Take up your towel and follow me
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I want to begin tonight by asking you a simple question. It’s only simple insofar as the question is simple. The answer may not be so. Why are you here? This is not some existential question such as, why do you exist? Or, whats the meaning of life. If you are old enough you know good and well that Bill and Ted gave us that answer, every rose has its thorn, every night has its dawn and every cowboy sings a sad sad song.
But, all joking aside…why do you exist a Christians and why are you here tonight? The truth is many if not most Christians in the west have come to believe somewhere down the road that church and Christianity is primarily about what’s in it for them. We make decisions about what church we attend, where we serve and even who we serve based on the criteria that we also receive some sort of benefit from it.
The truth is we will never be a beacon of light in the world, we will not be the salt of the world and the church will never be a city on a hill for all to see if our service to each other is determined by whats in it for us.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
We read scripture like this and we think, yes I will do the works of Christ! Then we think…what did Christ do? At this moment we begin to check the boxes… Jesus prayed…yep I got that… Jesus went to church…yep every week…Jesus helped the poor…I can do that…but then when the rubber meets the road we have to reconcile our lives with verses like this....
By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.
Did you see that? Jesus laid down his life for us! and what is the expectation of us because of this? That we lay our lives down for one another.
So, before we begin I ask you… why are you here tonight?
Jesus’ Heart
Jesus’ Heart
Needless to say I had what seemed like a permanate dirt stain on my feet. It was gross and my mom made sure to remind me all the time the I was going to get a ring worm. Jokes on her, I have never had a ring worm in my life. My mom was tough as rocks and sought out to teach me hard life lessons. Which means, she didn’t wash my nasty feet when I came inside to get ready for dinner. She would have a yellow bar of dial soap and a wash rag waiting on me. I strangely reme
Mark wasn’t always homeless. In fact he was a very successful carpenter at one point in his life. This was a skill that I saw many times from him. Part of my internship at this church was to work along side guys like Mark. So, Mark would tag along as I ran errands for the church. One time in the heat of Alabama summer Mark help me set up a carnival that we were putting on for the community. This was a time where Marks carpentry skills came in handy. However, this was also the first time I noticed that Mark had a serious lung deisease
Pay attention to the first sentence in chapter 13
When I was in 7th grade the school board made the decision to allow families from a town 10 minutes up the interest to enroll their children at our school. This may not seem like a big deal to you but there is detail I am leaving out. Before my 7th grade year my high school was almost entirely white students and white teachers. This decision meant that the percentage of African American students attending my school would surpass the percentage of White students. This also meant
Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.
Before we can begin to imitate the actions of Christ we must first know the heart of Christ. He came to this meal knowing that he would soon die. In just a few hours he would be nailed to a cross and bear the sins of all those who would believe in him. Specifically, he would die for those he would dine with in this moment. Before the sun set he would breath his last breath and it’s here in the upper room that Jesus shows us his heart, he shows us what we must do if we want to be his followers.
We are familiar with scripture such as that says we must deny our selves if we want to follow Christ, we know that there is no greater love than one that lays down their life for their friends. But, here in we see with clarity what Jesus really means. Here in Jesus is showing us his heart. Christ’s heart is one of love.
In preparing this message I was introduced to a story about Czar Nicholas I of Russia. One of Nicholas’ friends had a son that Nicholas took particular interest in. He gave him a position in his army and gave him responsibility of Russian territory, money and finances. Over time this young man became greedy and took money to gamble and lost a great deal of it. One day there was going to be an audit of the books and the boy began to subtract the money he had taken from the money he had. On a sheet of paper he wrote, “A great debt, who can pay?” The boy took of a revolver and intended to take his own life at midnight. He then dozed off to sleep with the intention to execute his plan.
That night Nicholas was visiting this particular outpost and knocked on the door. When no one answered he entered to find the boy asleep and the note, “A great debt, who can pay.” At first Nicholas though to arrest the boy. However, he took the pen and wrote a reply on the sheet of paper and walked out. When the boy woke up he realized it was after twelve. He looked down to grab his gun and saw the note. “A great debt, who can pay.” “Nicholas.”
The boy was guilty. The Czar knew he was guilty. And because of the grace an mercy of the King this mans life was spared.
It not typical to give the gospel presentation at the beginning of the sermon but we have got to see the passage through the lens of what Jesus is teaching us here. If we are to imitate Christ we must emulate his heart and teaching us to love was Jesus primary lesson here. Jesus was saying, “If you want to be my servants, if you want to grow in real discipleship you must be open to loving others as I have loved you.” Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to grow in love? Forgive people of the debts? Give your life up for others?
This is only a
Jesus’ Example
Jesus’ Example
Imagine this scene with me. Jesus is alone with his disciples in the upper room. It’s the passover so they are all in the proper posture around the table, feet stretched out behind them, left arm to support them and right arm to reach for the dishes and food on the table. This was a practice that they participated in their whole lives. Every year they would do this. But, tonight would be a passover meal that they would never forget. Tonight the true passover meal was with them, the fulfillment of the ritual was there.
As they are having this meal Jesus stands up from his place at the table, takes off his garment, takes a towel and wraps it around his waist. I can imagine the disciples looking at each other with the Rock stank eye that I can’t ever do. Like, “what in the world is Jesus doing.”
What is he doing? In a few simple gestures Jesus had just demonstrated to them his whole life from birth until this moment. He rose from the supper as in the incarnation he rose from his perfect fellowship with the Godhead, he laid down his garments as he did temporarily his glorious existence in heaven, He takes a towel as he took on the form of a servant, He wraps the towel around his waist, because he came to serve and not be served…This was literally right before their eyes!
