2 John 1-3

1,2,& 3 John  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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“whom” It is surprising that this is a MASCULINE PLURAL PRONOUN because it is meant to link up to either “lady,” which is FEMININE, or “children” which is NEUTER. I think it was John’s way of marking the phrase as symbolic.

Verse 1

There is three things in verse 1


Verse 1

There are three general views on who the receiver of the message is and one unique view:
Some people think that the letter was addressed to a woman real woman named “kryria” (lady).
The Greek name Kryria is equivelant to the Aramaic name Martha (also means lady).
2. Some people think that the letter is addressed to the church and not a real lady.

“I loved” John uses phileō synonymously in the Gospel and Revelation, but in I, II, and III John he uses only agapaō (cf. vv. 3, 5, 6; 1 John 3:18).

“whom” - masc, plural, pronoun.
you would think it would be feminine id the letter was addressed to a real lady.
Which means that the elect lady may be another word for the church like: bride of Christ.
Which means that the elect lady may be another word for the church like: bride of Christ.
Note: both Israel and the church are portreyed as woman to God
Note: both Israel and the church are porteye as woman to God
3. Some people think that John is writing to an unnamed Christian lady that is with the church (the elect of God).
This is probably the neutral approach.
Bonus view: Clement (150-215) had a very interesting view:

© “whom” It is surprising that this is a MASCULINE PLURAL PRONOUN because it is meant to link up to either “lady,” which is FEMININE, or “children” which is NEUTER. I think it was John’s way of marking the phrase as symbolic.

Some thought that the elect lady is the church
Believer’s Bible Commentary I. The Apostle’s Salutation: Grace, Mercy, and Peace (vv. 1–3)

(1) Some believe that the elect lady is the church, elsewhere referred to as the Bride of Christ, or a particular local church. (2) Others think that the Letter was addressed to “the elect Kyria”—her name being Kyria. This name could be the Greek equivalent to the Aramaic name Martha (both mean “lady”).1 (3) Others feel that John is writing to an unnamed Christian lady, who with all other believers is among the elect of God—chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.

both Israel and the church were portrayed as women.

TO THE ELECT CHURCH. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: John’s second letter, which is written to virgins, is extremely straightforward. It was written to a certain Babylonian woman called Electa, whose name stands for the election of the holy church. ADUMBRATIONS.1

Note: his view has some value for how early in the church he was around.


John used phileo equally in the Gospel of John and Revelation, but in 1,2,&3 John he uses only agapao (v.3,5,6; )

“I loved” John uses phileō synonymously in the Gospel and Revelation, but in I, II, and III John he uses only agapaō (cf. vv. 3, 5, 6; 1 John 3:18).


The truth can refer to 3 things
The Holy Spirit
Hilary of Arles (401-449) said

HILARY OF ARLES: By “truth” John is referring to the Holy Spirit, because love is always the work of the Spirit. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 2 JOHN.9

2. Jesus (; )
John 8:32 NKJV
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 14:6 NKJV
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 8:32 NKJV
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
3. The Gospel ()
1 John 3:23 NKJV
And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.
John 14:6 NKJV
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

“The truth” can refer to one of three things: (1) the Holy Spirit in John (cf. 14:17); (2) Jesus Christ Himself (cf. John 8:32; 14:6); and (3) the content of the gospel (cf. 1 John 3:23).

Either way the church historian Bede had a deep insight on why John used the word truth:

BEDE: John is writing against the heretics who have departed from the truth.

HILARY OF ARLES: By “truth” John is referring to the Holy Spirit, because love is always the work of the Spirit. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 2 JOHN.9

TO ALL WHO KNOW THE TRUTH. BEDE: John is writing against the heretics who have departed from the truth

Verse 2

2 phrases we are going to look at:

“which abides in us” -

“Abide” is Johns favorite term to describe believers.
The word abide here seems to refer to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit ()
Note that it is a present, active, participle.
Which leads me to the next and last phrase of verse 2

“which abides in us” This is a PRESENT ACTIVE PARTICIPLE of one of John’s favorite terms to describe believers, abide. See Special Topic at 2:10. This seems to refer to the indwelling Holy Spirit (cf. Rom. 8:9; or Son, Rom. 8:9–10)

“will be with us forever”

Teaching us that truth abides and remains with all believers forever.

“will be with us forever” Truth abides in and remains with all believers forever

Verse 3

There is 3 key truths found in verse 3:

“Grace, Mercy, & Peace”

The Greek term for greeting is “chairein”, John altered this greeting to “charis” which means grace.
Peace was a Hebrew Greeting.
But John adds mercy.... why?
because false teachers questioned grace and mercy.
and so they never receive peace.
and so they never receive peace.

“from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father”

Bede (672ish-735) has a good insight
New Testament XI: James, 1–2 Peter, 1–3 John, Jude From Jesus Christ the Father’s Son

FROM JESUS CHRIST THE FATHER’S SON. BEDE: Because the heretics of that time, people like Marcion and Cerinthus, denied that our Lord Jesus Christ was the true Son of God and claimed that he was born in a merely human way, John rightly recalls that he is the Son of God the Father in order to refute these blasphemers. He also bears witness that grace, mercy and peace come from the Son in exactly the same way as they come from the Father, thereby demonstrating that the Father and the Son are equal and consubstantial with each other.

New Testament XI: James, 1–2 Peter, 1–3 John, Jude From Jesus Christ the Father’s Son

BEDE: Because the heretics of that time, people like Marcion and Cerinthus, denied that our Lord Jesus Christ was the true Son of God and claimed that he was born in a merely human way, John rightly recalls that he is the Son of God the Father in order to refute these blasphemers. He also bears witness that grace, mercy and peace come from the Son in exactly the same way as they come from the Father, thereby demonstrating that the Father and the Son are equal and consubstantial with each other

The Greek term for greeting is chairein. It has been altered to charis, which means “grace.”

false teachers questioned grace and mercy, and never receive peace.

“in truth and love”

Grace, mercy and peace produce truth and love.
Truth and Love - is a foundation to all believers and should never be compromised.
Truth and love should be the atmosphere that controls the church.
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