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Exodus 3:1–12 KJV 1900
1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. 2 And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. 3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. 4 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. 5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. 6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. 7 And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; 8 And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 9 Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. 10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. 11 And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? 12 And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.
One day, unexpectedly, the heavens opened and God came down in a ball of fire unto a particular bush at a place where Moses was looking after the flock of Jethro his father-in-law at the backside of a desert. 40 years before Moses was a prince in Egypt but for 40 years now he had been a fugitive. By now he was forgotten, forgotten by Pharaoh, forgotten by all his friends, in fact many of his friends were already dead. Very few people knew his name now but then the heavens opened for him. 
The very first thing that will happen when heavens open is that the forgotten will be remembered. That is why I am confident that God is going to remember someone tonight. God remembered Israel. He remembered His promise to Abraham, that He told Abraham in . God had said to Abraham: "Know of a surety that your seed shall serve in a strange land for 400 years and then they will be severely afflicted but when they come out, they will come out with great treasure.” Somehow I believe that the time for some of us to come out with great treasure has arrived. (Amen!)
God remembered Israel and He also remembered Moses. You see whenever God remembers somebody something special always happens. When He remembered Rachel in , the Bible said, her womb was shut before but God remembered and Joseph was born. That is why I believe that all those who are barren here tonight God is going to remember you. (Amen!) And when He remembers you, He will open your wombs and special children shall be born. (Amen!)
When God remembered Israel, you know the story in , because Israel sinned against God, because they were following a king who led them to idol worship, the man of God came and said, “Shut the heavens!” and the heavens were shut – no rain, no dew, for more than 3 years. And then all of a sudden, God said in , God said, “Man of God, my people have suffered enough. I know you shut the heavens and you are not thinking of opening it yet but it is time. I want to open the heavens.” May God remember Nigeria today! (Amen!) And when God opened the heavens rain fell. 
There was a time when God remembered a man called Cornelius. In the Bible said, God remembered his prayers and his alms. Everything he had ever done God remembered in one day! And salvation came to his house.
So when the heavens open the forgotten will be remembered. 
So the heavens opened and the forgotten were remembered and then the second thing that happened is that there will be Divine visitations.
So the heavens opened and the forgotten were remembered and then the second thing that happened is that there will be divine visitations. So God came down, came in a ball of fire and you know He came down to the backside of a desert which means that God will visit someone, it doesn’t matter where you are (Amen!). And when ever God visits somebody, miracles happen. You see when God visited Sarah at home the promise of 25 years was fulfilled in 1 day. When God visited Lot he was sitting at a city gate and that day he didn’t know that death was coming tomorrow but God visited him and rescued him and his family from imminent death. When God visited Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego in a fiery furnace what was supposed to destroy them loosened them and dealt with their enemies. The fire that was to kill them loosed all the ropes that bound them, killed the soldier that threw them in and those who did not die, he converted. That’s why I am sure this year all those who say you will not reach your goal, you will bury some. (Amen!) The others will be converted to Jesus Christ (Amen!)
So God came down, came in a ball of fire and you know He came down to the backside of a desert which means that God will visit someone, it doesn’t matter where you are (Amen!). And when ever God visits somebody, miracles happen.
You see when God visited Sarah at home the promise of 25 years was fulfilled in 1 day. When God visited Lot he was sitting at a city gate and that day he didn’t know that death was coming tomorrow but God visited him and rescued him and his family from imminent death.
When God visited Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego in a fiery furnace what was supposed to destroy them loosened them and dealt with their enemies. The fire that was to kill them loosed all the ropes that bound them, killed the soldier that threw them in and those who did not die, he converted. That’s why I am sure this year all those who say you will not reach your goal. (Amen!)
And then promotion came! When God visited Paul and Silas in prison, their yokes were destroyed, their tormentor became their servant and their enemies were humiliated. So there will be divine visitation this 1/2 year (Amen!) I know God is going to visit my home again. I know He’s going to visit my office. I know He’s going to visit His church. I am confident that God is going to visit Nigeria. uk.
And then that day when the fire came down into the bush, the Bible said the bush was not consumed. That’s the first time that fire will come into contact with grass, grass will not burn. That means, when heavens open, original miracles will begin to happen. (Amen!) Brand new miracles. Unique miracles. The kind of miracles that had never happened before. That’s why I’m sure that for somebody beginning from tonight there will be original miracles.(Amen!)
Thank You Father! The Lord said I should say something to someone and that the fellow will understand. He said, the one who prepared the burden shall carry the burden. (Amen!) He said the fellow concerned will know.. The one who prepared the burden shall carry the burden. (Amen!)
