A Lasting Legacy
I. Seize the opportunity for a lasting legacy
The word ‘memory,’ as we might expect, describes the mental act of recollection. It is also used to describe specific acts taken so as to remember someone or some thing. This word and the one for ‘name’ are often found as synonyms.
The ‘memory’ of the righteous is their fame, renown or legacy.
It must be remembered that proverb does not mean “absolute promise” in every specific context. A proverb is a comparison that teaches principles and expected outcomes in life.
A lasting legacy comes through righteousness
One basic ingredient in the OT idea of righteousness is relationship, both between God and man (Ps. 50:6; Je. 9:24) and between man and man (Dt. 24:13; Je. 22:3).
righteousness implies a correct relationship to the will of God which was particularly expressed and interpreted by Israel’s covenant with God.
The person who was devoted to the service of God in worship and life was called righteous (cf. Mal 3:18). Thus, righteousness is a state of integrity in relation to God and one’s fellowman, expressing itself in one’s acts and speech.
Righteousness, and the ensuing legacy, only come through Jesus Christ
Righteousness, and the ensuing legacy, only come through Jesus Christ
By faith in Jesus Christ and his work of atonement man, unrighteous sinner though he is, receives God’s righteousness, i.e. he is given a true relationship with God which involves the forgiveness of all sin and a new moral standing with God in union with Christ ‘the Righteous One’ (Rom. 3:21–31; 4:1–25; 10:3; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21; Phil. 3:9).
Such is the advantage of the one who will set his eyes upon the ‘righteous’ and discern a likeness to God. What incentive, therefore, to live righteously! We can leave a legacy of lasting influence simply by living our lives in sacrificial service to God.
Such is the advantage of the one who will set his eyes upon the ‘righteous’ and discern a likeness to God. What incentive, therefore, to live righteously! We can leave a legacy of lasting influence simply by living our lives in sacrificial service to God.
II. Set aside the fear of a wasted legacy
II. Set aside the fear of a wasted legacy
The wicked will simply disappear off the scene of human events and slip from the thoughts of all those who remain. When they do come to mind, their name will be the stench of death to those who recall them. Having lived to promote self in this life, their identity will slip into obscurity and all they worked for will be lost eternally.
It was a curse to have no one remember your name
It was considered a curse to have no one remember you (Ex 17:14) or to fail to pass down your name to the next generation (Ps 109:13; cp. Ps 45:17).
It was considered a curse to have no one remember you (Ex 17:14) or to fail to pass down your name to the next generation (Ps 109:13; cp. Ps 45:17).