Needed, A New testament Church
Philadelphia Baptist Church
9/26/2007 Wednesday
Needed: A New Testament Church
Acts 2:41–47
I. Introduction
A. Why Today’s Church Has So Little Impact
1. Too many spectators
2. More interested in methods than message
3. Too concerned about public image
4. Little concern for lost people
B. The New Testament Church Was Dynamic
C. What Made the New Testament Church Different?
II. Body
A. Its Efforts in Evangelism (v. 41)
1. Three thousand (3,000) converts at Pentecost
a. This the work of 120 believers
b. They were all witnessing as commanded (Acts 1:8)
2. Evangelism largely forgotten now
a. Not many win others to Christ
b. Few churches hold evangelistic meetings
c. We have settled for lesser causes
3. The world needs the Gospel (1 Cor. 15:3–4)
4. Let’s respond to that need
B. Its Wonderful Worship (vv. 42–46)
1. They continued steadfastly:
a. In studying the Word of God
b. In loving the people of God
c. In sharing the table of God
d. In lifting their prayers to God
2. Not formalistic but fiery and faith-building
3. Not ritualistic but spiritually refreshing
4. Mistaken ideas about worship
a. That it must be filled with ceremony
b. That it must be characterized by silence
5. Worship can include praising, singing, sharing (Eph. 5:19)
C. Its Fantastic Fellowship (vv. 44–47)
1. They loved one another
2. They cared for people more than things
3. They responded to crises in each other’s lives
4. They put away all divisions
5. They were all of one accord
6. No wonder the church exploded in growth
III. Conclusion
A. The Testimony of the Church (v. 47)
1. It had favor with all the people
2. The public noticed its daily growth
B. Evangelism—Worship—Fellowship
1. How do we measure up?
2. How can we become more like the New Testament Church?