Jesus, the Son, had come and spoken to them in the Father's name. But he was about to leave them and he didn’t want them to be left without his word, his voice, his counsel. So, as we saw earlier, in verses 16-17, he will ask the Father to send the Spirit to counsel them. Previously, called the Spirit of truth. Here, called the Holy Spirit.Holy is the most common designator of the Spirit in Scripture. Holiness is also, therefore, a descriptor of the character or culture of the household of God. The spirit of the household is the Spirit of holiness (cf. ) But what is holiness? There are two aspects to holiness.The first is that of purity. To be holy literally means to be ‘whole’, such that there is no division, nothing in conflict, therefore a holy heart or life is one that has no divisions or conflict due to anything corrupt or impure in it.The second aspect is similar. It has to do with being set apart or devoted. Things that were declared holy in the O.T. were set apart and devoted for God’s purpose, God’s glory. They were therefore not to be used for anything common that might make them unclean or impure - anything that would confuse or corrupt their purpose.Now, the Spirit comes as the Holy Spirit because his role is to make us holy, to purify our hearts and set us apart for the Lord.Now, notice also Jesus said the Spirit would be sent in his name, representing him. Once again, we see the pattern. As Jesus came representing the Father, to make him known, so the Spirit comes representing Christ, to make him known. Thus he would be sent to teach Jesus' disciples by reminding them of everything Jesus had said. Why will the Spirit come in Jesus' name, teaching what Jesus taught? So that we too, might be made members of the household and representatives of Jesus Christ, whom God has established as the Master of his household. One other critical issue here: the Spirit never gives any extra or new revelations that are outside of the message or teachings of Christ. Some teachers and churches claim they have received new revelations but you can always tell whether they have received them from the Holy Spirit or some other spirit. Those who are being led and taught by the Holy Spirit will always be growing in their love of and obedience to Jesus Christ. What worries me is to see some Christians and churches so promoting the Spirit, they have demoted Jesus Christ. You know the Spirit of God will never do that. Another thing the Spirit of God will never do is lead anyone to lie. As we have seen, he is the Spirit of truth. So anyone who is lying to themselves, to others or to God, you they are not being led or taught by the Spirit. A third thing the Spirit will never do is lead people to behave in unholy ways. It is absolutely incredible that there are many people who claim to have the Spirit of God, and who claim to be living in the freedom of the Spirit, yet are behaving in thoroughly unholy ways. Often their unholiness is kept in secret, yet inevitably, the truth will come to light. One horrendous example that must be deeply grieving the Lord's heart: the rampant destruction being caused by the invasion of pornography in his chunk, his household. Yes, those who are led and taught by the Spirit are no longer bound under law, we have a new freedom. But that freedom was never intended to be a freedom to sin. It is supposed to be a freedom from sin, because the Spirit of God is the Spirit of Christ, and Christ was the holy one of God, so his Spirit is the Spirit of holiness.