Examining Moses
Sermon Tone Analysis
Moses actually received the call in Egypt, and thought his brethren would accept him as the Israel’s Deliverer.().
Moses would rather suffer the afflictions with his people than to enjoy the temporal pleasures of sin for a season.(Hebrews 11:25-26).
Moses would rather suffer the afflictions with his people than to enjoy the temporal pleasures of sin for a season.(Hebrews 11:25-26).
God actually withdraws moses to gradually prepare him or render him fit for the upcoming task.(Moses goes to Midian).(, ).
God actually withdraws moses to gradually prepare him or render him fit for the upcoming task.(Moses goes to Midian).(, ).
A. Notice he is in slavery someone is trying to help him but he is so ungrateful, he doesn’t
recognize help when he gets it.
B. He should have received moses as an angel.
C. Moses tries Israelite deliverance without Divine sanction.
1. This is a message to all, “ deliverance without Divine Sanctions” = Failure!
D. Now God will prepare moses to return to Egypt as (“The Deliverer”).
God guides moses to Jethro who was a priest with seven daughters.
God guides moses to Jethro who was a priest with seven daughters.
A. Jethro was a Midianite from the lineage of Abraham through Keturah, not Sarah.
Moses spends approximately another forty years in preparation.
Moses spends approximately another forty years in preparation.
A. After commission comes preparation.
God prepares a woman for moses.
God prepares a woman for moses.
A. God has already ordained someone for His Servants.
B. Zipporah was given to Moses.
C. Moses marries and raise a family and it seems like Yahweh is silent and yet watching
Israel struggle in Egypt.
Now comes the Commissioning of Moses : Theophany and Call ().
Now comes the Commissioning of Moses : Theophany and Call ().
A. God Himself, the Great God of the Universe stoops down and offers us the wonderful
privilege to serve Him. It should stir us up to seek God’s hand upon our lives.
B. The kind of man God called (v. 1-3).
1.( Moses shows us). Moses had been the Prince of Egypt. He fled from Pharoah
where he met Jethro, the priest of Midian. Moses was a shepherd and married the
daughter of Jethro the Priest. Being a shepherd suggest that he had a heart that
could shepherd people. The work of a shepherd was: to feed and water the sheep, to
guide the sheep, to seek and save the lost sheep, to protect the sheep, to keep the
sheep separated from the goats.
2. God’s call does not come to a particular profession, it comes to a particular heart.
3. God’s call come to a person who does not waste time, who are willing to feed, guide,
seek, save and protect. Moses was a hard working, industrious man.
4. Moses was a man of faith, a man who believed the miracles of God, the impossible
acts of God (). The man who God uses must be a person of faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. God appears to Moses within the Bush ()----------God got his attention
6. Then God Identifies Himself, God speaks from (), Notice! God appears
as a blazing fire from within the bush, God has ofen used fire to represent His
C. God’s call was to a seeking man. Notice when God called Moses: When Moses stopped
and sought the meaning of the burning bush. Then and only then did God call out to
Moses. Most likely God would not have called him if he had not been seeking.
() (Acts 17:27).
D. The Reason why God called Moses (v. 7-8)
E. The expected response to God’s call (v. 9-10)
1. God’s call to Moses was personal and by name, we must be ready as
Abraham,Samuel, Isaiah and Paul
D. God’s call was a holy call(). Therefore we must be respectful, reverent, and
Why Did God call Moses?
Why Did God call Moses?
1. God saw the affliction and misery of His people()
1. God saw the affliction and misery of His people()
Lesson: God always see our suffering and misery
2. God heard the cries of His people ()
2. God heard the cries of His people ()
Lesson: He hears our cries for help
3. God knew about their sorrow and suffering and was deeply concerned
3. God knew about their sorrow and suffering and was deeply concerned
Lesson: He knows our trouble.
God came down to deliver His people from their suffering ().
God came down to deliver His people from their suffering ().
A. God came down to deliver His people from their suffering()
B. He wants to deliver them from bondage, enslavement and the enslaving hand of the
C. God wanted to give the promise land to His people.().
D. Remember the promise land of Cannan was a symbol of the promised land of heaven.
1. It was a land “flowing with milk and honey” (ex 3:8), (picture of plenty, fruitfulness,
fertility, and abundance).
2. It was a land that was spacious. (six nations were living there) ()
3. Heaven is spacious: there is room in heaven for all who will believe God. ()
God expected two responses from moses.
God expected two responses from moses.
A. Moses was to see and lay hold of-God’s vision and compassion for His people()
Lesson: God repeats verse 7 God wanted to touch moses heart with the sufferings of
His people. God wanted Moses heart broken with compassion.
B. Moses was to go as God’s messenger to deliver God’s people.()
Lesson: Moses was not appointing himself to be God’s spokesman.
Moses was being appointed, chosen, sent and commissioned by God Himself.
God and God alone has the authority to call and commission people to represent Him.
The Excuses of Moses- ()
The Excuses of Moses- ()
A. Moses felt incapable or not qualified(Ex 3:11-12)
B. Moses felt the people were ignorant of God and would be skeptical of
God’s power to help them (v. 13-22)
C. Moses felt they wouldn’t believe him and he wasn’t eloquent, not a gifted
speaker(v. 10-12)
D. He just didn’t want to go(Ex 3:13-17)
God’s Responses to Moses excuses(God made two great promises)
God’s Responses to Moses excuses(God made two great promises)
A. The Promise of God’s Presence ()
1. God would give whatever strength needed, stir up the confidence, assurance and faith
needed to do the task.
2. The promise of a successful mission: the people would be delivered (Ex 3:12)