Days Of Prosperity Part 2
Did Stan a man all the kids staying we going to pray over our children a man? Father we thank you for our young people. We thank you for the blessing and the gift they are to our ministry and to the family. I pray to God that you would just Watch Over Me Is they're removed from the sanctuary they go to their class. I pray God that they are mindful of who you are and that they would be taught to hide hide you in their heart so that they would be the representative that you need for kids today. I pray for their instructor Lord and I I pray God that you would just bless her as she teaches the children today and we just thank you for this gift of ministry to children in Jesus name. Amen. All right, do we have our teams? Do we have our teams? Teen Ministry we got any teens. Okay. Alright. So we going to play over iTunes. Amen Lord, we bless our teams and all the things in the challenges that they have to go through today. I pray a covering over them from the crown of your head to the soles of their feet. I pray as they go to their growth group Lord that they are able to share and learn more about you. We pray for their instructor. Are there facilitated Lord and I just ask I wouldn't come back into the sanctuary. They'll know a little bit more about you and draw a little closer to you and we just give you honor and glory in Jesus name that everybody say man. Alright, I'll change her. All right released to their go through a man. Can you do me a favor? Is it dark in here? Can we make it a little lighter? Amen? So we're going to continue our series on days of prosperity. Amen. We started a couple weeks ago. And then we had Father's Day which was a blessing a man. So I want to pick back up where we we left off a couple weeks ago and continue. Thank you continue talking about what God's blessing is for us, which is days of prosperity, you know, not just a season but everyday we should be in the space of prosperity now are foundational scriptures going to come from Luke chapter 12 verse 32 Luke chapter 12 verse 32, if you would stand it should come up on the screen. Let's read that verse together when you get it or if you have your Bible find it in your Bible. If not, it's on the screen. We're going to read this from the New Living Translation when you're when you're ready same are alright, Luke chapter 12 verse 32 the Bible says, so don't be afraid Little Flock forgives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom now, let's share in our confession of faith. Repeat this after me. I am not move. By what I see. about what I feel I am move by what I believe. I believe the word of God the victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it through the eyes of my faith. in Jesus name Amen, now, let's give God a big hand of praise and you can be seated in the presence of the Lord. Tell your neighbor we going to have days of prosperity.
No, no. No, you got to say it like you mean it days of prosperity. Okay, so so this is really important because if you stop and think about it, all the Jesus did was for us to be prosperous. Did that's that's that's the key is for us to be prosperous and prosperity covers all areas of your life. Not just the finances. The finances are huge piece. But your health your relationships your community your neighborhood your your Church's a man and this this this country. Amen. Everything should be prosperous but it starts with me and it starts with you and it starts with everyday asking God and seeking God for Prosperity today and let me say this to you so that you thoroughly understand and not afraid there is nothing to be afraid of when God wants to prosper you. There's nothing you know, you don't have
You take it away. So there is something about when God blesses you and he prospers you you can rest in that amen. And so couple weeks ago. We started this series and when we picked up the scripture he was talking to those who are believers in Jesus Christ, because in order for you Biblical Prosperity you have to believe in God Amen. Now there is worldly Prosperity that we all have partake partake it in but we're talking about biblical Prosperity which supersedes all the stuff that the world can do for you a man. Tell your neighbor days of prosperity. Prepare yourself you can receive from God all that he has for you on a daily basis. Amen. So the first thing you need to do is start testifying about what God has already done for you.
In order for us to begin operating in these days.
I believe.
What's the testifying real it's it's something that's manifested that we think is going to impress people but every day each and every one of us has attacked them.
Does that make sense? So in order to have you got to speak what God is doing in your life 92 Psalm 92, let's begin with and what we have to do to really initiate these days of prosperity.
You have made me a strong as a wild ox. You have anointed me with the finest or what that says to to anyone you talking to his God you blessed me. I want to tell everybody that God you bless me. You know what you may not see what God has done. But let me tell you God you blessed me when we start opening your mouth.