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,
After he wrapped the towel around his waist he poured water into a basin as he would pour out his blood to wash away sin, and then he washes his disciples feet just as he would cleanse them from their sin. In this quick portrayal of the life of Christ we do not see a king ordering his subjects, we do not see a man sitting at the head of the table waiting for his food to be delivered. We see a servant! Jesus’ entire life was characterized by serving others. He himself said it, “The son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”Can you imagine how the disciples must have felt in this moment?!
Can you imagine how the disciples must have felt in this moment. I mean this room is filled with men who not to long ago were arguing about which one is better than the other. To see Jesus do something like this must have been beyond their imagination!
In fact, in this text Peter does what Peter does best. R. Kent Hughes says that , “The only time he opened his mouth was to change feet.” Here we see Peter opening his mouth only to put the other foot in. NOT MY FEET he says. “All those people may be okay with you, the messiah, washing their feet. But, Jesus I can’t let you wash mine.” Peter understood well who the task of foot washing was assigned to and it wasn’t the messiah. Not only was the foot washing absurd to Peter but would you just look at Jesus? He dressed like a servant! This is not okay! Now.. what happens next is the proverbial foot in Peters mouth.
“If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.” Now the stakes are high! If all it took was for his feet to be washed Peter wanted his whole body to be washed! “Lord, not my feet but also my hands and my head!” But, it was just his feet that Jesus was out to clean.
Do any of you find that strange? Why just his feet? I found it odd. But, the it struck me. During this time ones feet would get filthy from walking from place to place. They could wash their entire body but it was difficult to keep the feet clean. Guys, Jesus did not come to cleanse our finances, our health, or even our situations. Christ came to cleanse your heart. Your heart, left to its own, is the dirtiest part of your life. Like ones feet, your heart collects the dirt of life.
After Christ washed their feet he took his place back at the table. One cannot help but think of
He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
Do you understand
Do you understand
After this Jesus asks, “Do you understand what I have done to you?” I ask you tonight, if you have been born again do you understand what that has done to you?
In Lukes account of this moment the disciples have a “dispute” about who is the greatest. Jesus had just shown them an incredible act of service and how does this bunch respond? They are arguing about who is better. Jesus told them, “If I then, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” Yeah, yeah Jesu we will get to that as soon s we determine who is the lowest man on the totem pole. He will do the foot washing. “For I have given you an example that you should do just as I have done.” But, Jesus who is “you” surely you mean Thomas. I mean that guy seriously has his doubts. R. Kent Hughs says, “They were willing to fight for the throne, but no one wanted the towel.”
Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
I have found that we are one of three people. We either want the throne, we want the towel or we want to be left alone. if we want the throne we have falsely believed that Christianity is not about service but about what Christianity can do for me. If we want to be left alone its because we have falsely believed that being a Christian requires absolutely nothing from our lives. “Don’t tell me how to live my life” or my favorite...”Don’t judge me.”
John 13:
Practically speaking, Jesus answered their pride by saying, “If it is necessary for me to serve it is even more necessary for you to.” For them to deny each other service was to count themselves greater than Christ. I do not have to preach to you about how serious of an error that is.
But, if we want the towel we have truly understood what it means to follow Christ. If we want to follow Christ we must take up his example of servanthood. We must desire the towel and most importantly we must be willing to get into the filthiness of other peoples lives and wash them with the cleansing water of the gospel. Those in our families that we find hard to love, fellow believers that we have nothing in common with, complete strangers who we have observed from a distance, those who the world declares dangerous, people of different races, and yes people of different sexual preferences… ALL are in need of the gospel, the water than will cleanse their heart of their sin.
What about each other, in this room. You guys go to the same church. You are a family! You can day-by-day help wash away the dirt of the world by loving and serving each others and encouraging one another to live godly lives which includes serving other people!
Jesus concludes in verse 17, “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” Notice he didn’t end with only knowing these things. I can sit in a room full of Christians and talk about serving others and get “amen’d” out of the room. We all know these things and we all agree that these things are right. In fact we celebrate when other people do these things. Jesus does not say that you will be happy merely sitting here listening to me talk about these things. NO, “blessed if you DO them.” We do not need to learn more about this we need to do it! I am convinced that the reason why we are not seeing revival in the church is because of building are full of listeners and learners and not enough doers.
I am convinced that the reason why liberalism and secularism has permeated the church is because we listen to great sermons and we read great book but we fail to do great things! Why? Because doing the work of a servant requires the work of a servant. Foot washing is dirty! and if you are like some feet are just plain nasty! The church has long been fooled that we will reach people scolding them, guilting them, lecturing them and patronizing them. That simply to easy and it doesn’t work. In fact, for most it has the reverse effect. If you want to reach people you must reach for them and you will not touch them if you are not near them. The effect of our words is determined by our proximity to our hears. In other words, if you are going to be a follower of Christ you are going to have to get your hands dirty in the the mess fo other peoples lives.
So, how does this happen.
We obtain the heart of Christ
We observe the example of Christ
We obey the challenge of Christ
So, I ask you… why are you here tonight? If you came here tonight because of what the church could give to you I pray that you leave asking yourself what you can give to the church. This is why you are here. This is why FBC Alabaster exists…to serve each other and the world.
Ya know, it funny that Jesus said that if we are his disciples we would take up our cross, deny our selves and follow him. But, it would seem that sometime picking up our cross to deny ourselves means that we pick up the towel and serve others.