Mission: Who Seeks God's Word & is Astonished by It?
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Turn to Look up at the Title. Acts of whom? Reminder of the Holy Spirit, the cointnuing, part II works of the Ascended Jesus in Glory ruling, until every enemey put under his feet; until his salvation and knwoledge ofthe Lord fills the earth likethe waters fill the sea. Until rightesouness being restored. Picturein Hebrews of angels looking down at salvation - Christ born - don’t have part a little jealous - a picture of the Zion in heaven now - how long… cheering us on… Supernatural worldview - decidely not the acts of the Church. The Church is the result of Christ’s action in this world, not the cause. What does this practically mean for you and me? For the teens/ young adults profess faith - not responding first of all to the church, joining or being inucted as full members of religious human organization; responding to the Living God, his HOly Spirit, His Covenant mediator the Lord jesus Christ,. called not by us first of all, but by the Gospel, Living Word, Born Again by impoersihable seed, the Word of God! In next sermon we’ll see the content of what that gospel, Word of God in power , summary of that Holy Spirit empowered preaching of Scripture; but today we see what happens when the Word is both i. earnestly sought after; and ii. respondned to with astonished faith! Last week we saw the supernatural power of God to face obstacles unleashed through a pryaing church. Today the wonder of a grwoing church that is seeking and astonished by God’s Living Word!
Key Truth: You and those around you must be presented God’s Word and given opportunity to respond in astonished faith!
A. A Slow-and-Steady Past is often the Foundation for Explosive Missionary Growth
When is the last time you saw conversion? Are you astonished at the opwer of the gsopel, salvation … Like the older teens and young adults professing their faith some of you may be entering the book of Acts, with discouragement that you don’t see radical change, sudden conversion. Others of you maybe in a season like tow who will be baptized - everything is new - wonderful, fresh. But either way I don’t want you to be discouraged when in a season - of slow growth and foundation laying!
Understand the timing. We can tell from the name of one of the elders sent up from Jerusaelm with Barnabas named first because he is the leader at this stage, and with Saul end of the list. But who is right before him. Manaen, a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch. We know by this description that this Manaen either of princely family, or grew up with Herod Antipas (that uncle who took herod Agripa just perseucted the church) that uncle would be 70, and this Manaene adopted into his family, and fellow student, with Herod Antipas. Derive the date of 49 AD. This means Saul, converted then 9 years, then Barbnaabs found him to help in work after Peter was freedin Jerusalem. We have 5 years of Paul and Barnabas and now three others. Grows from small church to centre of Christianity during this perido. In fact by 4th century 20,000 christians in this city!
I want to begin with this quotation found about 8 years ago …rings so true : We overestimate how much we can do in one year, but underestimate we can in 5! ie. Men’s Bible Study - Disicplines of Godly Man - overwhelmed, but little changes over a month, habit, - tab rudder. ..
Well what are those ilittle regular day in day out, week in week out habits that form the foundation, teh cement pad, that God will put a diving baord, a launch pad into missions on? You know what a diving board is - a typoe fo lever, no foundation,putit on quicksand …Sometimes want all the excitment of super powered conversions, and readical answers to prayer -even switch churches seeking this thrill, one event after another - ie. serve - do you know how much prayer, bible study , planning gone itno Serve Trip… likethe founation. But we want all that - without setting up the forms , pouring the cemenet of God’s foundation - just being in a church not a foundation, but the activity you particiapte and engage inas Christian, and as Christain home, church family -that’s the foudnation work!
What is the essential ingredient in the cement of the founation - Reuben and I cemented in clothes line - shouting out ingregdients, what is the main ingredient -sand… Who were these that churchin Jersuaelm sent, prophets and teachers = not like Agabus, prophet who predicted future famine. But like main job of OT prophet not to foretell the future, but to forth tell the Word of the LORD, to explain the covenan, grace, warning, promise of God! Most helpful book The Art of Prophesy = what I am called to do pubklically from theis pulpit and in our classes; but also privately one to to one - visit in your home, what elders are called to do - open up the word apply it as coridal, compass, If making deicison and I or elder \shwoed up, if church member who following speaking and admonishing, coucnerling one inaother - find that boring or exciting - Word of God from heaven into your life -
Foolishness to unbeliver - wisdom of God wiser than the foolishness of Man . Who is the one Living God esteems in this place right now - not the one with most knowledge, nor the one with greatest talents or most money or happiest disposition nor prettiest looks, nor best job - trembles at my Word - How God does business in this world Tag line through out Acts - firs time but repeated as goes to capture the world - and if Christ grace has catpuredd our hearts, if enemy occupied terrotiry of the devil this world, your heart -if God has parachuted Jesus and his grace behind those lines, and if Christ has made a beachhead -then the way that is described is what happend in Antioch:
But the word of God increased and multiplied.
