1 Samuel 15 Part 1
Sermon Tone Analysis
Intro: We’ve been reading through the book of 1 Samuel and today we see the beginning of the end for King Saul in the eyes of God…
Recap: Now remember the book of Samuel marked a time when their was no king
Chapter 8 tells us that the people came and asked for a king
Context: Today we’re gonna see
And God gave them the kind of king they wanted - Handsome - Tall - Wealthy - and Spiritual advantage - The Holy Spirit at times was at work in his life, and put men who were devoted to God and to Saul around him
Yet…You can put someone in a place to succeed but you can’t make them succeed
There’s been something off in regards to Saul’s relationship with God for a while now...
And here in a single act we see God reject Saul as his king
Now it doesn’t mean that Saul would cease to reign
But here’s what it means - God will no longer recognize him as king…and he will be left to himself
1 And Samuel said to Saul, “The Lord sent me to anoint you king over his people Israel; now therefore listen to the words of the Lord.
2 Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt.
3 Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ ”
(Prop) Today in this passage, we’re gonna spend a little bit of time talking about 2 things
The judgment of God
The grief of God
The judgement of God
The judgement of God
1 And Samuel said to Saul, “The Lord sent me to anoint you king over his people Israel; now therefore listen to the words of the Lord.
So remember that Samuel is the spiritual leader and Saul is the Civil leader and He gives Saul a command from the Lord
2 Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. 3 Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ ”
God says to Saul through Samuel “I want you to devote the Amalekites to destruction” this phrase is used 7 times in chapter 15 so what does it mean? - God is saying “I want you set these people apart for destruction…completely wipe these people out from the face of the earth
Understand this was the Lord coming through on a promise He made to Amilek after they attacked the people of Isreal while they were at their weakest point in history in coming out of Egypt…
Whats Happening here - This was the Lord coming through on a promise He made to Amilek after they attacked the people of Isreal while they were at their weakest point in history in coming out of Egypt…
Notice that God says (2) “I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt” - Something happened to the nation of Israel on the way out of Egypt by the hand of Amalek and his people…and Moses while speaking to the next generation alludes to it.
‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt.
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this as a memorial in a book and recite it in the ears of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.”
God repeats this...
God repeats this...
17 “Remember what Amalek did to you on the way as you came out of Egypt,
18 how he attacked you on the way when you were faint and weary, and cut off your tail, those who were lagging behind you, and he did not fear God.
19 Therefore when the Lord your God has given you rest from all your enemies around you, in the land that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance to possess, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven; you shall not forget.
Deuteronomy tells us that Alemek attacked the rear ranks of the nation of Israel which is where the weakest of the weak were...
So this is God making good on a 400 year old promise to judge them of their sin and wipe them out
Here’s the picture - Time doesn’t erase sin before God…It should for us....but not for God
So here’s a popular question...
If God is so loving how can this be justified?
So this is God making good on a 400 year old promise to judge the Amelikites of their sin and wipe them out
This makes some uncomfortable: How can a God who’s so loving do such a thing?…The biggest to remember is the Character of God
God is Loving…But He also Holy
Because God is Holy - Although he is loving…Sin makes him angry and he must Judge sin throughly
Remember God’s command in this matter is all about the Character of God - Every action of God proceeds from who God is by nature…and the bible tells us that God is holy
We need to remember a few things:
Our anger is often situational - It’s not always about right and wrong it’s about what effects us personally
Because God is Holy - Time doesn’t erase sin...there comes a time whether in this life or in the life to come or in both—when God must deal with unrepentant, wicked persons for the sake of his righteous character.
- Time doesn’t erase sin before God…It should for us....but not for God
Our anger is often personal
Because God is holy - there comes a time—whether in this life or in the life to come or in both—when God must deal with unrepentant, wicked persons for the sake of his righteous character.
War was a practical reality in the ancient Near East. Like all other nations back then, Israel had to fight to survive. Israel’s world was one in which “peoples [took] away land from each other by force.”6 To keep their national identity, Israel would need to be prepared to do battle. Otherwise, they would not last
Have you ever noticed how you are angry at some wrongs more than others? - When someone kidnaps a child I want to kill them…but when someone steals money from a multimillion dollar compony…I’m not that mad
My anger changes depending on the issue - When someone kidnaps a child i want to kill them…but when someone steals many from a multimillion dollar compony
God’s anger is different - It’s not really personal - He’s holy and wrong must be judge
When someone kidnaps a child I want to kill them…but when someone steals many from a multimillion dollar compony
Because God is Holy - Time doesn’t erase sin...there comes a time whether in this life or in the life to come or in both—when God must deal with unrepentant, wicked persons for the sake of his righteous character.
