Resurrection of believers
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· 22 viewsThe future event of finally being raised to glory with Jesus Christ. Believers may rest assured that, on account of their faith, they will share in the resurrection and glory of Christ and be with him for ever.
The nature of the resurrection of believers
The nature of the resurrection of believers
A resurrection to eternal life
A resurrection to eternal life
Disse-lhe Jesus: Eu sou a ressurreição e a vida. Quem crê em mim, ainda que morra, viverá;e todo o que vive e crê em mim não morrerá, eternamente. Crês isto?
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Being completely united to Jesus Christ
Being completely united to Jesus Christ
Porque, se fomos unidos com ele na semelhança da sua morte, certamente, o seremos também na semelhança da sua ressurreição,
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It leads to becoming like Jesus Christ
It leads to becoming like Jesus Christ
E, assim como trouxemos a imagem do que é terreno, devemos trazer também a imagem do celestial.
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The resurrection as the future hope of believers
The resurrection as the future hope of believers
; In the NT the death of believers is often likened to sleep.
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The resurrection as an incentive to godliness and perseverance
The resurrection as an incentive to godliness and perseverance
Portanto, meus amados irmãos, sede firmes, inabaláveis e sempre abundantes na obra do Senhor, sabendo que, no Senhor, o vosso trabalho não é vão.
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The resurrection as an incentive to endurance of suffering
The resurrection as an incentive to endurance of suffering
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