What we're saying and he sends more.
You made me a strong.
For years, I have the wisdom.
He says you have anointed me with the finest or when God. you
does that make sense we get caught up and we forget we don't worry about what we don't have we forget to thank God for what we do have. Who's that message we week we worry about when we don't have let's start initiating days of prosperity by saying God this what I have today. I got clothes on my back. I got shoes on my feet. I got people around me who care about me. But I just want to testify and let everybody know my day and prosperity starts right now.
Does that make sense? 92 in verse 11 The song writer says my eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies. My ears have heard the defeat of my Wicked opponents not let me tell you when you're there a Prosperity star you don't have to work.
And telling people about the goodness of Jesus. I Need A Little More Jesus.
He brings peace to my soul. He brings Joy. He brings love he brings Prosperity like never before. Let me tell you instead of me f*****.
That makes sense. So y'all and if the power is in our tongue, but we speak out of our mouth will control our destiny it will it will impact.
Giving people who shouldn't even have it. When God says everything you have I given it to you, praise me.
Does that make sense? Okay, y'all ready? I don't think you're ready. Say it's time to flourish. florist
Hey, man, when it's not in our vocabulary the biblical meaning of floors florist means to flower to Blossom to bloom to break through and it spread out. Start staying this time the floors. He's talking about taking you from where you at the point where you grow and you break out and you spread out, you know, it's more than what you can even imagine you getting more you do. Another definition of that is to enter to as a state of prosperity. That means you're not just mediocre you are bug that is not what it means to be above and beyond. Okay, y'all not hear me and hear it also means to increase in wealth favor and honor to grow vigorously exuberantly enlarge and expand.
I know you can do it. Will allow you to do things that you never done.
what I feel it's always what the word of God says because somebody will try to
On the word of God speaks to make you bigger than what you ever were before. Does that make sense?
For us to do if we would just trust his word and depend on his word and not what people are saying.
The person with the title is saying and not what the word.
Not just a season when it comes around every day. We should be operating and prosperity.
We got a battle through some stuff y'all cuz we've been told wrong. We've been told her always be the little person with you going to be a little person when I got big things for you to do.
minister to the world
Come on. We we got to get back. No you clean your house in the name of Jesus and you move on to your neighborhood.
It's time for us to enlarge and to expand and become extremely successful in everything. We do so your neighbor. It's time for days of prosperity.
In Psalm, 92 verses 12 13 14 and 15. Look what the Bible says but The Godly Will flourish like palm trees. And grow strong like The Cedars.
4 minutes you will grow and flourish like a palm tree. Think about the biggest the brightest the most flowering tallest palm tree. It's just doing this all in your face. I'm here. I'm here. You can't stop me what the Bible says will happen to The Godly Now, let me give us a reality check. Is applicable to The Godly those who are following God. So now if I am not
you don't know.
Means you're not following God. You following me. And the worst man the following the one in your own head.
Come on the stuff. We tell ourselves that don't nobody know about the stuff that keeps us in fear the stuff that keeps us down as opposed to being the best. God has created us to be us all up here. Amen. Send a text is The Godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like The Cedars of Lebanon 13th for they are playing it to the Lord's own house. They florist in the courts of our God Cece.
And they're bringing nothing. That's how some of us are we guy?
Come on, we want everything from somebody else. But we want to bring anything to the table. God is bringing his best to the table. He said I will bless you. I will flourish you but you have to come to the table ready to give him praise.
That makes sense. See y'all we got to step past just the church stuff to the point where we intimate relationship with God and no matter if you were at home, he still flourishing you if you were at work. He still flirting you if you driving on the freeway accident God just blessed me a man. He still flourishing you you were getting Dave of prosperity. You don't have to worry about when you wake up your house is safe. A man because we belong to God and we're an intimate relationship with God. Do I have any Witnesses here? Come on, y'all give God some praise. 7 verse 14 this gets me excited and old age. They will still produce fruit. That's how I know. I ain't done with you.