God’s anger is different - he’s never happy about it
Because God is holy, there comes a time—whether in this life or in the life to come or in both—when God must deal with unrepentant, wicked persons for the sake of his righteous character. God wasn’t wrong to bring judgment on corrupt Canaanite culture, and he was willing to receive any who would turn to him (as Rahab did) and Geneses tells us that they had 430 years to turn and chose not to
Because God is holy, there comes a time—whether in this life or in the life to come or in both—when God must deal with unrepentant, wicked persons for the sake of his righteous character. God wasn’t wrong to bring judgment on corrupt Canaanite culture, and he was willing to receive any who would turn to him (as Rahab did) and Geneses tells us that they had 430 years to turn and chose not to
God’s anger is a calm settled opposition of His nature towards sin
All wrong doing God hates…thats why all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
All wrong doing God hates
Because God is Holy - Time doesn’t erase sin...there comes a time whether in this life or in the life to come or in both—when God must deal with unrepentant, wicked persons for the sake of his righteous character.
God directly punished the morally corrupt cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (), but he indirectly punished the morally corrupt Canaanites by using Israel.
God’s anger against sin is not personal…but apart from his proscribed solution it’s unquenchable
God’s anger against sin is not personal…but apart from his proscribed solution it’s unescapable...
Because God is Holy - His anger is much different from our anger
Think about this: 400 hundred years have past…and still God’s gonna wipe them out
Time can’t erase sin...Because God is holy every sin must be and eventually will be judge in this life our the next
Because God is Holy - His anger is much different from our anger
Because God is holy every sin must be and eventually will be judge in this life our the next
Because God is holy every sin must be and eventually will be judge in this life our the next
We often times only get angry at something when it directly or indirectly effects us
Our anger is often personal
My anger changes depending on the issue - When someone kidnaps a child i want to kill them…but when someone steals many from a multimillion dollar compony
God’s anger is different
God’s anger is a firm settled opposition towards sin
Here in these first few verses we get a first hand account we have picture of the wrath of God:
God, who is the author and giver of life, is cheating no one by taking his life up again. The suffering Job summarizes this nicely: “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD” (). It is God’s prerogative to take the life he has given. He doesn’t owe anyone seventy or eighty years of life. If God is punishing those who are corrupt and too far gone morally, God is not unjust in doing so
And God, who is the author and giver of life, is cheating no one by taking his life up again. The suffering Job summarizes this nicely: “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD” (). It is God’s prerogative to take the life he has given. He doesn’t owe anyone seventy or eighty years of life. If God is punishing those who are corrupt and too far gone morally, God is not unjust in doing so
God’s anger is a firm settled opposition towards sin
All wrong doing God hates…thats why all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
God’s anger is a firm settled opposition towards sin
Because God is Holy - He is the author and giver of life, is cheating no one by taking his life up again. The suffering Job summarizes this nicely: “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD” (). It is God’s prerogative to take the life he has given. He doesn’t owe anyone seventy or eighty years of life. If God is punishing those who are corrupt and too far gone morally, God is not unjust in doing so
God directly punished the morally corrupt cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (), but he indirectly punished the morally corrupt Canaanites by using Israel
1 cor 5:21
Time can’t erase it
1 COR 5:21
App: What chance do we have against a Holy God who judges sin with such finality?…Embrace God’s solution…Jesus Christ
Because God is Holy - He is the author and giver of life, is cheating no one by taking his life up again. The suffering Job summarizes this nicely: “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD” (). It is God’s prerogative to take the life he has given. He doesn’t owe anyone seventy or eighty years of life. If God is punishing those who are corrupt and too far gone morally, God is not unjust in doing so
You can’t escape it
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
And when it grinds…it grinds thoroughly
Here in these first few verses we get a first hand account
This passage is a reminder that God is
Here’s the question: Why is it so important for us to have a right anger of God?…because his anger makes his love that much more amazing!!!
