Father's Day Gift

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Sermon delivered on Thanksgiving Day, Nov.27, 2014
Text: "Father's Day Gift"
In the name of Jesus, dear Christian friends.
According to Lifeway research Mother’s Day is on of the top three days people will most likely attend church throughout the year—it’s right upFather’s there just behind Christmas and Easter. We had a good crowd here Mother’s Day.
Past worship stats here at St Paul bear out this out, too. Which made me wonder: Should I do a "Father's Day" sermon or not?!
Doing a Father’s Day sermon today, knowing that there would be dads here. Of course, one day does not a father make, but as important as fatherhood is for families, I can't imagine not somehow encouraging dads, today, whether you're right here today, or listening later online, because families need good dads…they get hurt and broke and fall apart without them...I know more and more these days it's not politically correct to say that. Feminism and things like the #MeToo movement tell us men aren't needed, or that men are the problem. "Patriarchy," that is, "fatherhood," is demeaned.
Of course, one day does not a father make, but as important as fatherhood is for families, I can't imagine not somehow encouraging dads, today, whether you're listening right here today, or later in the week on our church app, because without good dads, families are hurt, families are not served well, and families get broke and fall apart.
I know more and more these days it's not politically correct to say that. Feminism and things like the #MeToo movement is that men aren't needed, or that men are the problem. "Patriarchy," that is, "fatherhood," is demeaned.
So, dads out there (wherever you are) here's my "Father's Day Gift" to you: let’s go into scripture today to get a glimpse of what your Heavenly Father is like and see what that means—that’s good for all of us here today—all God's children need this—Let’s go to God’s Word today to see how God got the name "Father," and let’s thank and praise him for his gift.
right away
First, why do we call God our Father? You might think of the Lord’s Prayer Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. We think of our Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who so loved us that he gave us his one and only Son to save us. That means that any Christian father can run to his heavenly Father and find a loving God.
First, why do we call God our “Father?” We think of the Lord’s Prayer right away and how Jesus taught us to pray that way. “Our Father, who art in heaven.” tells us more about how the Father gets his name. God the Father is the Father of Jesus. John says God the Father “so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son” to save us. By faith in him earthly fathers can run to their heavenly Father and find a loving God.
Let’s go to God’s Word to see how God got the name "Father," and let’s thank and praise him for his gift. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. We think of our Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who so loved us that he gave us his one and only Son to save us. That means that any Christian father can run to his heavenly Father and find a loving God.
So God is our Father not in just some metaphorical sense or a symbolic way. He is the source of all fatherhood because he's our Maker and Creator--from everlasting to everlasting he’s God. He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son from all eternity--so again, we're not just talking about something metaphorical here. The Father is God. God the Son is God.
which together is the foundation then for all fatherhood. So again,
John speaks of Jesus as the “one and only Son”—I like the old KJV better: “only begotten Son.” Begotten carries the idea of the Son, not just as unique (“one and only”) but that he is eternally begotten of the Father as we confess in the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. We sang about this in where God the Father says, () “You are my son; today I have become your father.” This begetting of the Son by the Father is from eternity. The “today” of is an eternal today—both the Father and Son are uncreated—neither have a beginning or end—that the Son is begotten of the Father shows the Father and Son are distinct persons of the Trinity.
we're not just talking about something metaphorical here, or just a symbol. We have a real heavenly Father who we call God the Father. Earthly fathers want to know about fatherhood start here, with an understanding of why we call God, "our Father."
and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son from all eternity--so again, we're not just talking about something metaphorical here. The Father is a Personal God who is the Father of Jesus, and by faith in him, our Father in heaven. Earthly fathers want to know about fatherhood start here, with an understanding of why we call God, "Father"
All this is very “doctrinal” so far, I know. What I’m trying to show is that God is our Father only by faith in his Son. Take Jesus the Son out of things and you don't have a loving Father anymore. Apart from Christ, God is one mean, cruel god...no mercy...no grace…the only way God can capture our hearts is through the message of his grace through his Son, Jesus Christ. Facing God without Jesus isn't good.