So when heavens open there will be original miracles.
In God promised He said, “Behold, I will do a new thing.” Tell your neighbour: ”God is talking about me now!” Say it as if you mean it! Now what is the new thing that God said He will do? He said, I will make a way in the wilderness (Amen!) – that place… I will create a way where there was no way before. (Amen!) And then He said, I will create rivers in the desert. Tell your neighbour, “My days of dryness are over.” 
In the Bible says there was a day when Joshua spoke to God and said, God stop the sun! Stop the moon!” And the Bible said there was not a day like that before. I believe that this day is going to be a day that we will all remember for the rest of our lives. (Amen!) You know there’s another song that I would love to sing if you don’t mind. It’s a prayer and the prayer is for me – Do something new in my life, something new in my life, something new in my life today….. You want to sing it one more time? It’s asking God to do something new in my life, something wonderful, something miraculous…. Do something new in my life, something wonderful in my life today….
Thank You Father! The Lord says there is someone here, your eyes are crossed. The Lord says He’s putting them straight now. (Amen!)
Oh, glory. Let’s give the Lord a big hand. That’s a good one. Thank You Father! The Lord asked me to tell you that if you could clap very well … come on put your hands together – do it very well, do it very well! Thank You Daddy! Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! Thank You my Lord1 Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thank You Father! Amen! 
Now He said as we were clapping He is repairing eyes. Let’s give Him another big round of applause Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Amen! So there are some of you here for example that are using glasses before - you won’t need them anymore. (Amen!) In fact He says there is someone her, you are supposed to come for your glasses on Monday. When you get there - take another test -–you won't need it any more. All right Thank You Father! 
Now, the number four thing that happens when heavens open is that there will be new sights, new attractions, new visions because Moses said, “I’ve not seen this kind of sight before. Let me turn aside and see this great sight.” When heavens open there’ll be the opening of physically blind eyes; there’ll be the opening of mentally blind eyes..... You know the Bible talks about the eyes of understanding – you’ve been studying and studying and you just don’t understand. All of a sudden – oh! I understand! And then spiritually blind eyes will also be opened. This year I will be surprised if many of us don’t begin to see angels! (Amen!)
And then our vision generally will be expanded because what you see is what you get. If you cannot see yourself in a jet, you will never own one. I mean, I use to believe that only the Queen can ride in a Rolls Royce. Then I got to Britain and I saw ordinary people riding in the thing. If they can ride it, I can ride it! They don’t have two heads. They have one. If somebody can own a jet, I can own one. If somebody can be so rich that he can build a church single-handedly, I can build one. If somebody can win hundreds of thousands of souls for Jesus Christ, I can win them. It is what you see that you will get. How many of you believe that you will see great things this year? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)
There was a time when I thought 1000 was a large crowd. Then I travelled to America. Kenneth Hagin camp meeting and I saw 17,000 people in church!…17,000! Oh, God! On the plane I began to pray …. God, one day I too must stand between 17,000 people. And then some years later I travelled to Korea and I saw the church of Yongii Cho! 450,000 people! I said God, I don’t want 17,000 anymore. No, no, I want , I too want more than 450,000. If you can see it you can have it. Now I’ve seen something great.
You know I can see a town that will start from here and go all the way to Ikorodu. And when it is time for Holy Ghost Festival the crowd will begin from Ikorodu and it will reach Abeokuta. (Amen!) How can you see that? My heavens are already open! I say my heavens are already open! 
Now I want you to sing. Are you ready to sing? Tonight is a special night. My voice may not be like that of those who sang before. It doesn’t matter. I’m praying so I can sing when I pray. Open my eyes O Lord! Alleluia! Open my eyes O Lord, Alleluia!….. That song says open my eyes O Lord! Open my eyes, I don’t want to die in poverty, open my eyes Lord. I don’t want to die small! Open my eyes O Lord! Open my eyes Lord! Open my eyes! Open my eyes! Open my eyes Lord! Open my eyes! Open my eyes Daddy, open my eyes! 
And so Moses turned and said, I want to see this great sight. You will see great sights this year. (Amen!) But then suddenly God called out to him out of the fire. It means this year, there’ll be divine communication. (Amen!) God called out to him. God spoke to him and I know God is going to speak to someone tonight. (Amen!) And there is no reason why you should not hear from Him. Because in , the Bible says, ‘my sheep hear my voice.’ Let me tell you the truth brethren – there is nothing sweeter than to hear the voice of the Lord. Oh, it’s so wonderful to hear His voice! It’s a wonderful thing to hear just one word from Him! 
