Our Wealth
Philadelphia Baptist Church
2/18/2007 Sun. p.m.
Our Eternal Wealth
Eph 1:7, 11; 2:22; 3:12
Illustration: Hetty Green - died in 1916 - estate valued over $100 million
- died living like a pauper
- ate cold oatmeal because it cost to heat it
- son's leg amputated because she took too long looking for a "free clinic"
Many Christians are like that today. We just do not realize the wealth we have in Christ. We do not have to live like we are "spiritual paupers" when we have all the resources of Christ at our disposal.
A. Christ’s Will:
1. He wrote us into his will, then died so the will would be in force
2. He arose to become our Heavenly Advocate, making sure the terms of the will are closely followed
Illustration: Earthly will - no effect until the death of the testator - Hebrews 9:15-18
- Like human wills, all the arrangements are secured by the testator and its beneficiaries need only accept its terms.
- Like that of all human wills--depends on the death of the one who made it. That is when it takes effect.
Therefore, Jesus wrote me into His will - then died in order for the will to be in force. But He arose that He would act as my attorney, making sure the terms are carried out!
B. In Whom: - means - "in who" or "in which"
1. Christ is the "Whom" - John 3:16
2. "Whom" - is a personal pronoun - relative pronoun
a. Meaning - it goes beyond every gender and number
b. It could not have been just any "Whom" (but it had to be a divine "Whom")
C. In the Will:
1. Anxious moments (worry)
2. Ecstatic moments (excited)
Illustration: We do not have to wait to enjoy our wealth or to know what we have inherited. We can look at the Word of God and determine that!
I. We Have Redemption and Forgiveness: Eph 1:7
A. Redemption meaning: "to purchase" - "to pay a ransom" - "to deliver"
"to set free by paying a price"
1. Redemption's avenue: "...through his blood.." (Col 1:14; Titus 2:14)
Illustration: Jesus paid the ransom for our freedom
Matthew 20:28 - "Ransom" - 'redemption price' - blood of Christ (His life) - price of release
- reference is to a payment to effect the release of slaves or captives from bondage
- reference is to a substitution (Christ was our Sacrificial Lamb) - indicated by "for" (in place of)
- Jesus gave his life in the place of "many"
- "Many" is used in the inclusive sense - "all" - it emphasizes how a large number of people
benefit from the single sacrifice of the One Redeemer - I Timothy 2:5, 6 - .Jesus death as a ransom extended beyond his own people to all people
2. Redemption's motive: Heb 9:15 - "redemption of the transgressions (sins)"
a. We were enslaved to sin
b. We are enslaved to sin
3. Redemption's facts:
a. Man needs to be liberated
b. Man is unable to liberate himself
c. God has redeemed us through Christ blood
If we were still slaves, we would be poor. But because we are sons, we are wealthy
B. Forgiveness meaning: "released from sins hold" - "pardoned" - "remission of sins"
1. "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission." - Heb 9:22 - "no forgiveness"
(Matthew 26:28; Acts 10:43)
Just how wealthy am I? I have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. He became my Sacrificial Lamb- the innocent dying for the guilty. He took my place and shed his blood that I might go free.
- Jesus took my place, paid my debt, set me free and he has forgiven me of all my sins
- My sins have been remitted - forgiven - I have been pardoned - justified - just as though I had never sinned
I am a pretty wealthy sort. Praise God!
In His will ...
II. We Have An Inheritance: 1:11
"In whom ALSO..." (there is more)
A. In Chirst ....we have a wonderful inheritance (I Peter 1:1-4)
1. Our inheritance's SOURCE OF HOPE: v.3
a. Living Hope - through the Resurrection of Christ - "eternal hope"
b. Based on the "Living resurrected Christ" - I Peter 1:21
Our assurance in Christ is as certain and sure as the fact that Christ is alive
2. Our inheritance's SURE HOPE: "..future inheritance.." v.4
a. "Living" means believer's hope is sure, certain, real as opposed to the deceptive, empty, false hope the world offers
"Inheritance" - same word is used in describing Israel's promised possession of the land.
