Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
This morning we will be talking about pride.
Pride is dangerous.
“It says in the Bible that God opposes the proud.”
We are told that God is near to the humble and contrite heart.
We may also accurately say that the Devil is near to the proud heart.
Indeed, we can see pride in Satan’s rebellion against God in the beginning, as He sought to exalt himself.
Sinful Pride is that attitude of the heart whereby one seeks to exalt oneself as the one who is right or the one who deserves better, or the one who deserves the credit for something.
Pride impacts our relationships with God and man.
It is self-righteous pride that refuses to forgive.
It is also pride that refuses to see one’s own shortcomings and sin and refuses to receive the forgiveness.
It is dangerous.
It is danMarriages are broken and families are separated daily because of pride.
Pride can keep one from giving help to someone if you see yourself as better than others, but Pride can also keep you from receiving help when you need it.
Pride is sneaky, and hard to detect.
Yesterday, I was mowing…push mowing my yard as I thought over pride.
About 30 minutes in, my neighbor, who is getting on up their in years, cam rolling in on his riding mower.
He offered to help.
Though I was thinking about pride, in that moment, I realized later, that pride was very much active in my heart.
Would I receive his help or not?
I did, however, I told him that we would just knock the front yard out, and that I would do the backyard later sometime when I get a chance.
(pride seeks to contribute to grace.)
Afterward, he insisted on doing the backyard, and so I let him.
But wouldn’t you know it…In that time, I had an evil thought… it was the thought that crept in my mind at that time… that I somehow deserved his help.
I had forgotten, but a few months back, I cut up a tree for my neighbor… so I shouldn’t feel bad from receiving his help.
(pride must contribute.)
It is an attitude of the heart and so it requires discernment in order to begin to rightfully deal with it in our lives.
You see, when it comes to places in the Bible where we are commanded to do something or to not do something, it is much easier to see whether we are obeying or disobeying.
But mark it down, pride goes deeper than actions, down to the motivation and inner attitudes lying behind our actions.
We should ask God to help us see the pride in our heart.
As we hear God’s Word this morning, and as we read God’s Word through the week, we must consider not only what we do, but the inner motivations of the heart.
Of course, pride would keep anyone from truly listening and considering God’s word.
It is an attitude of the heart and so it requires discernment in order to begin to rightfully deal with it in our lives.
You see, when it comes to places in the Bible where we are commanded to do something or to not do something, it is much easier to see whether we are obeying or disobeying.
But mark it down, pride goes deeper than actions, down to the motivation and inner attitudes lying behind our actions.
We should ask God to help us see the pride in our heart.
As we hear God’s Word this morning, and as we read God’s Word through the week, we must consider not only what we do, but the inner motivations of the heart.
Of course, pride would keep anyone from truly listening and considering God’s word.
We should ask God to help us see the pride in our heart.
A word of warning: Isn’t it pride that keeps so many people from doing the work
Pride refuses to accept help, as that would mean admitting one’s own need and insists on seeing oneself in the best possible light.
It is dangerous.
It is danMarriages are broken and families are separated daily because of pride.
Pride is what can keep you from receiving help even when you need it, , You see, when it comes to places in the Bible
“Spiritual Pride is of all kinds of pride the most dangerous.”
- Matthew Henry
To guard ourselves, we should remember:
Our Perspective is Limited.
One way that their pride was shown was the way they boasted in human leaders.
Their perspective was off.
It’s one thing to like your pastor, its another thing to argue that he is better than another.
Or that one preacher is better than another.
Every person has different gifts and a different calling.
Paul planted, but Apollos watered.
But this had become a point of pride that lead to division.
When we boast in the Lord, we recognize His worthiness and we humbly take the position as a servant.
When we boast in human leaders or denominations, or churches, valuing on person or church or institution as better than another, we pridefully take the position not of a servant, but of a judge.
We make ourselves, with our tastes and desires, the standard by which one is measured.
He asks in verse 7 “who makes you so superior.”
WE are not better than North Central.
V. 5
Be careful not to pridefully judge things based on your own preferences and desires.
Be aware, that you may exhibit pride if your own preferences become the standard.
And if one thinks that he truly is something great, be warned that there will be a day when God’s perpective all along will be disclosed.
This is why we must pay attention to God’s word now, not our own desires.
There will be many surprises.
Who remembered Billy Graham?
What about Cecil Underwood- the pastor of the little church in Palatka, where Graham was baptized and ordained as an evangelist.
Or what about his parents, who before that, took him to hear Mordecai Ham in Charlotte NC
John and Charles Wesley- Susanna, the mother who raised 10 children.
with two John and Charles Wesley being used so mightily for God’s Kingdom with the founding of the Methodist movement.
Everything we have, we Received.
They thought they were so wise.
We pay attention to our degrees, we try to build our resumes.
We display our acheivements.
And so it is easy for us to begin believing
No such thing as a self-made man.
Do you view yourself as a self-made man or woman?
If you do, you may want to take another look in the mirror.
What’s wrong with the “self-made” theory?
If your pride, ego, arrogance, insecurity, or ignorance keeps you from recognizing the contributions of others, then it’s time for a wake-up call.
If your hubris is overwhelming your humility then the text that follows is written just for you.
Michael Myatt- contributor for Forbes magazine in 2011.
Godly people are Suffering.
Paul stayed there for 18 months in relative peace.
It seems as though it was one of the least persecuted church.
Perhaps that because of the pluralistic culture there it was easy.
Concluding point:
Ultimately we must rememberJesus.
filthy rags
< .5
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> .9