Remember what the centurion said. He said, you don’t have to come to my house. You don’t have to come and lay hands on my servant. Speak the Word only! May God speak to you today in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) . He said, ‘He sent his word and He them and delivered them from their destructions.’ The Word just went and healed. May the word go to you today and heal you. (Amen!) And you need to hear His voice so you can be guided. So you know what’s going on. Just one word and God will say, "No, no, turn right, no turn left. No, go straight! No, stop!” It’s good to hear His voice. And says, ‘As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” I pray that God will begin to lead you. 
“I must hear! I must hear!” How many of you want to hear God, yourself! I mean, not, not a prophet said…but you heard? Then maybe you will pray with me then, “Oh open my ears O Lord. Alleluia! Open my ears O Lord......Open my ears O Lord! I am ready to obey…You know one of the joys of hearing from God yourself is that nobody will be able to deceive you.
May God open your ears today! (Amen!) May God open your ears today. (Amen!)
I know what is wrong with some of us – unless we see we don’t believe – but you have already seen tonight. How could anybody think that anyone will come here with charms? As many as we are, and God look in the midst and said, “You, you, you, you, you have it come, come and drop it.” If He did that one you can be sure when He said He’s curing somebody, he’s doing what He said He’s doing! Thank You Father! 
Now when God called Moses. Now there’s something there that I nearly missed. I saw, yes, there’ll be divine communication. And there is something more than that –it is a divine relationship, a friendship, suddenly developed.
You know, among the English if you are a casual acquaintance they will call you ‘Mr. Adeboye.’ When you become friends they drop the ‘Mr.’ They drop the ‘Adeboye’, they begin to call you ‘Enoch’…. ‘How are you Enoch?’. When the Englishman calls you by your first name that means, now we are friends. And that’s how God called Moses. He didn’t say, “Mr. Moses So-So-So.” He said, “Moses. Moses.” There’s somebody here who’s going to become a friend of God tonight. (Amen!)
He called him ‘Moses, Moses.’ When you go through the Scriptures you find that the people God called by their first names – its either they are already special or they are going to become special. ‘Abraham, Abraham’ and he ended up becoming God’s friend!
‘Samuel, Samuel’. And he ended up becoming God’s prophet.
He called him ‘Moses, Moses.’ When you go through the Scriptures you find that the people God called by their first names – its either they are already special or they are going to become special. ‘Abraham, Abraham’ and he ended up becoming God’s friend! ‘Samuel, Samuel’. And he ended up becoming God’s prophet. ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’ And he became God’s representative. May God call you by your first name today in Jesus’ Name!(Amen!)
‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’ And he became God’s representative. May God call you by your first name today in Jesus’ Name!(Amen!)
God called Moses by his first name and Moses said, "Here am I.” Well if God calls you today, may you answer in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) And God said unto him, remove your shoes because where you are is holy ground. I am confident that the homes of some people will become holy grounds this year. (Amen!) How do I know? Because God is going to visit us. You know that wherever God is becomes holy ground. If you are willing to pay the price, God is willing to dwell in your home. What is the price? He said, ‘Be holy for I am holy.” Because only birds of the same feather can flock together.
But if you will just invite Him into your home. Remember if He comes into your home there must be no more quarrelling. No more blasphemy, no more cursing. No more fighting, no more stealing, no more fornication, no more adultery… “ah these laws are too many. I think I’ll be meeting God in the church. All these rules and regulations – they are too many.” Let me tell you one thing. Wherever God dwells, demons cannot dwell there, sorrow cannot dwell there, sickness cannot dwell there. I mean where God dwells..... power dwells there.
I remember years ago, I traveled abroad and my daughter fell sick in the college and they brought her home because she wouldn’t go to hospital. And then Mummy prayed and the pain continued for a while. Suddenly God gave the girl an inspiration and she said, Mummy, please let me sleep where Daddy sleeps. The spot where he sleeps, let me sleep there by your side. She slept there and instantly, the miracle happened. Where God dwells power would dwell there. How many of you want God in your home. Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)
And in the Bible tells us that God dwells in the house of a man called Obed Edom – for 3 months. God blessed him. You know David sent God into the house of Obed Edom and said, this God is too tough.
He’s a consuming fire. Let Him go and stay in the House of Obed Edom If He can kill him, let Him kill him there. But then news came to David that God is blessing the house of Obed Edom.
This man was hardly finding enough food to eat. All of a sudden he has become a multi-millionaire in 3 months! David said, Obed Edom, thank you very much, I’m the one who sent God to your house. I want to take Him back to my house! How many of you want God in your house? He will come to your home this year in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!)