The bible says tells us that we were born sinners…unable to pay our debt and on a one way collision course with the anger of God
In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
“Propitiation” - Wrath absorbing sacrifice that brings about forgiveness by an offended party
1 cor 5:21
“Propitiation” - Wrath absorbing sacrifice that brings about forgiveness by an offended party
21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
10 In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
“Propitiation” - Wrath absorbing sacrifice that brings about forgiveness by an offended party
Here’s what this verse means: God’s by his nature has a firm and settled opposition towards sin…therefore all sin must be and will be judged, but in his love and mercy He sent his son Jesus
Embrace God’s Son
It’s a firm settled opposition towards sin
He never forgets
His judgment maybe slow at time…but it’s through
Jesus is our means for escaped...
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus,
Repent…turn in faith...
whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.
While he clung to Peter and John, all the people, utterly astounded, ran together to them in the portico called Solomon’s.
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,
and recognized him as the one who sat at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, asking for alms. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
Our sin can’t just be forgotten…it needed to be blotted out…that only comes through Jesus
The grief of God
The grief of God
Remember the context…Devote to Destruction: Don’t take anything…don’t touch the spoils…God doesn’t rejoice in punishing the wicked…but the judgment time has come
4 So Saul summoned the people and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand men on foot, and ten thousand men of Judah.
5 And Saul came to the city of Amalek and lay in wait in the valley.
6 Then Saul said to the Kenites, “Go, depart; go down from among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them. For you showed kindness to all the people of Israel when they came up out of Egypt.” So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites.
7 And Saul defeated the Amalekites from Havilah as far as Shur, which is east of Egypt.
8 And he took Agag the king of the Amalekites alive and devoted to destruction all the people with the edge of the sword.
So here we see smooth sailing from Saul, He assembles the army, he goes and attacks Amalek, He even shows wisdom and mercy to the Kenites, who were decedents from the father in law of Moses Jethro…so it’s all working out just as God wanted it
But look...
9 But Saul and the people spared Agag and the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of the fattened calves and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them. All that was despised and worthless they devoted to destruction.
1 sam 15:9
In a normal war in the Ancient world, Spoils were permitted to the conquering army but this is not a normal war…This is God’s people being used as God’s hammer of judgement, but what does Saul do?, he obeys partially…he kills the unworthy stuff but keeps the good spoils for himself…even more surprisingly, he kept the king Alive…we’re not told why…but never the less he did
Here’s the picture - This is partial obedience from Saul…we’ll talk about this in a while
FB Meyers said “Partial obedience is complete disobedience”
10 The word of the Lord came to Samuel:
11 “I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following me and has not performed my commandments.” And Samuel was angry, and he cried to the Lord all night.
1 SAM 15:10
Now, this has been hard for people to understand…how can God who’s perfect in all his ways show regret over something that he did? did he make a mistake…no
A statement like this is called an “Anthropomorphism”
Anthropomorphism: is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities.
Anthropomorphism: Is when God explains himself to us in a term we would understand even though the term falls short of fully encapsulating all that God is experiencing.
God who is divine has thoughts and ways that are beyond our human understand…So He explains some of those things in terms that might not fully encapsulate all of it’s meaning but it’s the best that can be done considering the circumstances…”God remembered Hannah” “The hand of the Lord was upon Samuel”
God who is divine has thoughts and ways that are beyond our human understand…So He explains some of those things in terms that might not fully encapsulate all of it’s meaning but it’s the best that can be done considering the circumstances…”God remembered Hannah” “The hand of the Lord was upon Samuel”
God knew Saul’s ways…Saul’s heart…Saul’s destiny…yet all while it’s all unfolding God is greatly grieved by it
Here’s the picture: God knew Saul’s ways…Saul’s heart…Saul’s destiny…yet all while it’s all unfolding God is greatly grieved by it the best emotion that could be communicated to us is that Of “regret”
This reminds us that God’s heart is not hard to us…He grieves over sin
Notice Samuel grieved over that which God grieved over - Samuel could have been happen since Saul was his replacement…but he wasn't he was broken of the things that break God’s heart
App: Are you? Are you ruled by self interest or by God’s interest?
