Part 3: Knowing the Unknown
Life in Transition Part 3 • Sermon • Submitted
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· 6 viewsWe’re all headed somewhere. We’re all moving toward a new season. And none of us has been where we’re going. Yet it’s up to us to figure out what we need to pack in our bags so that we’re prepared for that coming season. But how can you know what you’ll need when the coming season is a mystery? How can you know what you don’t know?
Sermon Tone Analysis
We are currently in this series “Life in Transition.” There are transitions we all face in life. Some are expected transitions (wedding, new baby, graduation, retirement, etc.) and some are unexpected (loss of job, loss of loved one, bad health report/diagnosis, etc.). What are some things we can prepare for what’s next?
In the first week, we talked about how we can prepare for transitions in life whether they are expected or unexpected and that is by being a doer of God’s Word. Not just listening or reading the Word but applying it to our everyday life.
Last week, we talked about the importance of anchoring our life to God in order to keep us from drifting in life and help us to weather the storms/transitions in life. Anchoring our life to God helps us because we have His presence (never alone), His protection (He will work everything out for good and holds everything in His hands and He hasn’t forgotten us), and His promise (He keeps His word and will never go back on it).
We can find information on anything we want to whenever we want to because of the internet. It wasn’t always like that. We relied on brochures and hoped the brochure was accurate. Today, we can go to google, trip advisor, yelp,, etc. and people make notes on what to eat, which room to stay in, etc. (And even then you don’t get what you expect sometimes!)
Unfortunately, life is not like that. You can read all the stuff on the internet and all the books and brochures that you want but it will not make sure you prepared for success in the next season of your life.
Keep in mind:
Seeing what’s coming next does not ensure success in the new season.
Seeing what’s coming next does not ensure knowing what the next season will require.
What we do have to our advantage is this: there is someone who has experienced what you are about to experience. They know what you don’t know. And we should use their information and knowledge.
This is a telephone. You need this when going through a transition.
Who wants to be a millionaire.
Lifelines for stumped questions.
Phone a friend was one.
Play video Millionaire Phone a Friend (only first two people)
We need people to help us with the questions that we have
Do you have the right people to ask your questions to?
Do you actually listen to what they say or are you going through the motions?
Are you willing to open up and allow people to speak into your life? Only you can open up to advice and counsel of others.
Today, we are going to hear from the wisest king, King Solomon who wrote his wisdom in the book of Proverbs. Specifically, he talks about counsel and advice in the verses we are going to be talking about.
14 Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers.
I. Facing the unknown
Sermon Notes
August 27, 2017
“Knowing the Unknown” , , ,
A. There are things we can do now to prepare for what’s next.
There are things we can do now to __________ for what’s next.
B. Someone has experienced what you are about to experience.
Someone has experienced what you are about to _____________.
Our capacity to thrive in the next season is dependent on whether we are willing to open our life to other people.
Our capacity to thrive in the next season is dependent on whether we are willing
14 Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers.
to open our life to other ____________.
You are setting yourself up with counselors and advisors around you. We know this is true but a lot of times we don’t do it?
I. Barriers to thriving in the next season
I. Barriers to thriving in the next season
A. There are several things that keep us from asking for advice or council:
1) We think we already know.
1) We think we already know.
12 There is more hope for fools than for people who think they are wise.
12 Commit yourself to instruction; listen carefully to words of knowledge.
1) We think we already ____________.
Play video of Arrogant man
This is pride and it keeps us from asking for advice.
Muhammad Ali not buckling seatbelt on plane.
Superman don’t need a seatbelt
response: supermen don’t need a plant either.
Know that you don’t know is the first step in knowing what you don’t know.
2) We’re too afraid to be honest.
2) We’re too afraid to be honest.
2) We’re too ___________ to be honest.
You have to be honest with yourself about where you are right now. We can also create a bond with someone about the next season in life.
22 Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.
3) We don’t know who to ask.
3) We don’t know who to ask.
(more practical)
I don’t see anyone in my life that can help.
20 Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.
3) We don’t know who to ___________.
How do we find those in our life:
-get involved in church/ministry as it will introduce you to others and give you an opportunity to share with others who can help you
What keeps you from asking advice, will keep you from thriving at life.
What keeps you from asking advice, will keep you from thriving at life.
II. It’s not just knowledge (it’s about the people)
II. It’s not just knowledge (it’s about the people)
Play video Asking everyone doesn’t help
A. When getting advice, we need to choose someone.....
1) who will ask you the tough questions.
1) who will ask you the tough questions.
1) who will ask you the _________ questions.
2) who has nothing to lose by telling you the truth.
2) who has nothing to lose by telling you the truth.
2) who has nothing to ____________ by telling you the truth.
(more concerned about the friend than the friendship)
3) who is where you want to be in life.
3) who is where you want to be in life.
(been through it)
3) who is where you want to be in ___________.
Play video best of phone a friend
Evaluate these three questions this week and you may find an area of your life that you need advice to thrive in the next season.
What do you think you know?
Evaluate these three questions this week and you may find an area of your life that you need advice to thrive in the next season. What do you think you know? What don’t you want to hear from someone? Where are you not being honest with yourself or others? Then ask “who can I ask for advice this week in this area?
What don’t you want to hear from someone?
Where are you not being honest with yourself or others? Then ask “who can I ask for advice this week in this area?
This isn’t about more knowledge or information, we need relationships. Relationships is the key because that is how God created us. We need those people who we can be honest with, ask the tough questions
Anchor our lives to God.
Find those relationships
Ask for help for the questions you have