The Gospel of Paul

Romans  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:10:57
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Today we finish Romans
Paul thanks God for those involved in ministry
Gives one final word of instruction
Ends in a final word of praise (Doxology)
Romans 16:17–27 ESV
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Timothy, my fellow worker, greets you; so do Lucius and Jason and Sosipater, my kinsmen. I Tertius, who wrote this letter, greet you in the Lord. Gaius, who is host to me and to the whole church, greets you. Erastus, the city treasurer, and our brother Quartus, greet you. Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith— to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen.

Paul’s Gospel

Why does Paul call this “my gospel”?
Was Paul preaching
Different than Peter, John, Apostles…Jesus
Is Paul saying his message is superior?
I don’t think so. Paul also calls his message:
The Gospel of the Son Romans 1:9
The Gospel of Christ 2 Corinthians 10:14
The Gospel of Salvation Ephesians 1:13
The Gospel of Peace Ephesians 6:15
Not superior, or after notoriety.
1 Corinthians 1 “ Some follow Paul, Apollos, Peter”
I am glad I didn’t baptize any of you so you could say you were baptized in my is not about me.
He Taught - Dependent/Points —> Jesus
So why, “my gospel”
It is a matter of “identity” and “ownership”
Identity - Paul identifies himself as “slave” as “apostle”
There is a sense of Ownership -
Not that the gospel finds origin in Paul
Paul has received the gospel. “Heir” “Adopted”
My Gospel - in the same way churches across the world sing “Blessed Assurance”
“This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long”
We are redeemed, rescued, ransomed, restored
New life, new birth, our identity is in Christ
Just as a wife takes her husbands last name
Just as an adopted child becomes part of the family
The gospel story is part of our own personal story (testimony)
We join Paul,
“His” gospel is also “my” gospel, it is “your” gospel
What we proclaim is not ourselves, but God’s story of redemption to a broken world.
And in regards this gospel, Paul issues warning
Not everyone believes/accepts this gospel
There are some who reject/resist
There are some who seek to divide
There are some who seek to pervert and distort
A false gospel exists and we should be on guard

Paul’s Warning

Be on guard for those who divide and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught.
Months ago we talked about “grey” areas of conscience
Open Handed - No Prescription, but Principle
Dress, Music, Movies, Alcohol, Diet
Some of what Paul has said definitely can be applied here
Christians who base their whole identity, their whole evangelistic platform on what they do or don’t do in areas of conscience
We can apply Paul’s warning and advice to avoid or disengage from distracting arguments in these areas...
Primarily here, Paul is focused on “closed” issues
There is a “standard of doctrine”
Beliefs that are the “core” of Christianity
Truths that God does not leave for debate
Early Church would use creeds to summarize, get on the same page despite differences
The Apostles Creed is a great Example:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
In Creeds like this, we find the standard of doctrine, the truth in which all Christians should be united.
The Character of God
Good, Loving, Wise
Righteous, Just, Jealous
Man’s Fallen Condition (Fallen Creation)
Individual Broken
In Rebellion against God
Desiring Autonomy
Society Broken
Struggling in Relationships
Manipulation, Abuse, War
Cursed - Weeds, Thorns, Toil
Misuse rather than cultivate resources
Nature of Jesus
Virgin Birth - Not under the Curse
Sinless Life - Not a life of rebellion
Death - Became a curse (atonement)
Resurrection - Victorious over death
The Holy Spirit
Call - Opens Hearts, Shines Light in Darkness
Leading - Direction, Mind/Will/Affection
Power - Healing, Gifts, Enabling Ministry
Do not seek unity with those who reject these truths
Be on guard/alert/aware of false teachers
Pastors who preach false gospel we should not give ear to
Books of spiritual deception that we should not meditate on
There are wolves in sheep’s clothing that seek to spiritually cripple and hinder our pursuit of God
Not only a different gospel, but malicious motives
Serving their own appetites
Not just wrong ideas, statements
They are in pursuit of of their own idols
Money, Sex, Power, Fame
Often Justification
They don’t like what God has commanded
So they alter or attack His word
Plan is on of deception (mislead/cause error)
Smooth Talk - eloquent words/arguments
Flattery - appealing to someones pride
Example of Each
My education/background is superior to yours, I must be right?
It sounds like you are judging/unloving, shouldn’t Christians be more tolerant/open?
Their goal is to disorient/confuse as to what is good and evil
Paul says I rejoice in your obedience…but be on guard…enemy at the gate
They use very familiar tactics…sadly, if we see a pattern in scripture....they are effective tactics, even to those who are named as God’s people, perhaps because we have not given proper attention to what God really has said.
Attacking God’s Wisdom
Attacking God’s Word
Attacking God’s Character
In the garden, Satan with Eve
Attacking God’s Wisdom
Doesn’t it look good to eat?
What’s your opinion, doesn’t this feel right?
It can bring pleasure, enjoyment, it must not be sinful. Why else was it created?
Attacking God’s Word
Did God really say that?
Perhaps you misheard or misread, perhaps there is an error in translation.
Attacking God’s Character
You won’t surely die!
God would never punish you, He loves you
God needs you to worship Him, so he is overbearing (low self-esteem)
God is just trying to hold you back
These are the same tactics used by those who seek to divide and deceive today.
I came across an article by Steve McSwaim, author of “The Enoch Factor: The Sacred Art of Knowing God”. In the article, he talks about the decline of the church; the article was titled “New Absolutes the Church Must Embrace or Die”.
Here are 5 old absolutes that He says must change:
The Bible is inerrant and infallible.
Adam/Eve were created beings.
Original sin separates us from God.
God sent Jesus to die for our sin.
Hell is the final destiny for all who do not believe.
Do you see the tactics, can you sense the motive?
Attacking God’s Word
The Bible is an outdated book
A myth written by men in the bronze age
Is not reliable or dependable
Most of it is figurative and not literal
It is full of errors and desrepancies
Attacking God’s Wisdom
God didn’t create us, we evolved
The laws of God are really just man-made rules that attempt to cause us to fear “god” and control us.
We don’t need God to save us, we need to work together to better ourselves.
Attacking God’s Character
If God is good and all powerful, why is there so much suffering in the world?
If God is love, how could He send someone to Hell?
As I continued reading, he goes on to give a similar list of new absolutes that the church must adopt. Again, I have listed 5, but what is interesting is there are a couple of these among the “trash”, that I think the true church already holds as being true....i starred those
The Bible is a “guide”
People are innately good
Jesus is “our way”, but God is bigger than our beliefs
*Equality is for everyone, we are all equal
*Stewardship is about money, justice and the planet
So again, the same tactics are being used to replace sound doctrine and are even placed along-side of some truths, that we really agree with anyway, but my question is this:

