Riding the Wave
Sermon Tone Analysis
Last week we looked at how if we really want to live “The Salt Life we have to be willing to Dive Into whatever God is calling us to.
No matter how hard or seemingly out of characters we are called to jump in…
What about after we Dive In? What are we to do when we jump into the flow of the Holy Spirit?
Once we dive in we then must be willing the surf the waves of the Spirit…I said waves because this is not a singular event. We do not have only one moment in the Spirit but we have many moments through our journey.
So the Salt Life is not something we achieve but it is something that we continually allow the Holy Spirit to do in us.
I have always been fascinated with surfing. I remember when I was a kid I loved watching on wide world of sports whenever they showed a surfing competition. It was really cool watching as these guys and gals would get up on one of those big waves. It was an incredible sight to watch these people start at the top of the wave, slip down to a good spot get up on the board and ride it all the way to the end. Sometimes they would be in a tunnel of water, riding it all the way until the wave ended or they were satisfied with the ride, or even when the wiped out.
So when I moved to the Texas coast it was a lot of fun to watch surfers in real life. I would go out to the beach to study and on more than one occasion I would watch as about a dozen surfers would be out sitting on there boards waiting for waves. Now waves in Texas rarely get to the size of the ones that I saw on TV as a kid. As a matter of fact good waves that are worth riding are hard to come by...but when these guys find one they paddle with all they are worth get up and ride the wave until they get every last bit out of it.
They may not get very many of the waves but the get the most out of everyone they ride.
I have also watched surfers in California and in Florida as they float waiting for waves. The waves are a lot bigger and better there than in Texas and I watched as they chose which wave to ride.
I watched as they let many go that a Texas Surfer would have died to have. They were big and looked good but for whatever reason they did not take it. After a while of watching I noticed that the big waves they let go tended not to last as long as the ones they did choose.
Good surfers know which wave is going to give them the best ride.
Good surfers know which wave is going to give them the best ride.
I can’t begin to tell you how they know but they do. What I do know is that when a surfer rides the best waves there is a feeling they get from it they don't get from any of the lesser waves.
That is why they ride waves. A real surfer also rides waves not because it is just a hobby or a fun thing to do. A real surfer rides waves as a way of life.
At the time they are riding waves there is nothing else they would rather do. Why? Because when they are riding waves they are experiencing something that many other people will never experience because either 1 they don't think it will be fun, 2 they are not willing to risk falling off the board or 3 they just are content with watching others surf.
At the time they are riding waves there is nothing else they would rather do. Why? Because when they are riding waves they are experiencing something that many other people will never experience because either 1 they don't think it will be fun, 2 they are not willing to risk falling off the board or 3 they just are content with watching others surf.
I am afraid that there are many people that do the dame thing spiritually…
God did not make us to be content with watching others surf the wave of the Holy Spirit.
What about after we take the first step?
If we want to live the Salt Life we need to accept the fact that for Jesus the Supernatural is Natural.
If we want to live the Salt Life we need to accept the fact that for Jesus the Supernatural is Natural.
Jesus just got through teaching the masses in the previous passage and we see that he got busy proving himself to those who took the first step of diving in to the Message Jesus was preaching.
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.”
“Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.
Let’s look a little more closely at each of these verses....
Jesus Starts teaching people how to live out His message immediately. He didn't want them to think about it some more, He didn't encourage them to go to a Bible Class.
I also find it interesting that the first practical lesson was obedience and fishing....
Jesus Starts teaching people how to live out His message immediately. He didn't want them to think about it some more, He didn't encourage them to go to a Bible Class.
Jesus began teaching practical ways of living out His message…even when met with opposition.
Jesus Starts teaching people how to live out His message immediately. He didn't want them to think about it some more, He didn't encourage them to go to a Bible Class.
He didn't want them to think about it some more, He didn't encourage them to go to a Bible Class.
Jesus began teaching practical ways of living out His message...
Jesus began teaching practical ways of living out His message...
Simon started making excuses for why Jesus was not going to be successful. Jesus didn't really tell them to do anything they hadn't done before…
Simon started making excuses for why Jesus was not going to be successful. Jesus didn't really tell them to do anything they hadn't done before…How many times do we make excuse or give up because we tried something before?
How many times do we make excuse or give up because we tried something before?
Sometimes it is not what we do but why we are doing it. If we are doing things that point to self God will not be glorified and the Holy Spirit will not lead us but what if our motivation is truly to bring Glory to God?
Jesus wanted to show Us the difference between doing things on our own and doing things with the Power of God.
Jesus wanted to show Us the difference between doing things on our own and doing things with the Power of God.
6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
Jesus backed up His message with a supernatural act.
This is normal for Jesus. Many times we see that Jesus did this.
At first it was to prove He was who He said He was...
Later it was to show us what we would be capable of doing if we rode the wave of the Spirit. These acts can be used to draw others to faith as well. When God does something supernatural we need to tell others about it so they can be blessed by God as well.
Later it was to show us what we would be capable of doing if we rode the wave of the Spirit.
These acts can be used to draw others to faith as well. When God does something supernatural we need to tell others about it so they can be blessed by God as well.
Once Simon gave into Jesus even though He thought He was Crazy, Jesus was able to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit in such a way that not only Simon but all who were within earshot or sight where changed forever.
Jesus did what came natural to Him and He has left us the ability to do the same.
Jesus did what came natural to Him and He has left us the ability to do the same.
I think many times our fear of wiping out or failure overcomes our desire to ride the wave of the Spirit. I think everyone wants to ride the wave but fear, and self centeredness often wins the day.
I think many times our fear of wiping out or failure overcomes our desire to ride the wave of the Spirit. I think everyone wants to ride the wave but fear, and self centeredness often wins the day.
Embrace God's Dream...Especially if it Seems Crazy
Listen to God's Word...Forget what you think you know
Listen to God's Word...Forget what you think you know
Forget what you think you know
Forget what you think you know
Dr. Porter’s Daughter....wanted people to pray for her healing…
Don't try to explain it...Enjoy it.
Don't try to explain it...Enjoy it.
Invite others to share in it…Multiply
Invite others to share in it…Multiply
I think many times our fear of wiping out overcomes our desire to ride the wave of the Spirit. I think everyone wants to ride the wave but fear, and self centeredness often wins the day.
Embrace God's Dream...Especially if it Seems Crazy
Embrace God's Dream...Especially if it Seems Crazy
Listen to God's Word...Forget what you think you know
Listen to God's Word...Forget what you think you know
Don't try to explain it...Enjoy it.
Don't try to explain it...Enjoy it.
Invite others to share in it…Multiply
Invite others to share in it…Multiply
God always follows through with the Supernatural...He can't help it because it is natural to HIm. He wants the Supernatural to be natural to us. Don't substitute your mind for the Mind of Christ.
Let Go of Your life and Embrace The Salt Life!