Growing in the Light
Pre-caswell Devo • Sermon • Submitted
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· 5 viewswe learn that throught the process of sancitfication, we can be the light of Jesus in our individual worlds
Sermon Tone Analysis
Lesson Recap
Lesson Recap
First things first, everyone get your bibles out. if you don’t have one with you, you can use one of the ones we have on the table.
Alright everyone! first things first: everyone get your bibles out - If you don’t have a bible get one of the ones on the table here.
What is our theme verse for camp?
What is our theme verse for camp?
What is our theme verse for camp?
What is our theme verse for camp?
now that you have your bibles, turn to
before we read, lets have a quick recap.
Our first lesson was “Before the light. “
Our second lesson was “Now you are the light. “
Our third and fourth lessons were “ Live as the light. “
tonight, our lesson is called “growing” in the light.
Growing in the Light
Growing in the Light
What does it mean to grow?
Turn to
did that three, that was planted by rivers of waters did it just magically appear? when it appeared did it show up fully grown?
no! it had to grow!
For christians, this growth is called “sanctification.”
2. For christians, this growth is called “sanctification.”
(Call on students) Look up -
What is sanctification?
Who is in charge of our sanctification?
if the Holy Spirit is in
Here’s something important: Is sanctification the same things as salvation?
No! think about it this way - when a baby is born, it automatically starts growing. but it also needs to eat in order to be healthy. but what if that baby never learns to walk. what if it’s parents never let it learn to crawl? whats going to happen to it? it’s going to end up being weak! majorly weak!
How important is our growth?
How important is our growth?
So since the Holy Spirit is in charge of our growth in Jesus, does that mean we get to kick back and relax?
Is Growth really important?
Is Growth really important?
what if this happened next basketball season. you walk into the gym, and you workout, you go as hard as you can, but then you don’t show up for practice? or if you show up, you just sit on the bleachers and never bother to get up and go through drills, practice your threes. are you going to be good whenever your first game shows up? NO! you’ll be strong! you might be able to keep up with your team but will you be a better ball handler? will your accuracy be any better? will you help your team out? probably not!
The Bible says the same thing about our growth in Jesus (call on students)
turn to
Turn to
Turn to John 17:17-26
your growth and working out your faith is not only important to you living out the light of Jesus, but it was also important to Jesus.