Acts 12:24
that is what id described as happening in a local church like ours. Is it, in your life hearing believing speicifally applying the oracles of God. How is that working in your life - Remember what I said, overestimate what do in a year, underestimeate in 5 years. Now let me sahre another saying that changed the way I live life: If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing poorly. So many of us know it reading God’s word, studying it , sharing, so manyo f us know praying more than falling asleep prayers, more than 2 minutes shoppping list prayers so worth it; and we tryin one month or one year - realize I am not good at this - get bored, not work, this is harder than I thought. Give up - but if worth doing, than surelyit must be worth doiong now even if I am not perfect at it, even if only growing a little bit at atime at it … We give up and then no foundation, and no explosive kingdom grwoth can be laucnched from a prayerless and Word-less life.
Think of how that would have worked for the Christian’s at Antioch - Think of the Apostles Paul 15-20 years - he is growing in Arabaian Desert, growing as disciple and church member in Damascus, he is groiwngin obscurity in Tarsus, but it is 15 years wihtout fireworks - foudnation years.
But notice lastlyin this context when it is that the lever starts to flex and is about to get launched. it is not jsut being in the Word, but look at v.2a
While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”
They were like the OT priests and Levites doing offical sacred worship duties. Word in Greek means to render free service to the state… ie Militia - regular weekend duty - context of Sunday gathering regular worship - and with the word and with prayer - out to mark gathering together - And these leaders had been fasting - not just OT Annual day of Atonement - fulfilled, not Pharisees or like a Muslim in ramadan - self-imposed if I do this merit before God because I’m so submitted to him. But like pioous partial fasting of God’s poeople in both OT and NT - I am going to feel hunger, so hunger even more forthe WOrd, can’t pray rightly with full stomache, and day stuffed full of constant media and appointments - space to hunger for God and silence to hear His Word - ie. Like member in Exeter, as a couple beofre Lord’s Supper wouldn’t eat. Sense they need that for the next chapter in this church. Pray for our congregation like that? Pray for your leaders. I have fasted with someone for this church. been awhile now. But what are we to expect when founation in the Word, in worship, in prayer is set?
Do you get this? The church doesn’t only exist so you can hear nice sermons, and have nice worship, and a place to call out for help when we get stuck! What is this book called? The Actso f the Holy Spirit, of the Ascended Lord Jesus - Don’t you think he wants to do more even now here than our indiivdual salvation and our comfy fellowship? Somthing in our community in our world?
This is the explosion that happens next:
B. Set Apart & Sent Out by the Holy Spirit
I want you to feel a difference here. This church wasn’t about their buidling, and programs or even their fellowship, tghey were not about their own activityies. What would a temple be if not indwelt by the presence of God. What is the goal of the bible if not Adama dn Eve walking in the cool of the Graden, If not God descending in pwoer and glory and love in them middle of the campo f the Israelites, at the centre of the nation in the Temple. What is the the goal if not - the Son of God dwleling among us as the enw tqabernacle but now by his Spirit protable and everywhere present. What is the goal is not Christ in you the hope of glory> What is the goal if not - now is the dweeling of God among men! You must get this straight about the church. The church didn’t call Barnabas and Saul - the HOly Spirit who indwells the church idd. The church, the oeopl, some committee, even those other elders didn’t send Barnabas and Saul - the HOly Spirit di. Al the church didn, and it us es a different word - they released, they dispatached them. But it was the living Holy Spirit who set apart these tow and sent these two! The revealtion came, and i wasn’t set out next week or next month.but striking while the iorn is hot - that church servie bveeccame a commissioning service, and symbolically laid on hands, sent entrusted them to the grace of God.
They understood hour has struck, new season beginning when the gospel must go to the rest of the world.
While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”
I wonder if we believe that could happen here - it does church recognizes and ascedes to elders and deacons being set aside and sent out to do Lord’s work among us - but it is the Holy Spiri on behalf - not a deomcrasy what do you like - represent you in some way - but Lord will equip to be Lord’s representaticve meryc or spritiual overstie - God calls and sends. Inward calling, as Spirit does that willingness and esires, but outward calling that the church recognizes.
