Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Appointed with Purpose
In the ministry of Jesus the appointing of the Apostles from the disciples is important for they would carry on the work after Jesus is gone.
Today we will look at the ministry of the Apostles with a purpose as it relates to the ministry of Jesus and how it impacts us today.
Important aspects of the appointed: They would be ones who would carry on the work after His death
Important aspect: They would share in the suffering and even martyrdom after His death.
So appointing the apostles, they were appointed with a purpose and that purpose would require faith, require training, require perseverance and that is seen in the Apostles.
In our passage today, we see the appointing and the purpose laid out before us.
To be with Him
To prepare them to be sent out to preach
To prepare them for the authority to be given to them to heal and cast out demons.
The disciples who were called and appointed with a purpose would serve as
Witnesses for the resurrection
Ambassadors for Christ
Teachers for the disciples
Part of the foundation of the church
First we need to start with the passage to get the ball rolling.
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
Before moving on to the first section, all of this transpired after a night in prayer
May we go to the Lord in prayer before making decisions too!
I. Apostles: Witnesses for the resurrection
They were eyewitnesses of the resurrection (Act1:1-3, 1:8, 1:21-22, 2:32 and 3:15)
Jesus had shown Himself after the resurrection
They were witnesses of this.
Jesus then commissioned them to testify of Him
They were told what they were to bear witness of
Witness of His resurrection.
Oh and they did that, testified of it, over and over again
They are an example for and a solid basis for our faith (Jn17:20-21; 2Cor11:23-28)
Jesus in His prayer was that people would believe because of the words of the Apostles.
Oh wait, let me give you the scripture
Without the recorded words of the Apostles there would be limited information about the life of Jesus, His miracles and even His resurrection.
The manner of their life, up’s and down’s, victories and failures, mountaintop experiences to suffering for their faith all give credibility to their testimony of the the resurrection of Jesus.
The apostles served an important role in the ministry of Jesus, they provide a means of reliable testimony of the resurrection of Jesus, so that we may have faith in Jesus because of their words.
(transition) Their words were with authority as:
Apostles: Ambassadors for Christ
An Ambassador, oh we hear about it in the scripture, we read about it in the scripture and that is what the Apostles were.
They were sent with a message, and a story, not their story, but His!
Ambassador, when you think of an Ambassador what do you think of?
What do you think it means?
Ambassador, noun: an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.
Apostles were accredited and sent with a message (Mk16:15-16; 2Cor5:20-21; 2Cor5:18-19, regardless of circumstances Eph6:19-20)
The Message was not originated with them (expand)
There is the message they were to give
They were not making their own appeal, they were appealing on behalf of Christ, the message of reconciliation, with a purpose so that people may become the righteousness of God in Him (in Jesus; through Jesus).
A message, a ministry, a responsibility regardless of circumstances
Regardless of chains, regardless of prison, regardless of any circumstance they were to tell the story.
Apostles telling the story of Jesus (2Cor5:20; 2COr6:1; 2The1:7-9)
They were pleading with others to be reconciled to God
As Ambassaors making the plead, pleading with a purpose
Not to receive God’s grace in vain nor even refusing it
What is the result of those who refuse, ignore the grace of God through faith (see v.8-9)?
The Apostles who were appointed with a purpose, with a message, the message is the story of Jesus that is revealed through the good news.
May we be reminded of it always.
Again, it was not their message, it is His.
An Ambassador carries a message of another.
Apostles: Teachers for the disciples of Jesus
I don’t think anyone who say that teachers are not important, and I don’t think anyone would say that teachers are perfect.
The appointed apostles with a purpose, a message, a story were going to be teachers who would continue the work of Christ, they would become the authority for the church.
Apostles would continue the work began by Christ (Jn16:12, 13-14; 14:25-26; Mt28:19-20 and Act20:27)
Jesus did not tell them everything during his earthly ministry, they could not handle it all
Jesus had a plan to send the helper who would.
Look at (vv.13-14) what is the job of the Spirit, according to the scripture?
Look at (vv.13-14) what is the job of the Spirit, according to the scirpture?
The Spirit would lead, teach, disclose, remind so they could fulfill their purpose - the great commission (Mt28:19-20; ref only)
The Apostles become the authority for the church (Act2:42; 1The2:13; 1Cor14:37 and Lk10:16)
Look at this
What did they do?
Now look at
How were people to receive the word of the Apostles?
Now adding to this
What they wrote were the Lord’s commandments, not theirs, His
And rejecting their words was equal to, rejecting Christ as well as the Father
We continue to be taught through the apostles doctrine.
It teaches the church how to be the church how to act as the church and how to lead others to the church.
For they are Christ’s ambassadors sent with authority, purpose, message, story and they are united in Christ as the foundation of the Church.
Apostles: With Christ for the foundation of the Church
Foundation is important, Jesus spoke of it, the Apostles help to build the foundation of the church.
Together with Christ (who is the cornerstone), the church is built (Act4:10-12; 1Cor3:11; Eph2:19-22)
Jesus is the chief cornerstone and the apostles are a part of helping to build the spiritual building
In the foundation of the church, in which Jesus is the cornerstone, the apostles serve as the basis of:
Our faith, through their testimony (2Pt1:16-18)
Our doctrine, through their teaching (Act2:42)
And our hope, through their message (Eph3:5-6)
May we understand after prayerful consideration the choices Jesus made in appointing with a purpose the Apostles for without them we would not have the full counsel of God would we?
May we be devoted to the apostles doctrine!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9