Now, what we’re gonna see in the rest of our time today Samuel’s final encounter with Saul…He’s been caught red handed and dead to rights…but he doesn’t know it yet…we’re gonna see 3 reasons God was grieved over Saul
Look at Samuel’s heart in this
Saul was self deceived
Saul was self deceived
Now Samuel has to confront Saul...
1 sam 15:
12 And Samuel rose early to meet Saul in the morning. And it was told Samuel, “Saul came to Carmel, and behold, he set up a monument for himself and turned and passed on and went down to Gilgal.”
13 And Samuel came to Saul, and Saul said to him, “Blessed be you to the Lord. I have performed the commandment of the Lord.”
So Samuel comes from crying out to the Lord all night, His eyes were probably puffy from all the tears, voice was probably housed from all the crying out…so he travels the 15 miles to see Saul and he sees Saul and was Saul devastated? not even close…He’s happy and proud of his accomplishments
(12) He builds a monument to Himself - It was common practice in the ancient Near East for victorious kings to set up monuments with inscriptions celebrating their glorious achievements and crediting their success to their god…Their is one story of one Assyrian king who made a monument to himself and a trophy took the skin of the conquered kings son and draped it over the wall of the monument...But it was the kings way of saying “look what i did”
But it was the kings way of saying “look what i did”
Saul wasn’t ashamed of his actions he was proud of them
and says I have performed the commandment of the Lord -This should be terrifying to every single one of us…Here’s Saul Instead of being grieved for his sin, His pride and wickedness of heart has tweaked him to the point we’re he’s completely in sin and can’t even see it…
(13) He says I have performed the commandment of the Lord - This should be terrifying to every single one of us…Here’s Saul Instead of being grieved for his sin, His pride and wickedness of heart have tweaked him to the point we’re he’s completely in sin and can’t even see it…
and says I have performed the commandment of the Lord -This should be terrifying to every single one of us…Here’s Saul Instead of being grieved for his sin, His pride and wickedness of heart has tweaked him to the point we’re he’s completely in sin and can’t even see it…
14 And Samuel said, “What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears and the lowing of the oxen that I hear?”
15 Saul said, “They have brought them from the Amalekites, for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen to sacrifice to the Lord your God, and the rest we have devoted to destruction.”
14 And Samuel said, “What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears and the lowing of the oxen that I hear?”
App: This can happen today in the church
Do you see whats happening here? Saul is completely deceived and thinking that everything is fine and that he’s honored the Lord, all the while they can literally hear his disobedience bleating and Lowing in the background
1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,
2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared,
3 who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
How does this happen?
Pride: Over and over again we’ve seen Saul’s pride come out?
He took credit for Jonathan’s victory
He was willing to kill his own son to save face
He builds this monument for himself
Pride is so dangerous because you think you know better then God…It keeps you from relinquishing the throne of your heart to Jesus
Pride goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit before a fall.
App: Pride is a killer and it takes out both Christian and Non Christian alike
Compromise: Do you know how you get to a place where your in sin but not convicted? Through Practice - Through out these 6 chapters of Saul’s life we’ve seen a king who’s doing the bear minimum spiritually, He’s never seeking the Lord unless It’s the last possible solution, but he is making Unlawful sacrifices and unlawful vows…and never truly felt a deep grief over it…and we see what that turns into
Compromise has seared Saul’s conscience
App: If you deafen your ear to God’s conviction for long enough…don’t be surprised if he stops speaking
Lack of guidance
Lack of guidance
All of us have blind spots in our lives when it comes to sin:
2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared,
There are things I see
There are things I see
There things I don’t see - My wife will help, I friends will help, But God is the greatest help...
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,”
12 even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.
1 O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.
3 You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
5 You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.
7 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
8 If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
9 If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,”
12 even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
18 If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.
19 Oh that you would slay the wicked, O God! O men of blood, depart from me!
20 They speak against you with malicious intent; your enemies take your name in vain.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?
22 I hate them with complete hatred; I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
App: God’s word is the ultimate guide to the hidden things of the heart…If you give yourself to it…God will show you who you are
So Samuel has Saul dead to rights…surly Saul will just own up and come clean right? wrong…here’s another thing God was grieved over
Saul blamed others for his sin
Saul blamed others for his sin
15 Saul said, “They have brought them from the Amalekites, for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen to sacrifice to the Lord your God, and the rest we have devoted to destruction.”