But I am wondering if you realize that the Lord may calls one of you to the work of missions outside these walls. Could be official layingon of hands, partnership in minsitry called to like Steve Frieswick, Gurret, Robertson… Imagine if one of our yuoung adults - Urban Promise… But could also be just crossing the room, or the street to neighbour - and Lord is opening door and you have an oppotunity - say, like Paul later, God is making his appeal through us. Say like paul - gospel written on our lives for those people who don’t know himto read. That he might call us to a mission or ministry of eveangelism - realize not the church and the people saying get inovlved by the Holy Spirit! Well those servants of the Lord like us today are now on the lever the launch pad that is on a firm foundation and watch it fly now! realize the differnce, unless the Lord builds the house, those hwo loabour, labour in vain… Allour activity come to nothing, if not found doing God’s buisiness God’s way. If not resopnding to the call ofthe Holy Spirit as He sends us as a church together, an d even particlar missionaries
C. The Goal: People earnestly seeking the Word & Responding with Astonished Faith
Luke as a Greek who loves the sea - records all the ports - they come Salamis. But what you need to remember is that this is Barnabas who is described as the lead, his home turf. God calls and send them to the Gentile world but the route seems up to them. They pickwere Barnabas is from. They get there - and what is the first thing they do… no scan of community needs, no surveys and polling - they proclaim the Word of God!#1 calling of the church and the missionary enterprise - preent jesus yes with their lives, but the prclamiation of good news. How do they do it. Some of you who have read Acts, recognize this pattern - goes to the jewish synagogue first? Why - natural Jesus sent first to the Jews - they have the word of God and understanding - go tot hem so they can offer it othere neighbours. Buthat’s not actually the pattern. The pattern is that the middle wall the partion, that separated Jews and Gentiles - had been pulled down - temple veil torn into between us and God, but this wall separated outside Gentile and insdier jews - gone - pattern is that both jews and Gentiles must come to know and receive and walk with the Saviour together! They must come inthe same way. I wonder if we belive the same thing - that an outsider no church background, welcome like one of our own - to come to slavation by hearing and beliveing Jesus in the Word . i wonder if the opoostite way - that we understand that our own not saved autonmatiically - that like an outwsider they too must hear and see and feel and knwo Jesus in the Word and resond to him.
Doubtless both jews and Gentiles started believeing and church was started, buy they go throughthe whole island and end up at the governor’s residence. This is the key moment. Of course Gentiles, even whole Church ofthem in Antioch turned, but for the first time, not summoned before officials hostile to them. But as Jesus promised, summoned before influential leader now - and not just seekign the Word that was shaking the island, curious like to check that out. But the word is to earnestly seek to hear the Word. Imoporatn biblical word. Sergio Paulus didn’t just say got tohear this word latest fad. He was seeking and striving to hear the gospel.
Same wrod used in the book Hebrews. There we read the Christian life is a way, teaching, a journey, a path hebrew 13:14 . myabe you think that too - ticket to heavengreat. But listen to how descrtibes the believers life:
Same wrod used in the book Hebrews. There we read the Christian life is a way, teaching, a journey, a path hebrew 13:14 . myabe you think that too - ticket to heavengreat. But listen to how descrtibes the believers life:
For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland.
That’s the same word, a legal word to search out for someone - ie Brother unfair speeding ticket out of state plates Colarado - Refused to pay7 - sent repo man ie. A central theme in Flannery O'Connor's personal life as a believer and in her life as a writer was the theme of "stalking joy" throughout the "dangerous quest" for salvation. Renounce a less good for a greater. Opposite of which sin is. Picture me with my ground teeth stalking joy--fully armed too as it's a highly dangerous quest:'
iagine you are the governor - PM - call an offical audience with anyone you want. Sergio wasy with teh very lving Word of God - he gets it. is that how you seek the LORD in his word? One dictioniary says its a cross betwen enquiry of mind and yearning of the heart.” So much light and joy and truth and justice and life shines out of Christ by his word , the gospel
But be careful, you are not ion this quest armed tot he teeth for nothing. For here comes Barjesus - jew only in ame but left the faith. He’s knwon as Elymus - Arabic origin name for professor, a diviner, combining his magic arts with phiosophic rekgious false doctrine. He had befriended the very proncsul of Rome. Must appear quite smart and successful guy to be brought in to inner circle. But like in the Lord of the Rings, Théoden had grown weak with age, and was largely controlled by his chief advisor Gríma (or Wormtongue as most others in the Riddermark called him), who was secretly in the employ of the corrupt wizard Saruman. In Unfinished Tales, it is implied that the failure of the king's health was "...induced or increased by subtle poisons, administered by Gríma".[1] As Théoden sat powerless, Rohan was troubled by Orcs and Dunlendings, who operated under the will of Saruman, ruling from Isengard.
But be careful, you are not ion this quest armed tot he teeth for nothing. For here comes Barjesus - jew only in ame but left the faith. He’s knwon as Elymus - Arabic origin name for professor, a diviner, combining his magic arts with phiosophic rekgious false doctrine. He had befriended the very proncsul of Rome. Must appear quite smart and successful guy to be brought in to inner circle. But like in the Lord of the Rings, Théoden had grown weak with age, and was largely controlled by his chief advisor Gríma (or Wormtongue as most others in the Riddermark called him), who was secretly in the employ of the corrupt wizard Saruman. In Unfinished Tales, it is implied that the failure of the king's health was "...induced or increased by subtle poisons, administered by Gríma".[1] As Théoden sat powerless, Rohan was troubled by Orcs and Dunlendings, who operated under the will of Saruman, ruling from Isengard.