We sang about this in where God the Father says, () “You are my son; today I have become your father.” This begetting of the Son by the Father is from eternity. The “today” of is an eternal today—both the Father and Son are uncreated—neither have a beginning or end—that the Son is begotten of the Father shows the Father and Son are distinct persons of the Trinity. Take Christ out of things and you don't have a loving Father anymore. All you're left with is just a powerful Creator-God. Facing God without Jesus isn't good.
Take Christ out of things and you don't have a loving Father anymore. All you're left with is just a powerful Creator-God. Facing God without Jesus isn't good.
Facing God without Jesus isn't good. All you're left with is just a powerful Creator-God who punishes the sinner.
Now, does that mean that God is "male" in the sense that human fathers are male? No. Maleness & femaleness is something God created, but he himself is uncreated (As we confess in the Athanasian Creed). Jesus said that God is Spirit and we must worship him in spirit and in truth () So you don't assign a sex to God—He is spirit—but at the same time scripture refers to him in concrete terms as the Father—he’s a personal God who does things for us and relates to us as our Father—that’s the biblical term Jesus and the Bible uses to say who he is—so the Father is God, and so is his Son, Jesus Christ.
John speaks of Jesus in our verse as the only begotten Son. We sang about this in where God the Father says, () “You are my son; today I have become your father.” This begetting of the Son by the Father is from eternity. The “today” of is an eternal today—both the Father and Son are uncreated—neither have a beginning or end—that the Son is begotten of the Father shows the Father and Son are distinct persons of the Trinity. Take Christ out of things and you don't have a loving Father anymore. All you're left with is just a powerful Creator-God. Facing God without Jesus isn't good.
Jesus said, () "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Want to be a good earthly father? Then you need to know your heavenly Father. How do you get to know your heavenly Father? Through the Son. Jesus even said, () "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."
Only by the Gospel do we rightly understand the Father.
By faith in Jesus we get the same Father as Jesus.
By faith in Jesus we are forgiven and we get the same Father as Jesus.
Martin Luther sums up things this way when he was explaining that first part of the Lord’s Prayer where we say, “Our Father, who art in heaven.” He said: “With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that he is our true Father and that we are his true children, so that we may pray to him as boldly and confidently as dear children ask their dear father.” By faith in Jesus we are forgiven and we get the same Father as Jesus.
But by faith in Jesus we are forgiven and we get the same Father as Jesus.
Again, it’s only through Jesus, the Son that we know God as the Father. () "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Want to be a good earthly father? Then you need to know your heavenly Father. How do you get to know your heavenly Father? Through the Son. Jesus even said, () "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."
Father--in fact he is the source of all fatherhood because he's our Maker and Creator--from everlasting to everlasting--he's the Father who begets the Son from all eternity—so again, we're not just talking about something metaphorical here, or just a symbol. We have a real heavenly Father who we call God the Father, who is also the Father of Jesus. Earthly fathers want to know about fatherhood start here, with an understanding of why we call God, "Father"
With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that he is our true Father and that we are his true children, so that we may pray to him as boldly and confidently as dear children ask their dear father.
It’s only through Jesus, the Son that we know anything sure about God the Father. () "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Only by listening to Jesus do we get to really know our heavenly Father properly. Want to be a good earthly father? Then you need to know your heavenly Father. How do you get to know your heavenly Father? Through the Son. When you think of Jesus, what did he do for you? What comes to mind? Ask a child and they'll say things like, "Jesus is my Savior." "Jesus died for me." "Jesus takes my sins away." Any child can tell you that. In fact, just before this verse Jesus even said, () "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." Jesus' point for dads, then would be: "Dads, start here with me and my heavenly Father when it comes to your understanding of what fatherhood's really all about."