And then God said to Moses, I have heard the cry of my people.”
You see when heavens open, prayers are heard, answers will come. Many a time we had prayed and the answer had not gone beyond the roof because the heavens were closed but now the heavens are open. That’s why I am sure my prayers will be answered this year.
In , the Bible says this poor man cried and God heard him and delivered him out of his troubles.
God that answers prayer, hear my prayers. God will hear the prayers of somebody today. (Amen!) So God said to Moses, I have heard the cry of my people and have come to deliver them.
When the heavens are open there’ll be deliverance. The Bible says in He said there will be deliverance in Zion, there’ll be deliverance at Redemption Camp! Today the Almighty God will set the captives free. (Amen!)
But then God went on to say, Moses, Moses!” Moses said, “I’m here.” The Lord said, “Put off your shoes. Where you are is holy ground. I’ve heard the cry of my people. I’ve come to deliver them. Now come and I will send you.”
So whenever heavens open there could be divine commissioning. There are people that God would send this year. … Your Amen has suddenly become low.. (Amen!) Whether you like it or not some of you are going this year. (Amen!) I know if I say some of you are going to America, “Amen “ will be loud. Some of you are going to Iraq. Some of you are going to Iran. (Amen!) Some of you are going to Kuwait. (Amen!) Some of you are going to Egypt. (Amen!) Some of you are going to China. (Amen!) Some of you are going all over the world! (Amen!) If you believe that shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) .
But you see you don’t have to be afraid. Jesus Christ said in “As my father sent me so send I you” How did the Father send Him? With power. You won’t go home without power. He will back you up. He will support you. Now some of you may not go far away from Nigeria. Some of you will be going back to your village, to win the souls there. Some of you are going there to destroy all the idols there. Some of you are going to bring the light of Jesus Christ into your town this year. There’s a song we used to sing too … Here am I send me, here am I send me, as the Lord needs somebody here am I send me. GOD IS SENDING US TO NATIONS.
The Lord said, joy shall be returned to a particular home today. (Amen!) Thank You Father! 
So Moses said, “Lord, who am I? Who am I to go against Pharaoh? I have a stick in my hand, Pharaoh is the mighty king of the world.” God said, “I will be with you. “ This year there’ll be divine partnership. (Amen!)
The Lord said there’s someone here your parents have been saying, “Time is running out, time is running out....” The Lord asked me to tell you, you will soon say, “Jesus never fails.” (Amen!) If you are the one shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)
So Moses said, “Lord, who am I? Who am I to go against Pharaoh? I have a stick in my hand, Pharaoh is the mighty king of the world.” God said, “I will be with you. “ This year there’ll be divine partnership. (Amen!) Partnership in business, partnership in education, partnership in the home, partnership in ministry. You know the Bible says in , it said, if God be for us who can be against us. In , God said, "No man will be able to stand against you all the days of your life because as I was with Moses so shall I be with you.'' And when God is with you, everywhere you step will become your own. (Amen!) Everywhere your footstep shall tread upon. God said I’ve given it unto you that’s why I am sure we are going to take the world for Jesus. How many of you will go along with me? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)
Partnership in business, partnership in education, partnership in the home, partnership in ministry. You know the Bible says in , it said, if God be for us who can be against us.
In , God said, "No man will be able to stand against you all the days of your life because as I was with Moses so shall I be with you.'' And when God is with you, everywhere you step will become your own. (Amen!) Everywhere your footstep shall tread upon. God said I’ve given it unto you that’s why I am sure we are going to take the world for Jesus. How many of you will go along with me? Let me hear you shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!)
So finally God said to Moses, “Don’t argue. Don’t argue with me. I’ve already made up my mind. It is time for you to cross over to your destiny. I created you so that you can be a deliverer of my people. I trained you for forty years in the University of Pharaoh. I trained you for forty years in the university of the desert. Now the time has come.” Let everybody say “Now” (Now) Say “Now” loud and clear! (Now!)
The people on this side say, “Now!” (Now!) The people on my side here say, “Now!” (Now!) People here say, “Now!” (Now!) People here say, “Now!” (Now!) The people here say, “Now!” (Now!) The time to cross over to your destiny has come.
“Stop arguing my friend, your heavens have opened. You have been forgotten but I’ve remembered you! I have visited you. I’ve given you a new mission. I have spoken to you. I’ve called your name, we are friends now! Time to cross over!” And He said, “Cross over to a land flowing with milk and honey.” For somebody here tonight is going to be fulfilled. (Amen!) Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over…” When God has finished preparing the table it is them He will call you and say, “Come and eat.” All these years, God has been preparing the table. All the past Holy Ghost Service he had used them to prepare the table. Now…. Let everybody say, “Now!” Say it loud and clear..... It is time to eat, it is time to cross over to my destiny whether the devil likes it or not my day has come.....” Say it, say it as if you mean it. Say it loud and clear! 