Understand their are Grima’s Wormtonuges that Stanis using all over this world throughthe ages. Take half truths, twist into lies. Do anything to keep us from that hunger and that satisfaction that ends in FAITH in God’s Word and His Son Jesus! Do you recongize any ofthe lies in your life? magic arts mixed with wrong teaching - self-esteem, self-love, might is right, weakness is to be destroyed, youare your own god, self-made man, good is what’s useful… just go out and taste and touch and experince as muchas a man can. But look at this criticual moment
But Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him
In those moments - as Jesus had promised the Holy Spirit will give us the words to speak. And in this case what powerful dsicerning words they were:
and said, “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?
and said, “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?
Understand Paul’s actions weren’t some burst of uncro9ntrolled indgination aginst this man. Behind this wormtongue is some always full of guile and villany - somoen who seeks to hold his prey - even Diablos, the Dveil Satan - decieve this whole world drugged to live without a Saviour and without a Lord! If we are to go out into our world, out in to our families, out into this city - confornt arguemnts philogopshies, lifestyles that keep people in darness and bondage -without a Saviour and without a LorAnd at those criticial moments - as you with the gospel message and that darkness and lie collide. Here there is challenge - the ways of the world and of the devil and of the flesh - they are leading you down crooked roads, more immersed you aer in them, more bringing the peole around you down with you - if we are lost than we are lost together!
And at those criticial moments - as you with the gospel message and that darkness and lie collide - look waht can happen: why Saul said what he said:
But the way of Christ, the path, straight - may not seem most appealingin eyes of the world - path of righteosuness - with shepherd a- you know what they lead somewhere with them. Call to give up any other way to happiness that’s crooked - must have spoken to Sergius;’ heart - Roman imposing by force his way on Cyprus…
But Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him
Butlisten to the punishment:
Some ohave called it a gospel shaped punishment -
And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you will be blind and unable to see the sun for a time.” Immediately mist and darkness fell upon him, and he went about seeking people to lead him by the hand.
Some ohave called it a gospel shaped punishment -
Something deeply symblic and spiritual about this punihsment - the mist of darkness and gloom, eternal night reserved fro Satan and the wicked at the end of time - that falls on him, But for how long? Also symoblic too - for a time not chronos , but a kariow - special season - Hope gospel hope - that you turn and the darkness will end! A new season can begin for you!
And Sergio wintessing the works for the Holy Spiritthrough whom? Not Barnabas, though he was in thelead, always barnabas and Paul to this point, Though his home turf, it wasn’t Baranabas who was filled witht he Holy Spirbut whom? Not just Saul, but Saul, who was also called Paul. First time summoned before Gentile authority - presented as the conversion success that lunached the gentile mission. Recognize not only in your own life, but in the lives of those we are seeking to reach, tricky charlatans do anything to turn them aside, to postone from the Lord’s paths. But as Saul speaks in the opwer of the Spirit, as he shares the Word and the Gospel discerningly applyies ti - Sergio Paulus - says I want this Jesus - I don’t just want a ticket to heaven, I want this Saviour this Lord, I need this salvation - I will walk with this Good Shepherd in his straight ways, in His presence - What an infleuntial convert as leader, even in te governeor of that island pronivce Cyrprus - turns tot he Lord - praying for such leaders in Toronot with Steve, but what about here - not only children in VBS - but whole households of our neighbours.
up to the Lord what season were are in, but the harvest is white and ripe, teh power of the one who steals and kills and estroys - working in our nieghbours lives na d our world - urgent - each one reach one! Overestimate what we can do ina month or a year, one program, buit undersstimate in five year - one step to this kind of reaching out, and then Lord will give us the next step. Eacho ne reach one. It will be to the glory of the Spirit and wothe WOr dand Christ - Find them working in us. This was stage one ofthe Gentile mission and it was a success. May we find that success as we in reliance on the Word and the Spirit. With a foundation cemenent of the wordk and worship and prayer - but then also living faith to be launched into the lives of unbelievers in our family, our neighbourhoods our schools our places of work. Can you right down the name of one or tow in your life who walking in darkness not yet embraced the light of the Lord Jesus!? Canyou commit not just to a week of prayer, but setting the foundation in our own life, to be launched for 5m weeks, 5 months, 5 years, even fifty years - to pray and enter that person s life with th influence of the gospel!?
Rejoicing on earth over jobs well done, over races won, over fellowship of family and freinds enjoyed. Good rejoicing of earth. But lets give ourselves even more earnestly for the rejoicing in heaven. More joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than 99 who don’t think they need to!