Redeemed, For What Reason

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Philadelphia Baptist Church

9/30/2007 Sun. p.m.



Redeemed For What Reason?

Ephesians 1:9–12


Christianity must be very confusing to those who don’t know it well. Listening to TV is enough to boggle the mind as all sorts of contradictory teaching is given. It would be interesting to see why one would think it good to be saved. But that thought raises an interesting question: what is the purpose of redemption? Why did Christ die for us? Why are we saved? If we can answer that question, we can answer a lot of other questions.

I.  The Perversions of Redemption:

A. Escape from hell.

B.  Make life better.

C.  Praying a prayer.

D. Find a personal peace.

E. Health, wealth, and prosperity.

F. Healing in the atonement.

G. Finding the God we want rather than the God who is there.

H. Doing God a favor.

II. The Provision of Redemption

A. Redemption was determined in eternity past:

1. By the counsels of triune God.

2. God even knew who would be saved.

B. Redemption was accomplished on Calvary’s cross.

1. When Christ died, He died for all our sins.

2. When He died, all our sins were in the future.

3. When a sinner trusts Christ, all sins are forgiven: past, present, future.

4. He died to save us not to make salvation available.

C. Redemption is finished, complete, and eternal.

III.  The Purpose of Redemption

A. Christ sought glory (John 17:1, 5).

1. He sought the return of what was rightfully His and had been laid aside.

2. His glorification required and resulted from the completed work of redemption.

B. The purpose of redemption is the glorification of God (John 17:4; Ephesians 1:12).

C. We are saved to glorify Him:

1. In our salvation itself (Ephesians 1:6; James 1:18).

2. In our lives once saved (Ephesians 2:8–10).

3. In our eternal praise (Ephesians 2:7).

D. The ultimate purpose of salvation: to glorify God.

IV.  The Practicalities of Redemption

A. There are many by-products of redemption:

1. Transformed lives.

2. Restoration of homes and families.

B. If the purpose of redemption is to glorify God, then it:

1. Explains circumstances (a matter of how God chooses to allow each of us to glorify Him).

2. Explains suffering.

C. We lose sight of God’s purpose and begin to believe that the purpose of redemption is somehow tied in to our pleasure, etc.

D. This should have a profound effect on our life-style. We are saved to glorify Him not to better our lot in life (man’s chief end—to glorify God and enjoy HIM forever).


Salvation is an incredible blessing to us, but blessing us is not the primary purpose of God. God’s glory is most prominent. We must reject anything that does not contribute to the glory of God: all man-centered purposes for redemption, all living outside the confines of His will, and all preoccupation with self.

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