Ask a child about Jesus and what will he say? He'll say things like, "Jesus is my Savior." "Jesus died for me." "Jesus takes my sins away." Any child can tell you that, and guys, this is where talk about true fatherhood starts, by talking about God and Jesus. Martin Luther sums things up this way when he was explaining that first part of the Lord’s Prayer where we say, “Our Father, who art in heaven.” He said: “With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that he is our true Father and that we are his true children, so that we may pray to him as boldly and confidently as dear children ask their dear father.” By faith in Jesus we are forgiven and we get the same Father as Jesus.
Jesus said, () "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Only by listening to Jesus do we get to really know our heavenly Father properly. Want to be a good earthly father? Then you need to know your heavenly Father. How do you get to know your heavenly Father? Through the Son. When you think of Jesus, what did he do for you? What comes to mind? Ask a child and they'll say things like, "Jesus is my Savior." "Jesus died for me." "Jesus takes my sins away." Any child can tell you that. In fact, just before this verse Jesus even said, () "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." Jesus' point for dads would be: "Dads, start here with me and my heavenly Father when it comes to your understanding of what fatherhood's really all about."
Which brings us back to Jesus. The evangelist speaks of Jesus in our verse as the only begotten Son. We sang about this in as well. The doctrine of the Trinity comes into play here. What scripture means when it says the Father begat the Son is beyond understanding. It is a begetting from eternity, however. Both the Father and Son are uncreated and equal in divine glory. It shows us also there is a close relationship between the Father and the Son, Jesus, by whom we know God the Father as our Father, too. Jesus said, (Matt. 11:27) "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."
Which brings us back to Jesus. The evangelist speaks of Jesus in our verse as the only begotten Son. We sang about this in as well. The doctrine of the Trinity comes into play here. What scripture means when it says the Father begat the Son is beyond understanding. It is a begetting from eternity, however. Both the Father and Son are uncreated and equal in divine glory. It shows us also there is a close relationship between the Father and the Son, Jesus, by whom we know God the Father as our Father, too. Jesus said, (Matt. 11:27) "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."
It’s only through Jesus, the Son that we know anything sure about God the Father. () "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Only by listening to Jesus do we get to really know our heavenly Father properly. Want to be a good earthly father? Then you need to know your heavenly Father. How do you get to know your heavenly Father? Through the Son. When you think of Jesus, what did he do for you? What comes to mind? Ask a child and they'll say things like, "Jesus is my Savior." "Jesus died for me." "Jesus takes my sins away." Any child can tell you that. In fact, just before this verse Jesus even said, () "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." Jesus' point for dads would be: "Dads, start here with me and my heavenly Father when it comes to your understanding of what fatherhood's really all about."
Only by listening to Jesus do we get to really know our heavenly Father properly. Want to be a good earthly father? Then you need to know your heavenly Father. How do you get to know your heavenly Father? Through the Son. When you think of Jesus, what did he do for you? What comes to mind? Ask a child and they'll say things like, "Jesus is my Savior." "Jesus died for me." "Jesus takes my sins away." Any child can tell you that. In fact, just before this verse Jesus even said, () "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." Jesus' point for dads, then would be: "Dads, start here with me and my heavenly Father when it comes to your understanding of what fatherhood's really all about."
It’s only through Jesus, the Son that we know anything sure about God the Father. () "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Only by listening to Jesus do we get to really know our heavenly Father properly. Want to be a good earthly father? Then you need to know your heavenly Father. How do you get to know your heavenly Father? Through the Son. When you think of Jesus, what did he do for you? What comes to mind? Ask a child and they'll say things like, "Jesus is my Savior." "Jesus died for me." "Jesus takes my sins away." Any child can tell you that. In fact, just before this verse Jesus even said, () "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." Jesus' point for dads, then would be: "Dads, start here with me and my heavenly Father when it comes to your understanding of what fatherhood's really all about."
