about to change.
What changes am I talking about?
Across this nation, no other religion is under attack - except Christianity. From local schools, to colleges and universities, conservative and Christian values are being discriminated against and shut down. The powers at be are suppressing free speech and censoring Christian thought, Christian groups, professors, bakers, judges etc.
Our legal system has and continues to redefine hate speech. It is now open season against Christianity. The Mayors of Chicago a few years ago, and now New York City openly state that they do not want Chic-fil-a in their cities because the company has traditional Christian values, and those values are not welcome.
Another example: Redemption Community Church has a heart for reaching out to the underprivileged and homeless in their community. In order to follow this calling, they sold their property outside of the city and bought property in downtown Laurel, Maryland. They opened a non-profit coffee shop, used the proceeds for the community and worship there on Sundays - a way of loving and also taking the gospel to the city. After the city found out what was going on, they changed the laws to put a stop to the church. Not only once, but twice. Now get this - city officials made it very clear that they were keeping an eye on the church, and I quote, “There are eyes everywhere, and you are always being watched.” Eventually, the government issued a warning, stop what you’re doing or face a $250 fine - daily. The church is currently in a legal battle with the city.
Ft. De Moines, IA Church of Christ is currently in a federal lawsuit with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission to stop them for imposing censorship upon the church’s teaching on biblical sexuality and to stop them from forcing the church to open its restrooms and showers to members of the opposite sex. I could go on. Churches and Christians are in lawsuits across this nation - and it’s getting get worse.
There’s a big one coming up in CA - bill AB 2943. It is a bill, that if passed outlaws helping anyone with unwanted same-sex desires or gender confusion. And, it outlaws the distribution of any written material that might do the same. This bill will criminalize any ministry, any church, para-church, clinic, therapist, pastor etc., and will ban any books or material that makes any attempt to help people with same-sex or gender issues - which can include banning the Bible. Do you know what the ramifications of that decision will be - if passed? It will drastically change how ministry is done and how church is done in CA, and then the rest of the nation.
Tax-exempt status for churches and pastors is this close to being declared unconstitutional - putting hundreds and thousands of churches and pastors in financial crisis.
These are just a few examples of what is going on. I say all that because we need to be prepared. Now, the world can never extinguish the Church of Christ, but it can change how we do church. They can, and are and will make it difficult for Christians - and we will soon, as some already are, be forced to make a choice - choose to speak truth or choose to remain silent.
I know this sounds like doom and gloom - right? But it’s. I want us to understand the times and prepare ourselves to know what to do. We no longer have the option of ignoring what’s going on. We no longer have the option of covering our eyes and ears and mouths and pretending like everything is fine. Persecution is happening in America - the gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical truths are on the brink of legally becoming hate speech. And we will be sued, we will lose our jobs, our homes, our freedoms, and our church buildings - and what will we do. I don’t have the answer, but we need to start thinking and preparing for what is probably coming.
Just curious - if several churches in the area, including Sunnyside were forced to close their doors, and faced lawsuits and pastors were put in jail - what would you do? Would you still gather with nearby Christians for worship and prayer? Would you still pursue Christ?
We’ll be talking more about this in a couple of weeks - but let me close with this: Scripture doesn’t change because of persecution. The mandate to love God with all our soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves remains. The mandate to be salt and light remains. The mandate to go and make disciples remains.
Listen to what the Apostle Peter wrote to the persecuted church -
Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
The Apostle Paul wrote this to the Thessalonians,
We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.
Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.
Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives
as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.
But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.
So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.
Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.
He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
“We will do all the good that we can as long as we can” - Liv Mack.
A. Admit you’re a sinner
B. Believe Jesus is Lord
C. Call upon His name