Jesus, Our Savior and Friend John 13:1 I....
Jesus, Our Savior and Friend
John 13:1
I. The Feast of the Passover Involves the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God.
A. John the Baptist identified Jesus as the “Lamb of God which teeth away the sin of the world.”
B. Paul said that Jesus is our Passover.
C. Jesus said that we must eat his flesh. (John 6 )
All of this shows the importance of understanding the feast of the Passover and it’s fulfillment in Christ.
II. Our Lord’s Omniscience of these things proves his eternal power over sin, and his ability to save to the uttermost.
A. Only God Himself qualifies as Savior. (Isaiah )
B. Demonstrates the ultimate power and lack of weakness by which he loves.
C. His love is seen fully in the sacrifice by which he loves us eternally.
Paul says in Romans 8, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
If God’s love gave Christ for us then, is it not logical that His love keeps us?
III. Putting Aside What Was Before Him, (the cross) He Gave Himself Completely to Loving His Own.
A. Not everyone, but those whom the Father had given him.
Many do not like this, they would rather that Jesus’ love be universal, but the text like the next five chapters shows clearly that God’s love is reserved for those whom He chooses.
1) Those whom the Father draws. (John 6:44)
2) Those whom He loves from the world. See John 3:16 and comp. To John 13:1; 14:22-23; 16:27; 17:9,20-26
B. The unselfishness he exhibited is our example to the brethren.