You know when you are not really sure that is when you say certain things quietly so that the devil won’t hear – but this one is already too late for the devil. He said: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Time for Adeboye to enjoy has come. You know it’s so good today that there are 2 Adeboyes preaching. One is preaching, the other is interpreting. Now! I said the time for Adeboye to enjoy has come. My days of sorrows are over! 
Now I want you to talk to the Almighty God. You see after the heavens opened for Israel and they began to march towards the Promised Land. It wasn’t long before they came across the Red Sea. So you are going to pray now and say, “Father, Every Red Sea across my path, let them open now! Let them open now! Every Red Sea across my path. Let them open now In the mighty Name of Jesus! Let every Red Sea open now so that there’ll be nothing to hinder my way. So that I’ll be able to march on to victory. Oh, yes, I know my heavens are open but I know there may be a Red Sea across my path… Thank You Jesus! …Every Red Sea Lord let them open now! .... Let every Red Sea open now Father, that I may be able to march on undisturbed. To the Promised Land. To the anointing, the power, the glory, the miracles, the signs and wonders that you have already stored for me, waiting Lord God Almighty! my arrival. Thank You Jesus! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! And so shall it be in Jesus’ mighty Name! (Amen!)
Now after the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea all the enemies that were pursuing them were swallowed up. I want you to open your mouth and prayAll the enemies that have been pursuing me. From my father’s house, from my family as a whole, from my husbands house, from my wife’s house, all the enemies that have been pursuing me all these days, let the Red Sea swallow them! Open your mouth and pray! “All the enemies that have been pursuing me, that are saying, even though my heavens are open they will keep on pursuing, Father, let the Red Sea swallow them! Let the Red Sea swallow them. That my deliverance may be complete. That my freedom might be total. That my joy may be full. All the enemies that have been pursuing me all these years – from my father’s house, from my mother’s house, from my wife’s house…. Thank You Jesus! Thank You my Father. Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
After the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea the next thing they discovered was that the water they wanted to drink was bitter. But then God performed a miracle and their bitter waters became sweet. I want you to open your mouth, brethren. I appeal to you, call on the Almighty -: Every bitter waters left in my life, change them to sweet. Wipe away my tears. Father, change my sorrow to joy! Change my sorrow to joy! Every bitter waters left in my life change them to sweet waters! Oh yes Father, You can do it! …. Every bitter water in my life change to sweet! Change my sorrow to joy! My failure to success! My Lord and my God, do something, do something Father! Change my bitter waters to sweet. Purify Your Holy Name thereby Lord! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
Very soon they had no food to eat and God sent manna from heaven. Tell the Lord Almighty, “I’m your son. I qualify for manna – supernaturally! Provide for my needs – from above O Lord! Provide for my needs! Lord send down manna from heaven! My heavens are open now. Send manna to me I qualify, I’m Your son. I am Your son. Send manna to me from above! Oh yes Lord! Send me angel’s food! Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more! Send manna to me from above! Send manna to me from above! Send manna to me from above! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
Then they said no water to drink again. The Almighty God brought water out of the rock. For every man there is a rock inside which your water is hiding. That which will bring total satisfaction to you is hiding somewhere. Ask God to open your eyes to see your rock! Where your miracles are hidden – beg Him tonight! Say, “God, open my eyes, let me see my rock where my water is hiding and then bring forth the water O Lord! That I may drink and be satisfied, satisfied physically, satisfied materially, satisfied spiritually, satisfied ministerially, satisfied maritally, satisfied mentally, all-round satisfaction! Open my eyes Lord, show me the rock where my water is hidden. Bring forth the water O Lord! Let me drink and be satisfied! May Your Name forever be glorified! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
And then they said they wanted meat and God said “I will bring meat.” and He asked the wind to begin to blow and the wind began to bring quails – so many. And the quails came and landed around the camp and the people did not even have to pursue them, they were so tired, they were just picking them up. I want you to pray: “Father my blessings in the East, in the West, in the North, in the South – Holy Ghost wind blow them into my house! Bring them in! Wind of the Holy Spirit Bring all my blessings in, from the East, from the West, from the North, from the South! Holy Ghost wind blow! Blow my blessings in! Oh! Blow my blessings in! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