If you remove those doctrines from the church, what do you have left?

Do we have to accept all scripture as truth, or can we pick and choose what we agree with, our own idea of what God should be like?
What happens when we say the Bible is just a guide, that there may be some errors, that this isn’t even God’s only revelation?
Who is powerless, who lacks authority, who is distant and unloving because He has not truly revealed Himself to man.
Why pray to a God who cannot heal, who cannot calm the storm, who is powerless against evil?
Why worship a God who is distant or indifferent, like a kid with an ant farm waiting to see if we survive in our bubble
Philosopher Francois Voltaire, “In the beginning God created man in His own image, ever since man has been trying to return the favor."
We strip away at God, trying to conform Him to our own ideas until there is no God..
Aimlessly wandering through chaos and futility, no purpose, no meaning, no hope.
A society that built on the false hope of creating a utopia from their own wisdom and might.
Are we there yet?
Have we really made any progress/evolved?
Racism, Violence, Poverty, Drugs
So we don’t use knives…we use guns/bombs
We don’t use magazines…we surf for porn
Kids are dying in countries of poverty from something a $2.00 box of Imodium could stop.
Laws made by those with the most power or popular opinion lacking any moral compass or reason as to why something is “the greater good”
We want to raise “good” kids, but have no authority as to why something is wrong or right
Truth is becoming more and more relative, whatever “feels” right for the individual becomes their own personal truth. “Your truth”
A society that prides itself in tolerance and acceptance at the expense of truth, logic, reason.
Built on social interaction and emotional experience
Music that creates energy
Speeches of motivation and affirmation
A false gospel of inclusion, that you are accepted because you are (good, kind, important)
The focus begins to shift from God to man
Not was God worshipped/glorified
Did I enjoy myself?
Did my kids have fun?
We do not want to serve, we want to be served
This is why Paul says be on guard....lest this corruption begins to infiltrate your thinking
When they trained men to find counterfeit currency, they didn’t study the counterfeits, they studied the authentic...
We want to hold Scripture in High Authority
Encourage each other to grow
Do not miss the opportunity to hear from God each day, don’t starve all week and wait until Sunday.
We are constantly being preached to, the truth, or a lie....what voices are you listening to?
Facebook / Memes / Vines
Be mindful of who/what is influencing your standards of doctrine....
Be prepare (2 Tim 4) to give defense in and out of season
Be prepared, not paralyzed when trials and difficulties come
Continually depend on the word of God to teach us, convict us, sustain us, produce fruit in our lives....

Paul’s Gospel, My Gospel, Your Gospel

Ends in worship…(doxology = sayings of praise)
This gospel strengthens …in what way?
to bring about the obedience of faith
Faith - Trusting in who God is
Obedience - Acting in light of our faith in Him
After Ruth, we are going to James that talks a great deal about the relationship of Faith/Works, they are inseparable, two sides of the same coin.
This gospel what means?
The Preaching of Jesus....ACCORDING to
The Hidden Mysteries of the Old Testament
The Miracles
The Festivals
The Sacrifices
All of these are symbolic/point to Jesus
Red Heifer in Numbers, the Priest becomes unclean when sprinkling ashes on the clean....
The Rock that Moses strikes for water…the second time He was only supposed to speak. Jesus has been crucified, for life (living water) we only have to speak to God…ask
The Prophets
Telling of a Coming Savior
Telling of a day when the Law will be written on our hearts
Telling of a day when dry bones will be made alive after hearing the words of God
This Gospel, Paul’s Gospel, My Gospel…YOUR Gospel
Proclaimed all nations, tribes, tongues, people
Not because God needs us, but because He allows us to share in the joy of sharing His goodness, His hope to the hopeless and the broken.
To the God of this gospel; the true, real, historical, reliable gospel of the Bible be glory forever and ever and ever....
Even if we proclaim and no one believes....all glory to God
Even if we are persecuted, martyred ....all glory to God
Even if we are forced to meet in hiding....all glory to God.
Because the truth! good news.
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