Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Disciples are those who follow the Master ()
Explanation: When John the Baptist points out that Jesus is Lamb of God, the Messiah, two of his own followers leave John to follow Jesus.
John is aware of Jesus being greater than he is, and is not concerned about himself.
Taking their cue from John, these two change direction and literally go where Jesus is going and stay where He is staying.
Illustrate: martial arts - each style has leaders and the followers learn the specific style of the leader
Argument: A disciple of Jesus is to be a follower in the sense that he or she follows or obeys the teachings of Jesus.
He is the Master and He gave many commands to His disciples.
Regardless of what a person professes (or says he believes, if he or she is not obeying the commands of Jesus he or she is not a real disciple
Application: Christianity is not about fire insurance.
It is about a relationship with Jesus, a relationship that changes our lives in a very explicit manner.
The change is based on love and gratitude and a Holy Spirit given desire to pattern our lives after His
Disciples invite others to follow the Master (, )
Explanation: When Andrew received an understanding of who Jesus was, he went to his brother Simon and brought him to Jesus.
Andrew did not want to keep the news of the Messiah to himself.
He went to a family member who he cared about and brought Him to where Jesus was.
illustrate: When a person finds a great deal (huge savings) she tells her friends.
She wants them to benefit from the sale as well.
Argument: When a person finds the Savior, he naturally wants others to know about this fantastic experience - a relationship with God Himself through Jesus!
How incredible is that!
Application: Who are we sharing the Good News with?
Is there no one we care enough about to tell them about the One who has the gift of Eternal Life?
Disciples are those who grow in their faith ()
Explanation: When Andrew brings Simon to Jesus he gets a new name.
Jesus gives him a name that actually wasn’t in use as a personal name.
Jesus called him a rock, the word for stone.
Because Jesus is Omniscient, He knew Simon’s future and He knew what kind of man Simon would become
Argument: When Simon came to Jesus he was far from being described as a person who would be a “rock” that others could lean one.
At this point in the journey, Simon is just beginning.
But it is vitally important that we see the truth that Simon did not remain at that level.
He grew in his faith and understanding of who Jesus was, and as a result he grew into the man who would stand like a rock before the forces that opposed Christianity.
Application: Surrendering our lives to Jesus as Lord and Saviour is just the first step.
Following Jesus is the means to growing in our faith.
This is a supernatural process empowered by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Disciples proclaim the Master for who He is ()
Explanation: The next day Jesus departs for Galilee.
He calls another disciple named Philip and tells him to follow.
Philip, like Andrew, wants to tell someone else about Jesus, so he goes to his friend Nathaniel.
Nathaniel, however, is skeptical that Jesus is really the Messiah because of His hometown of Nazareth.
When Nathaniel encounters Jesus, he is met with more of Jesus’ omniscience.
Jesus tells Nathaniel about some of his own character, and where he had been and what he had been doing.
Upon hearing this true assessment from Jesus, Nathaniel proclaims that He is the Son of God and the King of Israel!
Argument: In all probability, Nathaniel didn’t have a full grasp of what he was saying about Jesus.
His was the excited first cheers of the moment, but what Nathaniel said was 100% true.
Nathaniel was an Israelite who was familiar with the OT Scriptures, and he understood who the Messiah was
Application: Just as a good salesperson is to be familiar with the product, so too a good witness is to be familiar and intimate with Jesus.
We are to proclaim Him for who He is, without apology.
He is not a way, He is the Way; He is not just a good teacher, He is the God-Man, the 2nd person of the Trinity
The Master continues to Reveal Himself to His disciples ()
Explanation: Following Nathaniel’s proclamation of Jesus’ identity, the Lamb of God tells Nathaniel that he will experience an even greater understanding of who Jesus is.
Jesus references the OT account of Jacob at Bethel where the patriarch receives a dream of the ladder from earth to heaven.
Illustrate: The longer a husband / wife are together, the more they know of each other.
Outsiders are not privy to that same level of knowledge & intimacy
Argument: Just as Jesus is telling Nathaniel that there is more to know and experience, He will also reveal more of Himself to His disciples who abide in Him () and delight in His Word and His ways.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9