And then they came to Jericho. And the wall of Jericho said, You are not going further but then the Captain of the Hosts of Heaven came out of heaven and told Joshua, “I will fight your battles.” Brethren, let’s cry to the Lord and say, “Lord of Hosts, from now on fight my battles! Fight my battles! Lord of Hosts! I cannot fight the battles alone! Fight my battles for me! Lord of Hosts! Fight my battles! Lord of Hosts! Fight my battles for me! I cannot fight the battles alone! ! I cannot fight the battles alone! ! I cannot fight the battles alone! ! I cannot fight the battles alone! ! I cannot fight the battles alone! Lord of Hosts, fight my battles for me! I cannot fight my battles alone! ! I cannot fight my battles alone! ! I cannot fight my battles alone! Lord of Hosts Thank You my Lord! Alleluia! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
And then the wall of Jericho fell. Your wall of Jericho will fall today (Amen!) I want you to lift your voice to the Almighty and promise Him. I will praise You, I will adore You but every wall of Jericho that may be left in my life, let them fall now, now! Now! Now! Now! Now! I will praise You! I will adore You! I will magnify Your Name! Every wall of Jericho that’s in my life, let them fall down flat now! The wall of Jericho fall down flat….. wall of Jericho must fall down flat! Right now! Right now! Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
As true Christians the Bible says we should our neighbours like ourselves. You have prayed for yourselves. I want you to join hands with your neighbour and pray for the person you are holding. Say, “Father, whatever miracle he needs, give to him now, give to him now Father! Let him cross over to his destiny now! Whatever miracles your son needs Lord, give him now! Let him cross over to his destiny. My Lord and my Saviour, I pray. Whatever miracles he needs that will make his joy full give him now, You can do it Daddy! Nothing is impossible with You. Whatever he needs physically, whatever he needs mentally, whatever he needs spiritually, whatever he needs financially, whatever he needs emotionally, whatever he needs martially, my Father and my God whatever he needs ministerial, give him now, so that his joy may be full, so that the world may know that we are serving a living God. Do it for him Lord and take all the glory! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
Say, “Father, whatever miracle he needs, give to him now, give to him now Father! Let him cross over to his destiny now! Whatever miracles your son needs Lord, give him now! Let him cross over to his destiny. My Lord and my Saviour, I pray. Whatever miracles he needs that will make his joy full give him now, You can do it Daddy! Nothing is impossible with You. Whatever he needs physically, whatever he needs mentally, whatever he needs spiritually, whatever he needs financially, whatever he needs emotionally, whatever he needs martially, my Father and my God whatever he needs ministerial, give him now, so that his joy may be full, so that the world may know that we are serving a living God. Do it for him Lord and take all the glory! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!)
And so Father I come before You one more time on behalf of all these Your children. Early this morning Lord, at a time when they are supposed to be sleeping. They are here seeking Your face, crying out to You, saying, “Lord, we thank You for Open Heavens. We thank You that the enemies have not triumphed over us! Father, Accept our thanks in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) Every Red Sea across the path of Your children I decree them open in Jesus’ Name! (Amen!) All the enemies that had been pursuing them, that refused to let go even though their heavens are open, Father, tonight, let the enemy be swallowed up! (Amen!)
God bless you! You may be seated for few minutes. 
We want to continue quickly with what happens when heavens open. We want to look at something just for a few minutes in & 39:
When ever the heavens open, people praise God and they worship Him. And I just want to mention very quickly some forms of worship or praise, some ways we praise Him and worship Him. 
The first way is that whenever we really want to praise God we should do it loudly. The devil has taught us that whenever we want to praise God we should do it quietly. Some of us from our various backgrounds have learnt that whenever we want to praise God it must be done with decorum. That is not what the Bible says and I don’t care what anybody may say but my number one authority, my final authority is the Bible. says, O bless our God ye people and make the voice of His praise to be heard. People cannot hear the voice of His praise if you whisper it. Nobody can hear you if you say, ‘Alleluia!” He said, let people hear the voice of His praise.” says, “make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth! Make a loud noise! “ What kind of noise? Make a loud noise and rejoice and sing praise! says, "Let the priest be clothed with righteousness and let thy saints shout for joy.”How many saints are here tonight? Then let me hear you shout for joy! … You tried! You really tried but I want you to know one thing. We had told God that we will praise Him, so we want our Jericho walls to fall. I believe the wall of Jericho had fallen so we are owing God a shout! That's right! Glory be to God! Alleluia! Praise the Lord! Amen! Amen! 