I got work to do. So, you know, I'm in that age now where I'm on the other side. I got my AARP card I get my discounts at Denny's. amen I thought it for a minute and then I relinquish to a man. But here's what I do know God's not done was a man. We have wisdom to impart into our younger people we have work to do for the community for our homes for our families before we get up out of here. Yo God is not done. The Bible says even in old age. They will still produce fruit. They will remain vital and green. Do they try to make those of us who on the other side of whatever the number you want to have. Amen. They want to take the picture that we're all dried up. No, you know what the new 52 50 is the new 30 something 60 is the new 40 something 70. Do you know that? The insurance. What's the word I'm looking for. No, no. No, it's the tables that they used mortality tables.
Come on, y'all we going to be here long time we got work to do. Amen. We got work to do. So don't be counting yourself out a man. Engage your mind read your word pray don't give up. Don't worry this whole retirement thing, you know folks a return now. Let me just say we still work cuz they're still Vitality left the thought of retirement that you go somewhere and sit down and finish the rest of your life and become worth nothing. No, that's not what it's about anymore. It's about still working and stealing and being a part of it is still in Parkman to each other. Hey, man, so don't come to me talk about somebody like you better get out of work. Amen.
They will declare the Lord is just he is my rock. There is no evil in him. So your worship to the Lord as you got you good. And I'm still available to be used by you. All you got to do is send me I mean, I can only send me people in here. Send me send me God you want some done. Send me send me stay here.
See the church is filled with them folks. Been waiting for somebody else to do it. I need to be around to send me folks. Amen. God. I know you going to work it out.
I was reading my devotional it was either a couple days ago and and then the devotional says the story was about a person who was so busy could never get anything done never had time to do their divorce. Never had time to read never never always busy, but never getting anything done in the devotional. It says if you prioritize and put the word of God first. Give me y'all. If you put the word of God first and you ask God to order your steps for that day, you'll get everything you need to get done and more.
And then in your purse show me give me the wisdom.
I'm waiting for that.
Here's a deal in serving. The lord is the heart in the center of our life. We got to be worshippers.
The Flash that wants to do everything else because the spirit wants to be a worshipper and you've got the spirit to take over to be the worshipper that Give me the sinner. and Wendy gotta acknowledges that he recognizes that and come in with the other blessings from the kingdom. Amen if it works, but you have to be at work super.
We all need a fresh provision or renewing of God's power in our life on a regular basis. So so we all have these titles some of us are moms and grandmas and dads and uncles and brothers and sisters and you name it. Everybody's got a title and you know, what comes with that title you keep giving and giving and giving and giving and giving and giving and then your empty. Right, you get empty unless you take time to allow the spirit of God to pour into you because you're giving out the spirit of God wants to Port into you. That's why you have to have you give An employee you are a supervisor. You are a boss. You're a you know, Mom and Dad or whatever you keep giving and giving and giving and giving
I ain't got the energy a man. It's so much stuff. That's when you know, you got to get renewed from the Holy Spirit. You've got to stop all of this take some time out and get it to work and say Lord. I need you to renew me. I am empty now. I need your power. Now what happens if we run on empty if we still
us to be she didn't you start giving everybody the leftover stuff. and especially God does that make sense when I gave our best to everybody else and some of these people stumping on it? They kicking it, you know, you've given your best of them and they step.
And I'll give you the strength to keep on going see this thing has to be before you get up to do anything from now on go to God In Prayer verse God order my day show me and give me the wisdom so that I can get through this day with power with the annoying. With the spirit with joy when peace when everything. God I need you to renew me and you know, what if you do that, you'll have the strength to get through some things and to deal with some difficult people in a way that you've never been able to deal with them before. Does that make sense?
