Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What does it mean to live in God’s grace?
God saves his people completely, there is nothing left to question or be undone
Problem: Some of us don’t fully grasp the completed work of God for our salvation.
Illus: A Coastie this week left the office saying: “Chaplain’s are some cool people . . .
not a care in the world.”
Our Salvation although unrealized fully, has been accomplished in it’s entirety leaving nothing undone.
Stephen is still rehashing history to prove that the gospel of the OT is the gospel of the NT.
The Jews who were getting ready to reject the gospel, who had rejected Christ, rejected what their Fathers had claimed as true and had faith in.
The church today is confronted with a growing number of people in the world who do not believe the gospel message, nor no much about God as revealed in his world.
We are also confronted with Christians who are not certain that we fully grasp the gospel or are living it.
Illus: Dr. Neilson on when we think we have it we really don’t.
Understanding God’s providence in His world helps us embrace the gospel message through faith even more.
God saves his people from the evils of the world
- Story of male children being killed by midwives
Story of Moses points to God’s providence over his plan and people
God can and does protect his people from the evils of the world
App: God has protected you to this day, physically and spiritually.
God has chosen to protect you.
God does this because there are forces out to destroy the growth of the church and of his Kingdom.
God saves his people from the evil in their own heart
Man’s own heart draws us toward violence
Moses facing his brothers was seen as a murdered because of what he did to the Egyptian
He was rejected by his people even though sent by God
Even though Moses was a murderer, he was saved from it and used by God to bring Israel to a place of salvation
More importantly he did this to preserve the line for Jesus Christ who would e the ultimate fulfillment of all things
God saves his people on his own time
These short stories of Moses although back to back took a long time to complete.
80 years before Moses went and rescued God’s people.
8- years is a long time to wait isn’t it.
That is a whole generation.
God operates on a more grand scheme than we can even imagine.
App: We are impatient and often forget the goodness of our salvation as we wait on the Lord.
God saves his people because only he can do so
Moses is put in his place at the burning bush
Acts 7:32
Moses is the obedient servant used by God to rescue his people
Used by God, called by God directed by God
“I have come to deliver them.”
Moses gets no credit, God gets the credit
Only God can save
Edmund Clowney - “this is the summation of the whole Bible.”
Tim Keller says that Clowney would repeat this phrase when quoting , why?
To show that when we think we fully gras the gospel we actually don’t.
We need to reflect upon and ponder the gospel so that we, through faith, getting it more and more.
We need to understand and practice daily living in light of the gospel - in God’s grace.
“Salvation is of the Lord” was nothing new to Jonah, but in the belly of the whale and at the bottom of the sea, he held a new perspective of salvtaion - it is only from God.
Only God can save!
do you operate that way?
Moses as a type of Christ was:
Born under an attempt to kill at birth
was rejected by his brothers
led his people out of captivity to the promised land
Seeing and hearing the story of God doing this for Israel through Moses should cause us to look to Jesus and how he has done this for us.
Where Moses was a type of Christ, Christ is the fulfillment of this completed work of salvation for his people.
It is important for us as Christians to interact with the gospel continually
To see in his word how he has rescued us in Jesus Christ
To look at stories like Moses and see where Christ fulfilled what he could not - the supremacy of Christ in all things
It is important for us to apply this special grace to our current circumstances continually
It will help us avoid the traps of the world
It will help us avoid the traps of our own heart
It is important so we don’t ever see ourselves as having past a primary step and undervalue the gospel
Keller warns that this is how he often viewed the gospel and that many of us still view it this way
Stephen is telling this story as a way of saying that the salvation God offered in the OT is the same salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
It was a challenged to look to Christ as the fulfilment and then live in light of tat truth.
He is reminding of Moses only to point them to Christ.
Th Lord’s Supper is also a reminder, instituted by Christ himself, of the completed atoning work on our behalf.
Why do we do this often?
As a reminder to live in the graces of Our Lord and Savior - A God who saves!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9