Now don’t you ever forget that the winning side is the shouting side and I am on the winning side, I say I am on the winning side. There’s a song we used to sing in those days: What the Lord has done for me, I cannot tell it all…. so I can shout Alleluia! . Has God done anything for you? I think I’ve told you the story before. One of my sons came visiting. One of the Bishops, and he was telling me all the great things God is doing in his ministry And I kept on saying, “Mmmmh! Praise God! Oh Thank You Jesus! Oh the Lord is good!” After some time he said, “Daddy, I’m the only one talking. You are not saying anything about what God is doing for you! “ I looked at him, I said, ”My son, If I tell you all that God is doing for me you will say God is partial!…” What the Lord has done for me, I cannot tell it all…… Let me hear you shout one more Praise the Lord! God bless you! You may be seated! 
The Bible says one way you praise God is by shouting. The second way is by singing. That is why it doesn’t matter whether your voice is good or not. Just sing! If somebody says your voice is not good, ask the fellow – I’m not singing to you. I sing most of my songs in my bathroom where there is nobody to listen. If my voice does not go along with your guitar. There is a guitar in heaven that goes with my voice! Look at It says, sing praises to God! Sing praises! Sing praises unto our king, sing praises! I n one verse it said ‘sing!’ 4 times! It just kept on saying, “Sing! Sing!” In it says, “I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify him with thanksgiving! I will praise him with a song…. I will sing unto the Lord a joyful song, I will praise His name, for the Lord is good… Alleluia! 
So we sing to Him with a shout and we will praise Him with a song. Then He said, number 3, we can praise Him with musical instruments. Many of you will not believe that once upon a time in this our church, guitar is forbidden. Drum? How can you drum? In the House of God? Drum? Until one day I saw and thank God my Father in the Lord told me when he was alive – he said, “ the Bible, my son, the Bible is your constitution. That the one we wrote down, that one is for the government but the real constitution, the Bible!” So if I find it in the Bible, I will do it. If it’s not in the Bible, count me out! said, Praise ye the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary.....” Where? That’s right in the church. It said, “Praise him in the firmament of his power…. verse 1 Now go to verse 3 .....”Praise him with the sound of the trumpet… Thank You very much! Let somebody shout Alleluia!! And then he went on to say..... Praise him with the psaltery and harp…” Then he went on to say, “Praise him with the timbral and dance!” And he went on to say, “Praise him with the string instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals and praise him upon the high-sounding cymbals” And he said, “Let everything that hath breathe Praise him!”…. Glory, glory, Lord, we give you glory Lord… Alleluia! Thank You very much, that’s okay! 
You know a day is coming when all we will do at Holy Ghost Service is just praise Him from evening till morning! And then he went on to say, “Just incase you don’t know how to play guitar, and yet you want to praise him with a ten-stringed instrument, put your hands together, Amen! He said in O clap your hands all ye people, all ye people! Not some people – all ye people! Amen! 
Now, I’ve told some of us before, that clapping actually means God I will cooperate with you.” That’s all right we will come to that. Just a moment. And I told you the story about how clapping began. I said, one day the fingers saw the birds singing and they liked the song and so they tried to sing too because they know they were praising God. But no mater how fast they moved, they produced no sound. Then one of them said, “Maybe if 2 of us cooperate, maybe we will produce some music. So one finger joined another and they began to produce and they found that with some, with a little bit of practice they could produce some sound that sound like music. So the right hand said to the left, if instead of me and my fingers alone cooperating, if we join with you, maybe we’ll produce a better sound. That’s all right you are trying! Let’s do it the way they did it that day. Lift up your left hand and with one finger on the right, begin to tap that left hand. There’s a little sound. Now increase the fingers to 2 and then to 3 and then to 4 and then put the two of them together! Amen! And then you discover that with a little bit of practice, you can produce even better music than just clapping. You can start by…. And then you can improve on that, you can improve on that and change it to..... (two claps) just wait, wait now! Just wait! And change it to …(three claps) All right Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)
Unfortunately our time is running, but you know you can vary it various ways. By clapping alone you can get all of us dancing. And then He went on to say that the fifth way we can praise Him, is by dancing! In He said, “Praise the Lord with dancing.” There are many of us who think that those of us who dance are worldly. I think you are mistaken sir! When I dance, I am telling God that He is my owner. Because that’s the way my dog tells me I am welcome. When I travel and I return and my dogs, they want to say welcome, but they don’t have the vice to say it, what do they do? They dance! O te mi lorun kin jo fun Olorun mi….