We need a fresh anointing from the Holy Spirit. Y'all let me tell you. church folks today I hurting. the broken they're scared. They're frustrated. They're hateful. They're angry. They're all of these things. They've been abused and misuse not only by the world, but my folks in the church. This is an indication that we need a fresh anointing from the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit to come down on us when we come to worship service. We should be bringing our worship with us not sitting there waiting for someone to go through worship and do worship. So they will feel better. Bring your worship with you. Amen. Bring it with you don't ever come to a worship service and you don't bring your work. Amen. You bring your worship and watch what the Holy Spirit receiver newness of freshness right now all of a sudden you got an answer for an amen. That's such a
Bring your worship.
Y'all don't get quiet on me.
Now listen check this out.
remember the reason we get tired is sometimes we think we battling people. You're not battling people. You battling spiritual forces. And they're draining your energy. This is why you need to Holy Spirit to renew you and fill you up you go to that job site and you got a boss that's acting crazy. That's not the person you.
Hey man, come on, y'all you got to understand this cuz you'll still be trying to battle in mad at people why you mad at that person don't matter that person with that demon that's in there. And that's what is designed to take away our days of prosperity because you know what? I got to spend my time dealing with something but when you allow the Holy Spirit to fill you up, he gives you the directions and the wisdom to deal with that issue. So you got protect your days of prosperity a man. That's your prosperity.
how to protect it in the way you
Bradley win this is here. Amen. Come on y'all.
All right. Y'all got to get ready to floor. So get ready to flourish amazing thing about working on the outside. But they missing a blessing cuz they don't know what God is about to do. Although all his brothers look the part. David didn't They don't look the part. But you don't know what God is doing a man you gave you got to realize God is not done with you don't know what God is doing. So so so you want somebody look at you and say you don't look the part. He doing some amazing with me. You don't know. Alright, here we go. And someone 12 verses 1 & 2 the text says praise the Lord say praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears or respect the Lord who Delights greatly in his Commandments. That's the blessing right there. When we respect honor. That's when the blessings come.
Lee verse 2 When you do this, the text says his descendants will be Mighty on Earth. The generation of the upright will be blessed. It's dragonchain when we respect God when we honor God when we worship God when we get you will be black. It starts my day. You know what I get up. I do my devotion I praise. My day of prosperity but here's what the devil is trying to do to y'all.
Cuz I can get caught up in that to you. Wake up and you just start doing stuff. You get busy doing all kind of stuff. You're on social media you watching the news you let me tell you something. Please don't turn on the TV and watch no news until you pray first.
Come on now because the television is designed to put some in your spirit. Did you going to have to work to try to get out of? So, please don't turn on anything and watch the music you listen to it after you pray.
That's a freebie for somebody who wake up and I got to see the news. I got to see that wait a minute. You got to pray first. Hey, man. Who was the Texas? Oh, okay. So the days of prosperity occur when we delight and God's Commandments the Bible tells us the generation of those who are upright will be black in verse 3 looking first three you got to get into this is the good stuff. He says wealth and riches will be in his house.
we might. we got to jump over here and make sure Susie like us and Billy like something this person like says, you know, the Bible says when you go to God and you respect,
will be in
Guess what? We going to pick this up in 10 years later. Guess what? He's going to say wealth and riches will be in his house. Can I go change? Amen?
What I'm feeling or what I'm here, and I'm going to believe what the word of God says.
make sense Do we go?
Tell your neighbor trust God. No, say it. No, say it trust God. Trust God that is really important because some of us have some form of trust in God, you know, if it's convenient or if it's something we can do we can trust God but what when I say trust God in every area of Our Lives we got to trust God. Does that make sense? Alright, check this out in Jeremiah chapter 17 verses 7 & 8 here's what the Bible says in it ain't going to change first seven blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.
Blessed is the man or woman who trust in the Lord. I got to have somebody approve what God's done already told me. No, you don't. You just got to trust in the Lord. I've got to have somebody who's going to make a way for me know God is already made a way for you. You've got to trust in the Lord. Tell your neighbor trust in the Lord trust in the Lord. And whose hope is in the Lord. What's the thing taking everything out the world taking everything off?
