Missions Giving (II Corinthians [8]1-15)

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Missions Giving

Text: II Corinthians 8:1-15

Place Preached - (Mississauga International Baptist Church)

Date Preached - (09/13/98)


Illus: We talked some previously about missions being similar to a bucket brigade, where the missionary is the one at the end who throws the water on the fire.  Every Christian stands at some point in that bucket brigade.  The water in that bucket could be likened to the Word of God, and the bucket to finances.  The gospel is free, but it takes the time, effort, prayers and finances of God's people to send it around the world.

In this passage Paul seeks to encourage the Corinthian believers in their giving.  They had previously demonstrated that they were willing now Paul exhorts them to put their faith into action.  To put their money where their mouth is so to speak.

In the first five verses Paul gives the Corinthians an example of some believers who were already actively giving.

Those in the churches of Macedonia, these would probably include Berea, Thessalonica, and even Philippi.  Their giving is an incredible testimony of their faith in God, and God's ability to make "little" "much".

The Macedonian giving is certainly an example of missions giving as they gave to meet the needs of Paul and his missionary team.  As we think of missions giving this morning, there are several aspects of their giving that I want us to take note of.

I. They gave out of their Poverty. vs.2

A. They were in a great trial of affliction.

There was evidently much persecution of these early believers. 

Phil. 1:28-30; 

I Thess. 1:6

* Yet were joyful!

B. They lived in deep poverty.  The word here speaks of abject poverty. Something

which we know little of.

* Yet gave liberally!

If they gave out of their poverty, we who have our needs met and more, must ask ourselves; "What can we give up for missions?

How about the newspaper, snacks, cablevision, hobby or recreation, morning coffee?

C. They were following Paul's example.

II Cor. 6:4-10;

II Cor. 4:7-10;

There is not a person who cannot give to missions!!!

II. They gave according to their power. vs.3

It is the clear teaching of scripture that we are to give according to our ability.  This is known as proportianate giving, again enabling every believer to be involved.

Acts 11:29; "Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judea."

What is your ability to give?  You must pray about this, and come to an understanding with the Lord's help of just what you can do for missions. Then you must purpose to do it!!

II Cor. 9:7; "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."

You cannot give more than you have.  But you can give beyond your power!

III. They gave beyond their power. vs.3

Prov. 11:24-25;

Mark 12:41-44;

"God is not interested in how much you give, He is interested in how much you have left over."

The Widow's Mite.  Mark 12:41-44

"How one Church Gave"

The People's Church, Toronto, has now contributed over eight million dollars to foreign missions.  There is no appeal for benevolences or home missions.  The following are some of the amounts received.

            Year                            Church                                    Missions

            1933                            $18,185                       $23,586

            1935                            26,338                        28,102

            1937                            19,941                        30,615

            1938                            21,230                        40,029

            1940                            22,871                        46,435

            1941                            21,135                        54,417

            1943                            23,953                        78,413

            1944                            31,806                        117,723

            1946                            25,379                        122,440

            1947                            28,786                        138,394

            1948                            38,356                        177,473

            1949                            37,215                        180,878

            1951                            38,832                        216,443

            1952                            52,811                        228,960

            1953                            40,813                        245,260

            1956                            44,250                        289,502

            1958                            45,549                        298,316

            1961                            49,273                        303,345

            1963                            63,067                        329,240

            1969                            106,000                       400,000

            1971                            131,000                       473,000

            1972                            190,000                       597,000

Illustration: The Widow of Zarephath.

IV. They were persistent in their giving. vs.4

A. They were determined to give and nothing would persuade them otherwise.

B. Why?  So they could have a part in the "fellowship of the ministering to the saints"

"Missions giving is the greatest investment you can make this side of eternity."  By doing so you are investing in souls!

V. Their Priorities were correct. vs.5

A. They gave of what they had.

B. They gave themselves first.

"You can give your wallet without giving your heart, but you cannot give your heart without giving your wallet"

Give not from the top of your purse but from the bottom of your heart.


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