Components of Exposition
Still, I found it striking that I, and all expository preachers, shared something profoundly spiritual with this desperate man—an instinctive faith that the Bible has something to say about the deepest needs of our lives and can truly provide for them.
Expository preachers and the people who sit before them each week are convinced that Scripture can be mined to extract God’s wisdom and power for daily living.
Our goal as expository preachers is to keep this faith alive by demonstrating week after week what the Word of God says about the daily concerns we and our listeners face.
This goal reminds us that most people do not want or need a lecture that simply recounts Bible facts. They want and need a sermon that demonstrates how the information in the Bible applies to their lives.
Application is as necessary for sound exposition as is explication. In fact, the real meaning of a text remains hidden until we discern how its truths affect our lives.
Preaching a sermon is an act of shepherding that requires a minister to consider every aspect of structure, exegesis, and delivery as a potential tool for spiritual nurture, admonition, and healing.
the primary duty of the expositor is to exhort the people of God to apply the truths revealed in Scripture because this is the intent of God’s Word