This business venture work. The Bible says when your hope is in the Lord you will be blessed. We got this thing all wrong.
Is the Lord?
Does that make sense?
The Texas for he shall be like a tree planted By the Waters get the job not just in your little space Here's what happens when you bless.
on everyone and touching everything it says
and will not fear when he comes, you know, what when everybody going through because I trust in the Lord. I know he going to take care of me.
I'm trying to help somebody here, you know folks committing suicide now because they losing jobs and they don't understand what's going on because it's not trusting in the Lord when that went off when people all around you going down and having problems and let you know what your house going to stay in. You can be blessed because you can go to God and says, you know what Lord I have honored you. I respect you. I worship you I praise you and your word says you will plant me like a tree by the waters.
Going to be up time for you.
Come on y'all.
The devil don't want the people of God to hear the truth for the world. All y'all can't be talking about being blasted people's driving and they hungry and this that the only way we going to be able to impact them is if we do we're blessed by God so we can go there and do the work that God has called us to do see I believe you because I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do.
I believe the people are hungry starving going through issues because I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do. This is what I'm doing. What I'm supposed to do. God will bless me and he will take me to take care of that situation because we only exist to resolve problems.
You only exist.
That only you can resolve.
See, I was jumping up and down. You know, you're good we go work on that. Amen. For he shall be like a tree planted By the Waters which spreads out its roots by the rivers and will not fear when he comes but it's Leaf will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drop normal seats from yielding fruit. Let me tell you what God is going to do for us. Both going to be going through stuff. You know what your business your family your health will be prosperous. Day Day's of prosperity he don't buy into what everybody else is going through. They may not be honoring God. They may not be worshipping God.
but when you fall on the home, they doing everything else but and so they struggling and then people come to me and say what pastor this person is a good person. How could God let that have you know that?
10 to you and let God bless you and he will open up your eyes and and and give you a bill and maybe minister to that individual.
Does that make sense? No that ain't what I want to hear Pastor. I want to I want to hear God can be mean sometimes.
You keep messing up and watching you don't want his. You don't want that trust me in the message translation verse 7 & 8 says but blessed is the man who trust me God the woman who sticks with God y'all got to hear this even though it gets challenging for people around you you keep doing what God has called you to do. You keep honoring him. You keep worshipping him. You keep following his Commandments. You keep doing what God is calling you to do a man because you might be the blessing that I get that other person out of the situation or circumstance that the rent is that make sense. They're like trees we planted in Eden putting down Roots into the river never a worry to the hottest Summers. Never drop a No Leaf Serene and calm through droughts bearing fresh fruit. Every season 2 now. There's for promises when you trust God and you can write this down the first promises when you trust God you will be blessed so you will be blessed.
Do your hope in the Lord will be rewarded. You cannot trust in God and God not honor his word.
That makes sense. The second thing is you'll be nourished by God and you will be firmly rooted in this life. You ain't got to worry about that. You know, when we trust God no matter what goes around us. We can always stand on the Solid Rock Amen when God When God says he's going to do something in your life trust him. He's not a man is going to lie. There's no reason for him to lie. He can't lie. So when he gives you a promise, all you have to do is trust him and when he does that, you know, no matter what it looks like. That's why we in our devotion devotion of faith. We say I don't Believe in buying to what I'm saying or what? I'm hearing cuz you know what things change all the time. What I see now, it's temporary What I Hear now is temporary things are always changing but the word of God never changes. Amen. Is it was that number two number three? You will fear when trial you will not fear when the trials of Life come but instead they were you will conquer them all when someone when the devil tries to when you trust God when stuff comes your way. All you got to do is be still you just be still, you know, quit trying to fix stuff. We have people who are always trying to fix stuff and other folks be still and let God fight the battles and just praise and worship and read and study honor him be still and he'll take care of everything else. The first thing the devil always wants to do with us is put a spirit of fear in US.