- It was her possession
- It was granted to her as a gift from God
- It could not be destroyed by hostile forces
Our inheritance as Christians
- Is a gift from God
- It cannot be destroyed by hostile forces (devil) - "incorruptible"
- It will not spoil like overripe fruit - "undefiled"
- It will not fade away in color - "fadeth not away"
Our inheritance is as indestructible as God's Word (I Peter 1:23). Peter used three words in describing the permanence of our inheritance
- Perish (can never)
- Spoil (can never)
- Fade (can never)
- Our inheritance is "kept in heaven" by the power of God - "kept watch on" by God – which means our ultimate possession is secured in God
B. In Christ ...we are an inheritance:
1. Often Christ said, "those whom thou hast given me" - John 17
a. Jesus was God's love gift to the world
b. We are God's love gift to the Son
2. What inheritance we are to Christ:
a. Eph 1:22, 23 - His body - church
b. Eph 2:19-22 - His building
c. Eph 5:22, 23 - His bride
Christ future inheritance is wrapped up in us - the church. Rom 8:17 - "We are joint-heirs with Christ" - which means
He cannot claim His inheritance apart from us
III. We Have Christ Dwelling In Us: Eph 2:22
"In whom ye ALSO ..."
A. "Habitation" means - 'a dwelling place'
1. Foundation of the Building: - v.20
a. Apostles and N.T. (not Old) Prophets teachings
b. Corner Stone: Jesus Christ - also the foundation
Illustration: Chief Cornerstone
When laying blocks on a foundation it is vital that the corner block be as near perfect as can be had. The rest of the blocks line up off it. It becomes cruical as the rest of the building will line up with it as well.
- Christ was part of the foundation as the Chief Cornerstone
- Cornerstone binds the structure together
- Apostles and Prophets teachings lined up off him
Application: We should be measuring our lives off Christ
2. Formation of the Building - v.21
a. Joins together
b. Rises up for a glorious temple in the Lord
3. Function of the Building - v.22
a. God places all believers in the building by the Holy Spirit
b. Holy Spirit indwells each believer (God lives in us)
In the Old Testament days, God glory dwelt in the temple, representing his presence with his people.
- Gen 5:22, 24;6:9 - God "walked" with his people
- Exodus 25:8 - God "dwell among" his people
- Exodus 40:34-38 - God "dwelt" in the tabernacle (until Israel's sins caused the Glory to depart)
- I Kings 8:1-11 - God "dwelt" in the temple (again, until Israel sinned and the Glory departed)
- John 1:14 - God "dwelt" in Christ body (until they nailed him to a cross)
- I Cor 6:19, 20 - God, today, "dwells" in all believers and church collectively (Eph 2:20-22)
How rich are we? We have royality, divinity dwelling in us today. The Holy Ghost of God, the third person of the Trinity, the Godhead - living in us. You just can't go out and purchase that.
- Jew and Gentile have become one (corporate dwelling)
- No racial barriers with God
IV. We Have Access to His Throne: Eph 3:12 (2:18)
Note: All of us are familiar with the path of prayer
A. Note: "boldness" -(3:12a) boldness brings us to the royal door of grace (Hebrews 4:16)
1. Prayer is our approach to God (we must come boldly, w/confidence) (James 1:5)
2. Throne speaks of "seat of authority" - "power" - "glory" - "repect" - "reverence"
3. Reason we come: Obtain Mercy (forgiveness); find Grace to help in a time of trouble
Jesus suffers when we suffer. He hurts when we hurt. He feels pain when we feel pain. Name the suffering, hurts and pain you are enduring and Jesus feels all of it.
B. Note: "access" (3:12b) reveals the door is open. Admission is granted any time
1. No appointment needed (not so with other dignitaries)
2. Admission is any time (no limits)
Some Christians approach God meekly with heads hung low, afraid to ask him to meet their needs. Others pray flippantly, giving little thought to what they say. Come with reverence because he is your King. But also come with bold assurance because he is your Friend and Counselor.