The Blessed Book
Vital Doctrines for Christian Living • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 39:29
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Of all the books ever written, none is more interesting than the Bible. No other book contains such a variety of history, philosophy, love stories, war stories, drama, poetry, and informal letters.
The Bible tells about a man who lived for 969 years (Gen. 5).
The Bible speaks of a donkey that spoke (Num. 22).
It tells about a man with a bed 131/ 2 feet long and 161/ 2 feet wide.
It also tells of how the sun stood still (Josh. 10).
The Bible relates the gruesome incident of how a woman killed a man by driving a spike through his skull (Judg. 4).
In Judges 20 there is mention of seven hundred left-handed men.
In 2 Samuel 14 we find the story of a man who got a haircut once a year, and the waste weighed 61/ 4 pounds.
The Bible tells in 2 Samuel 21 about a man born with twelve fingers and twelve toes.
In 2 Chronicles we read of a father with eighty-eight children.
Needless to say, the Bible is an interesting book.
Infinitely more important than its interest is the fact that the Bible is a book needed for living.
It is the sourcebook for Christian belief.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
The Bible is Divinely Prepared
The Bible is Divinely Prepared
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
The Scripture is not just another great literary work. It is a literary miracle. The Bible holds no peer. A group of writers did not sit on a committee and plan the sixty-six books of the Bible.
Rather, more than forty different writers and editors worked on the Bible over a span of sixty generations.
The Bible is a divine production.
Paul said, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3: 16).
The word inspiration is a compound of two Greek words that could be translated “God-breathed.”
This means that in some miraculous manner, God led in the production of the Bible.
B. The Bible reveals human personality.
God used human beings to write the Holy Bible.
The authors were farmers, shepherds, tentmakers, tax collectors, physicians, governors, kings, and fishermen.
In the divine preparation, God did not rob the various writers of their distinctive styles or personalities.
The Bible did not fall from the sky. Instead, God inspired various human authors in diverse life situations.
The Bible is a Divinely Preserved Book.
The Bible is a Divinely Preserved Book.
Hundreds of literary works have been preserved. Libraries contain copies of Plato’s Republic and Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Yet to read the story of how the Bible has been uniquely preserved is thrilling.
The Bible has been preserved throughout antiquity.
The Bible’s 3,500-year history is miraculous.
It has defied the ravages of time and survived thousands of scribal copyings and translations.
Beginning with the work of Moses around 1,400 BC and continuing with John’s letter to the seven churches (Revelation), the Bible has been uniquely preserved. To think of the thousands of copies made and the primitive writing material makes the preservation nothing short of a miracle.
B. The Bible has been preserved during attacks.
Even when the books of the Bible circulated individually, opponents sought to destroy them.
The Syrian despot Antiochus Epiphanes destroyed all the Old Testament books he could find.
The Roman emperor in AD 303 decreed the burning of all Scriptures.
In 1229 a Catholic synod in Toulouse, France, forbade the laity to own a Bible.
Though ungodly people have sought to destroy the Bible, we have it today. It has been uniquely preserved through the years of attack.
But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
The Bible is a Divinely Proven Book.
The Bible is a Divinely Proven Book.
Its never out of date or needs an update.
The test of any book is its durability.
Can a book stand the test of time? Can a book accomplish a purpose in today’s world?
The Bible has been proven through the years. It has stood the test of time. It accomplishes results in today’s world.
The Bible is true to its purpose.
God did not inspire human authors to write a textbook on science or history. He inspired human authors to disclose his will for human beings.
To make the Bible a textbook on science abuses the original intent of Scripture.
Furthermore, there is history in the Bible..
The Scientific facts mention in the bible are true as well as the historical data. But its not a science or history book.
The Bible confronts people with God.
Through the years the written Word has proven adequate to confront people with the living Word.
B. The Bible stands under the assault of skeptics.
Voltaire, the noted French infidel, once boasted,
“One hundred years from my day there will not be a Bible in the earth except one that is looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity-seeker.” - Voltaire
Two hundred years later a first edition of Voltaire’s works sold in Paris for eleven cents.
On the same day, the British government paid the Soviet government five hundred thousand dollars for an ancient biblical manuscript, the Codex Sinaiticus, which dates back to AD 350
The Bible is a Divinely Important Book.
The Bible is a Divinely Important Book.
Paul said that the Bible is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
No book is more pertinent to life today than the Bible.
A:The Bible teaches us the first step of faith.
Paul said to Timothy
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
The Scriptures opened Timothy’s spiritual eyes to his need of a Savior. The Bible discloses the need and the means of a life in Christ.
B. The Bible leads us in future steps.
Salvation begins with a step of faith, but it continues in a walk with the Lord. Paul told Timothy that the Bible pertained to his progression in the Christian life.
It is profitable for “doctrine,” which means the instruction we need for living. The Bible is profitable for “reproof.”
Throughout the life of a Christian, false steps need to be corrected. Restoration is essential.
Therefore, the Bible is profitable for “correction.” Not only does the Bible convict us of wrong, but it also helps to correct us.
It instructs us “in righteousness.” Wherever you touch life, the Bible is especially pertinent.
Many books confront you in this world. No other book can mean more to you than the Bible, for when you listen to or read the Bible, you will encounter the living Christ.