Only by the Gospel do we rightly understand the Father. Take Christ out of things and you don't have a loving Father anymore. If you take away Christ, if you take away the cross, and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God is one mean cruel god...no mercy...no grace...only wrath and judgment. Apart from Christ all you’re left with is a powerful Creator-God. Facing God without Jesus isn't good.
Once a Christian father learns about his heavenly Father through his Son, Jesus, he will automatically know how serve his wife and his family. He’ll do it in the same loving and giving that his heavenly Father served him by giving his own Son up to save him. Earthly father takes all their cues from God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus' point for dads would be: "Dads, start here with me and my heavenly Father when it comes to your understanding of what fatherhood's really all about."
Only by the Gospel do we rightly understand the Father. Take Christ out of things and you don't have a loving Father anymore. If you take away Christ, if you take away the cross, and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God is one mean cruel god...no mercy...no grace...only wrath and judgment. Apart from Christ all you’re left with is a powerful Creator-God. Facing God without Jesus isn't good.
Take Christ out of things and you don't have a loving Father anymore. If you take away Christ, if you take away the cross, and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God is one mean cruel god...no mercy...no grace...only wrath and judgment. Apart from Christ all you’re left with is a powerful Creator-God. Facing God without Jesus isn't good.
All you're left with is just a powerful Creator-God. Facing God without Jesus isn't good.
So fathers, learn about your heavenly Father some more by learning about what he’s done for you through his Son. He’s the One who not only sent his Son into a sin-fallen world, but gave him up for you.
A Christian father will serve his wife and his family in the same giving way as his heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ, who gave himself up for the Church. God know only sent his Son into the world but then gave him up for us all. The earthly father takes all his cues from the Father and Jesus when it comes to how he treats his wife and his children.
(Jesus said, "God is "Spirit")
Feminism (political creed--a system in the state that tries to assign things to society) views patriarchy as something that is a threat, dangerous, etc.
Father is to serve his wife and his family in the same giving way that Christ serves the church. He gives, he sacrifices; he even lays down his life for the Church. He takes his cues from Jesus and once he sees how Jesus exercises headship, he acts accordingly. Jesus humbled himself and redeemed us. So the way he treats his wife & children, will reflect the way Christ deals with his Church.
For that to happen means spending time together with your heavenly Father in his Word at home and in his house. I think some men out there think that religion is just for kids sometimes. They don’t go to church or read the Bible because maybe their dad before them didn’t do it either. Or maybe they think that their job is just to work and to provide for them so they have food on their plate and a roof over their head. But think about that. If you don’t provide physically for your children you’d be in trouble for child abuse. You’re supposed to give them food and shelter and an education. You go to jail if you don’t—it’s child abuse! Martin Luther once said the same thing about not being a spiritual father to your children telling them about Jesus and talking about your faith together—if you’re not going to do that, Luther said, “You might as well just strangle them” right after their born and baptized because you will kill their faith and lose them eternally if you aren’t a spiritual father to your children.
So be a spiritual father by making it an every-Sunday expectation. Talk about your faith and grow together during the week somehow. Don’t treat it like it’s an option, something you do only once in a while. What if mom said that about supper?!?!?
Patriarchy without Christ is poison...if you take away Christ...if you take away the cross...
Knowing how our heavenly Father dealt with us in Christ helps you discipline in a godly way, too. When our children disobey, we’ll be firm but there’s no need to put them on trial every time, lower the boom, and say, “Now learn your lesson and don’t do that again.” You’ll take them to their heavenly Father and to the cross as you deal with their sin. You’ll remind them of how sin cost Jesus his life, but that also shows his great love for us, and is a comfort to us knowing he forgives us. Now, because God so loved you and forgives you, go do things differently and glorify him in your life.
And Dads, when you make mistakes, you won’t be afraid to admit that either. You can tell your family that honestly and show that you depend on your heavenly Father’s grace, too, just as much. Otherwise, what's left? They do things and obey you because...what...you are bigger and stronger?
