The 10 Most Important People at Church
Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 39:09
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Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time.
About brotherly love: You don’t need me to write you because you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.
In fact, you are doing this toward all the brothers in the entire region of Macedonia. But we encourage you, brothers, to do so even more,
to seek to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you,
so that you may walk properly in the presence of outsiders and not be dependent on anyone.
Furthermore, he must have a good reputation among outsiders, so that he does not fall into disgrace and the Devil’s trap.
We exist for those who are not yet a part of us
We exist for those who are not yet a part of us
Every Christian has a ministry in the church and a mission in the world
Every Christian has a ministry in the church and a mission in the world
The Guest
The Guest
Let me just say first of all that many of your have been guests for a long time… you are more faithful than over 100 people who are members that never come. Today would be a good day to join Riddles Bend and make this your home.
Why people quit: 1% die, 3% move away, 5% found better prices, 9% convenience, 14% personal dislike, 68% indifference toward customer from employee.
I’m a nice stranger. I never complain. I never create a scene. When I go to church, I never offer an objection if the usher leads me down the long aisle to the front seats, while all the members of the church crowd the back seats and fix their curious gaze on my embarrassed march. No, I just take my seat. I’m a nice visitor. I never growl aloud when I have to push by and walk over the feet of selfish church members who hog the aisle seats and would not move out of their favorite places even if it meant heaven or hell to a soul. Oh no, I just sit down meekly. I’m the ideal church stranger. I never reprimand students who sit around me blowing bubbles, playing with their phones, whispering, giggling, and passing notes. Oh no, I am too polite for that.
At the close of the services as I walk toward the door, I never make a scene if nobody but that pastor speaks to me or shakes my hand. No, they gather in their little cliques and do not bother me. I’m the nice visitor to the church.
And I’ll tell you what else I am…. I am the stranger who never comes back. That’s my little revenge for not being welcomed. I know when I am not wanted. I can sense when the church members are cliquish and unfriendly. I can tell when they lack interest in the spiritual welfare of the visitors. I, of course, am too cultured and too nice to say anything. I just go to some other, more friendly, more hospitable, and more spiritual church- or I just do not go back to church at all. I wouldn’t make a complaint- I’m a nice visitor. I just do not go back. And there are thousands of us right around you who could be reached by a little hospitality and warmth. Are you just a complacent church member, or are you genuinely concerned about the spiritual condition of a stranger and visitor?
The Nursery Worker
The Nursery Worker
Young couples will select a church more on nursery care than on the doctrinal statement of the church.
Babies should always be changed just a few minutes before service is over.
Security everywhere is a growing issue.The nursery cannot be a revolving door of adults just hanging out. That is not good for the baby and makes the parent uneasy.
If it isn’t your Sunday, please don’t enter. If it is your Sunday, please be there in plenty of time.
The Children’s Church Worker
The Children’s Church Worker
The need here is always great.
All the same rules for nursery worker applies, except changing diapers (most of the time)
The Greeter
The Greeter
I can tell you from much current research that the attitudes of guests toward how churches greet them has changed.
Greeters in the foyer should be there by 10:40, presentable, mint in mouth.
Attentive to each person that walks through door.
A bulletin in each person’s hand
Ready to lead them to where they need to be.
Not gathered in holy huddles
The person a new person sits next to
The person a new person sits next to
I recently had a guest call the “fellowship hymn time” FAKE SHAKE. Probably most people are not that severe.
If you are a member or regular attender, please take the time to greet those around you ASAP, not during the prescribed time.
Greeting time is not for you to hug mawmaw, but to reach out to others.
Sit closer to the front
Do not hog the end of a per.
Do not claim a seat. As a matter of fact move from time to time… hang out with new people.
TALK ABOUT YELLOW CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Sunday School Teacher
The Sunday School Teacher
Thanks for all you do.
Some check up questions
Is your class presentable? When is the last time you decluttered? Look through the eyes of a first time visitor. I’ve gone through the classrooms. Several look great. Several need to throw a lot of stuff away.
Are you arriving early and starting on time?
Is your class meeting socially and inviting guests to join?
Is your class prayer times focusing on the lesson and trying to get more lost people into heaven, or trying to keep Christians out of heaven?
The other behind-the-scene workers
The other behind-the-scene workers
The half sheet is what our nominating committee uses to fill slots. ONE BIG area is that I need a children’s coordinator. Karen feels that her time in this slot has run its course. She can be a trainer for anyone interested. Filling this spot is very important to future of our church.
The Worship Leader
The Worship Leader
We were created for worship
Worship is always to God and not about us
Kevin’s job is to provide you the opportunity to worship the Lord
Worship can touch the lost. In other words our worship can have an evangelistic dimension. IF folks see us as bored, boring, uninterested, non participatory, apathetic in our worship, what are we saying?
The Musicians, Praise Team, and Choir.
You all make or break a service.
Choir. It is important to engage your hearts AND your voices in your worship.
Choir. It is important to see that God gifted you and our church needs you. Stay in it. Don’t let the Devil give you excuses. You may not like every song. You may think Kevin hates you. Or I hate you. Which is not true. But God gifted you to faithfully use your gift. PLEASE
Platform Decorum: We don’t have a rigid dress code here, but let me say modesty, nice ironed attire, and a killer smile are essentials. In particular let me say to you ladies, remember that you are on a raised platform so the line of sight may be right up your hemline.
The Pastor
The Pastor
I was beginning to wonder if I would make the list.
Everything rises and falls by leadership.
I have blindspots, I know I do, but if I knew what they were, I they wouldn’t be blind spots.
What I can promise you is that I am all in.
I’m always working to be better.
Always seeking the Lord to serve and lead RBBC to be the best it can.
I’ve always believed that God will either work through me or in spite of me.