That's when you have the cash that thing out in the name of Jesus because God does not give any of his children the spirit of fear. He does not in there is nothing that when you get that fear Spirit rising up in you, you know, that's from the devil. And that's when you snatch that thing. You put it under the authority of the word of God. Does that make sense? I'm coming. I'm scared.
number for You will never fail to produce fruit in your life. You always going to have days of prosperity. So when God calls you to do a thing write a book open a business. You don't be the best parent or grandparent getting married or not get married. Trust me. Sometimes he will say no.
And you have to say Thank you Lord. Because you don't see what he sees amen and no is a blessing at times. Is that make sense? All right. So when you place your trust in the Lord, you always be able to withstand all the trials and Temptation hardships in The Misfortune to let you know the greatest thing about talking to our seniors and in for those of you who are young, you should really spend some time with our sins. Let me tell you if you going through stuff 9 times out of 10, they done already been there and done that. You know, so instead of Reinventing the wheel window. Kiss my body. Let them see p*** to your life you you may not like what they say, but it's going to help you in the long run. does that make sense cuz you know what y'all it will all the time. If someone is already gone through something and God has blessed and you know what I want to hear. Why do I have to knock myself out side the head and hit? Tell me no, don't do that.
You know, why? Why would you do that? That's a waste of your time that you can't get that you said nothing.
And you look up in that wall is still there. And you got the biggest headache in the world and time is just gone by when when you should have took yourself on that. Don't hit your head on that wall.
Okay, I'm going to go this way.
Does that make sense? I mean that's practical stuffing and you know, my heart goes out to young people because they do, you know, we all been there was nobody could tell us anything and it is y'all over a certain age. You know, now you had a place where I really realized. I knew nothing. I'm at that stage in my life where I realize. I don't know anything. And it was God's grace that got me to this point. Cuz when I thought I I knew stuff it was him protecting me from myself. Amen.
So days of prosperity start everyday everyday you get up with a spirit to worship god with a spirit Hunter him and you allow him to bless you. Does that make sense? Tell your neighbor we going to have days? prosperity in Jesus name Now you got anything out of this message. Just give God the praise.
All right. We got some next steps. I am challenging everybody to read the Bible now. I just want you to read the Bible because if we halfway through the year unless you doubling up. Just read the Bible. Just we trust me if you if you trust God weed is worth. And I'm telling you you're going to find things in the word of God that will give you wisdom that will resolve issues and problems in your life. And that will bless you like never before we the Bible a man. The next thing is stay with me. We are praying for 500 people to be in worship service on a weekly basis here at UCF.
It's going to be hard as most of us. Believe it. There's some members in your family. There's some friends that you know who need Jesus and we all need a little more Jesus. Amen. The last thing is you got to be excited about coming to church cuz you know what, I recognize people around you get excited about the same thing. I don't even know why you tell me about a movie. They got to go see that movie. About coming to church a man on Thursday rev it up. You know what the weekend is here. I know Brandy came and she took somebody's jail, but he's not here every week. Amen. I'm going to get excited about coming to UCF. And if UCF is not your house of worship, whatever house of worship you go to get excited because we're there's a reason to be excited. Amen. So then invite someone to come to church with you. Here's what that means. You know what you might have to go pick him up a man.
You know that it's just a lot of love there and you and that's you say yes, that's a lot of love here. You know, that's but then they and they will say yeah. But that's not the commitment. It's when you call them and follow the Sunday, right? Yes, and then Thursday this Sunday, right? Yes, and then that's when you start hearing excuses. Oh, well, don't worry. I'll come pick you up this Sunday, right? Okay. Well, don't worry. I'll come. and so it takes repetition because people will say anything until it's time for commitment amen, but when they get here We going to shower them with love a man. We going to shower with luck and it will be an experience that they have never had in the church service before self, you know, ask God to show you who that person is that you need to go invite the church say amen. And when you do that guy will honor. Hey man, give God the praise and I'm going to bring us up. Amen.
Thank you.