In the end, a Christian father is someone his heavenly Father treats as his representative in their children’s lives. From little on they need to learn what God is like based on what you are like, how you talk, how you act, how you worship, how you pray and study and learn and live for Christ. A Christian father is not only responsible for the conduct of his family in society, he's responsible to be the "pastor" of his family (if you take that word in its simple meaning as "shepherd" of his family).
Finally, Christian father is responsible for the conduct of his family in society and he's responsible to be the "pastor" of his family (if you take that word in that context as "shepherd"). He is to teach God's Word to his family at home regularly...is critical to the exercise of your office as father...that teaches the family that their foundation fo their life
Don’t send your children away to church or a Lutheran school for all their spiritual growth...do it together in the home or it will never work!!! Order your home life to fit in time for your faith. If home is chaotic so that you’re running here and running there, or always working or the kids are always off with friends, there will be no time for the one thing needful. So watch out for the way we order our lives so that there is time for spiritual nurture…don’t get caught on such a crazy, fast moving treadmill that you can't get off! We time with friends, time at work, time to vacation, but make sure that all the while we carve out time with our heavenly Father.
Watch out for the way we order our lives so that there is time for spiritual nurture..get caught on this fast moving treadmill we can't get off of...time at school...time with freinds...time with sports...homeowrk and off to bed and then doing it all over again the next day...do we need all these things we think we have to spend money and time on...do we need the time working and striving for them...what about the simpler and more important things...where is true wealth found--treasure each other and the things that last...kids are the only gifts that we can take to heaven with us.
Some practical ways to do this? Start dinner…then have a devotion…Go through a Bible story book or the Catechism…the Ten Commandments…or the Creed...Sing a hymn…if the phone rings (Let it go!!)...stake out that time and do it....(Granted it’s getting harder and harder to keep a regular schedule—that’s not always possible)…but somehow keep it a regular part of life at regular times of your choosing...don't have to know a ton of theology...just read and talk about faith!
Luther reminds children that their parents are gifts from God...go to the large catechism and read about honoring father and mother...
It's only for children...it's outside the home...we've taken something good and twisted it into somehting thats not so good...schoolmaster is the assistant...helps the father...never meant to replace the father...not their responsibiliy...some delegating but never to give it away!!! You cannot pass off this responsibility to someone else...or you will pay a heavy price... Heartbreaking when children are getting nothing at home--child neglect!!
Practical suggestions..."I want to be the primary source..."
Start dinner...devotion...Ten Commandments...Creed...Bible story...Sing a hymn...Phone rings (Let it go!!)...stake out that time and do it....(Not always possible)...somehow keep it a regular part of life...don't have to know a ton of theology...just read and talk about faith...Catechism!!
I’ve known the joy of fatherhood for over 20 years now…it’s a joy I can hardly put into words...seeing my kids grow up...seeing them through teen years…getting jobs and and education…seeing them go through all the things you went through and seeing God bless and keep them...eventually seeing them marry and have kids...leads you to look down through your life and thank God for how wealthy God has made you…sometimes its the simple things that matter the most…your time together growing close to each other and to your Savior, until that day he brings us home together. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
Bond home and church
Patriarchy without Christ is poison...if you take away Christ...if you take away the cross...
Don't put them on trial...forgive them...acknowledge when you've done wrong...dad...you depend on his grace just as much...otherwise...what's left...you do what I say..cus im bigger and stronger...
Assumption is that we can measure a human being just based on social, political, material, acedemic qualities...measurable commodity...dehumanizing...we measure thigns that way not people...value of a human being is so much greater...small and helpless,,,old and feeble...or in prmeie of lifewe have value and beauty...
Joy of fatherhood...can hardly put it into words...seeing them grow up...seeing them through teen years...seeing them marry and have kids...leads you to look down through your life and thank God for how wealthy God has made you...
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