1 sam 15:
Notice 2 words “They” and “We” Saul says “They...the people brought the spoils” and then he lumps himself in with the spiritual ones “We devoted the rest to destruction” here’s a picture of Saul being unwilling to take responsibility for the sin he has commited…this is the 2nd time he has blamed the people for his decision
We can often be like this:
We steal from work and blame our incomes
Cheat on our spouse and blame our marriges
Move in with our significant other and blame the culture or the cost of living
We try to paint ourselves as powerless when it comes to sin…when we do that we massively underestimate the life altering power of Jesus in your life
This is what made his heart so different than David’s heart
Both Men sinned David’s was horrific…But he owned it and was wracked by it
App: Never make excuses for sin. Just own it, It’s the first step to healing
Saul wasn’t
Now Samuel speaks...
16 Then Samuel said to Saul, “Stop! I will tell you what the Lord said to me this night.” And he said to him, “Speak.”
17 And Samuel said, “Though you are little in your own eyes, are you not the head of the tribes of Israel? The Lord anointed you king over Israel. 18 And the Lord sent you on a mission and said, ‘Go, devote to destruction the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they are consumed.’ 19 Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? Why did you pounce on the spoil and do what was evil in the sight of the Lord?”
1 sam 15:16-
Samuel speaks on God’s behalf and there are 2 things here that are interesting...
(17) you are little in your own eyes - In Saul’s life, theirs perhaps no bigger flaw then the one of insecurity - With his Son, With David, with the people…insecurity is the source of things jealousy and pettiness, and sinful behavior…but this statement is what insecurity is in a nut shall “You are little in your own eyes”
This sounds real spiritual…but thats not Godly humility at all
Godly humility is having biblically accurate estimation of who you are - I’m Flawed…nothing to boast in…But I’m chosen, loved, anointed, longed for…backed by the greatest power in the universe
(19) Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? - Here’s a question , does God really not know? of course not…this is God’s way of giving Saul a chance to repent - God’s who’s rich in mercy and abounding in love always willing to extend a chance to repent
App: Thats for you today
So what the Lord spoke through Samuel was clear…your mission was to devote everything to destruction…fight them until all are consumed…but look here’s the last thing we see about Saul today...
Saul thought partial obedience was good enough
Saul thought partial obedience was good enough
1 sam 15:20-21
20 And Saul said to Samuel, “I have obeyed the voice of the Lord. I have gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me. I have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and I have devoted the Amalekites to destruction. 21 But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the best of the things devoted to destruction, to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal.”
Saul says “I did exactly what God told me to do…I devoted them all to destruction…but I kept the king…but the rest of it is God’s…this is partial obedience…Saul and his guys went just as far as it suited them to obey…the stuff that was easy to destroyed they destroyed…but that which was greatly beneficial to them…they kept for themselves
To be obedient is not only to surrender the “rest” but to surrender the “best”
We can often be like this:
To give in the places that hurt to give
Abraham and Isaac
App: Whats the “best” to you? and are you willing to surrender it to Jesus?
We steal from work and blame our incomes
FB Meyers said “Partial obedience is complete disobedience”
1 sam
Cheat on our spouse and blame our marriges
22 And Samuel said,
“Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
and to listen than the fat of rams.
23 For rebellion is as the sin of divination,
and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,
he has also rejected you from being king.”
10 The word of the Lord came to Samuel:
11 “I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following me and has not performed my commandments.” And Samuel was angry, and he cried to the Lord all night.
Move in with our significant other and blame the culture or the cost of living
Conclusion: Saul went from a bright beginning to a tragic ending where God’s heart was grieved over the fact that he was king... and why is that?
His pride and compromise had made him self deceived
We try to paint ourselves as powerless when it comes to sin…when we do that we massively underestimate the life altering power of Jesus in your life
This is what made his heart so different than David’s heart
He never owned his mistakes
He was content with partial obedience
Both Men sinned David’s was horrific…But he owned it and was wracked by it
App: Never make excuses for sin. Just own it, It’s the first step to healing
If this is your heart…understand that God’s heart is broken for you today
Repent of your sin
Know that theirs grace for your failures because of Jesus complete obedience to the Father