And then He went on to say that the sixth way by which we can praise God is by bowing or by kneeling down. So when I bow or I kneel, I am telling God that I know you are superior to me. In Yorubaland at least, I don’t know every detail about other tribes, you kneel for someone that you consider superior. He said, let us bow and kneel down before our maker. Who is our maker? calls Him, the Most High’ What is the meaning of ‘the most high’? The one who is higher than the highest! calls Him the ‘Almighty’, the One who is mightier than the mighty The Bible says in that God has given Him a name that is above every other name That at the Name of Jesus.. I say, at the Name of Jesus. … in Jesus Name every knee shall bow, in Jesus Name every knee shall bow, in Jesus Name every knee shall bow,,,,,, 
So we can praise Him by shouting, by singing, with musical instruments, by clapping hands, by dancing, by bowing our knees and by lifting up of our hands. & 4, says: because Your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee and I will just lift up my hands at thy name… ‘ Now what do we mean when we lift up our hands to God? I used to be a boxer. I know you may not believe that now, but I used to be a boxer! And when you go into the ring you believe you are going to win and one thing you must have discovered by now is that you cannot determine the strength of a man by merely looking at him. Until the two of you get into the ring and the fellow you think you can beat seems to be about to kill you! And they’ve taught us one basic principle before you even begin to fight at all – they say the dog that runs today, will live to fight tomorrow.” So the moment you discover this man is about to kill me, what do you do? (hands up) Oga, thank you sir, you win! don’t kill me, I’ll go and prepare afresh! 
When you lift up your hands to Almighty God you say, “I surrender. I am too small to fight you anyway.” And the Bible says in It said, When you say you surrender to God you are actually blessing him. That’s where we got a song that says…. Come bless the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord, lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord, and bless the Lord…..
And then the eighth way we can praise Him is by prostrating. You know that’s easy for those of us who are Yoruba boys – we know how to prostrate but many of us don’t know the meaning of prostrating. Prostrating actually means, “I offer myself as a sacrifice. I lay myself on Your altar. Wherever You send me I will go. Whatever You want me to do, I will do. “ That’s what the Wise Men did in when they saw Jesus, when they saw their Maker, when they saw the One who gave them wisdom, when they saw the Alpha and the Omega, when they saw the beginning and the ending, when they saw the one who is the One who is to come, when they saw the Almighty, when they saw the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, when they saw the Rock of Ages, when they saw the I AM that I AM! they prostrated. That’s what they did. That’s what the 24 Elders do in heaven. In Revelations 4:10-11. They took off their crowns, they laid it at His feet. They say unto Him, “We don’t deserve anything, whatever we are, whatever we have, we owe to you – they lay it on the ground and they prostrate. There’s a song we used to sing – I don’t know how many of them know them now-a-days… I think this year I will be teaching you some of the old songs because I know God wants to bring about a great revival. The first time I heard this song I was lying on my face so that’s why I remember it so well – it says, “Father, I adore You, I lay my life before You, How I love You, Jesus, I adore You, I lay my life before You, I love You, Spirit, I adore You, I lay my life before You, how I love You…
Brethren, which ever method you want to use, maybe you want to kneel or you want to stand, you want top lift your hand, you want to prostrate before Him – I want you to think of a song of your own and just sing to Him, sing a song unto Him, go ahead, sing a song unto Him! Choose a song of your own! Your own song and just bless His Holy Name! Just tell Him, “I love You Lord!” with a song! If you want to clap you can clap! If you want to dance you can dance! If you want to kneel you can kneel. If you want to prostrate, you can prostrate. Worship Him! 
We bless Your Name Lord! We magnify Your Holy Name! As Your children praise You today Father, visit each and everyone and let Your Name be glorified! Thank You Father! Thank You Father! 
The Almighty God says, I said in my Word, that if I be lifted up, I will draw men unto myself. God said, because you have lifted me up today, I will hasten your promotion. (Amen!) Thank You Lord!
The Lord says because you sang for me today, I will give you something to sing about for the rest of your life. (Amen!) Thank You my Father! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You Daddy! Glory be to Your Name! In Jesus’ mighty Name we have worshipped! Let someone now shout ‘Alleluia!’ (Alleluia!) Let’s put our hands together for the Almighty God 
Now very quickly we will want to minister to those who might still feel they need ministration even though I believe that the Almighty God has touched everyone of us tonight. Bit there might still be some people who will feel that they need the touch so the ministers of God can we please take position. Only those who feel, “Unless they touch me I don’t think I will receive anything, they are the people who will go to them, the rest of us will just be dancing and rejoicing where we are. Okay. O Thank You my Father. Let‘s give the Lord another big hand, please, let’s give Him a hand….. 
You are worthy Lord, You are worthy Lord, You are worthy Lord….
You are worthy Lord!
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