Introduction to Grace
Introduction to Grace
What Is Grace?
Grace is the favor of God to human beings.
The Greek word for “grace,” charis
Hebrew word hesed, which means “loving kindness”—
The Greek word for “grace,” charis, is equivalent to the Hebrew word hesed, which means “loving kindness”—a word frequently used by the psalmists to describe God’s character. In the New Testament, the word charis usually means “divine favor” or “goodwill,” but it also means “that which gives joy” and “that which is a free gift.”
Divine grace is embodied in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 17). God’s grace manifested in Jesus Christ makes it possible for God to forgive sinners and to gather them in the church.
During His ministry, Jesus repeatedly offered forgiveness to a great number of sinners and extended God’s succor for a variety of desperate human needs.
Through teachings such as the father’s forgiveness of the prodigal son and the search for the lost sheep, Jesus made it clear that He had come to seek and save those who were lost. But ultimately, it was His redemptive death on the cross which opened wide the gate of salvation for repentant sinners so that they have access to God’s forgiving and restorative grace.
This simple truth is formulated in the doctrine of “justification by faith through grace” (Rom. 3:23
According to this teaching, God graciously provides life, through the death of Christ, to sinners who believe in Jesus. Jesus’ substitutionary death for all people enables God to pronounce a verdict of “not guilty” on repentant sinners and to include them in His eternal purposes. God’s grace manifested in Jesus also makes it possible for God to bestow undeserved benefits on believers.