Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Test of Core Values
Why Talk about Core Values.
Or it could also be, The Importance of Identifying Core Values
Core Values taken from “Your Dictionary.”
Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization.
These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong.
Core values also help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals by creating an unwavering guide.
There are many different types of core values in the world, depending upon the context.
Often, when you hear someone discuss why they fell in love with their other half, they will mention that they have the same values.
In this case, they are often talking about core values, or internal beliefs that dictate how life should be lived.
Some examples of core values people might have about life include the following:
A belief, or lack thereof, in God or an affiliation with a religious/spiritual institution
A belief in being a good steward of resources and in exercising frugality
A belief that family is of fundamental importance
A belief that honesty is always the best policy and that trust has to be earned
A belief in maintaining a healthy work/life balance
Just as personal values speak to what is most important in our lives, so a congregation’s values speak to what is most important in the church’s life.
It is important that I reinforce the call of Jesus to follow and be sent out, the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, and the sincere love that comes from basking in the mercies of God.
Our passion as believers and the core values that proceed must always fall under The call, The vision, and the mission.
What some do not understand is that churches, like people, have a soul—a collective soul.1 Congregational or corporate soul is at the very heart of the organization.
It is a leadership concept that embraces the church’s unique values.
What sets successful congregations apart is their discovering and tapping into that soul, making contact at its deepest levels.
How Can we identify Core Values in Scripture?
Another heading: Revealed in the Jerusalem Church
What core values are evident in these verses?
They devoted themselves to: Apostles, teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer
Awe is a driving factor in our world.
Stores package items to catch attention.
Firework displays promise something bigger than the year before.
They were together, they had everything in common
They sold property and possessions to give to the needy
They broke bread and ate together
With glad and sincere hearts - praising God
reverence ⇔ fear n. — a feeling of profound respect for someone or something, often a deity, conceived of as fear.
Core values signal a ministry’s bottom line.
They communicate what really matters.
Clearly articulated values drive a stake in the ground that announces to all, “This is what we stand for; this is what we are all about; this is who we are; this is what we can and cannot do for you.”
Jesus Core Values resulted in no place to lay His head
Ministries and Programs Assist in Identifying Core Values
It is said that every church has a soul.
The soul would represent the life and activity of a local church.
The interests of the congregants along with their God-given gifts would reveal the heart and soul of the church.
At the same time it is said that every church has a life cycle.
The life cycle of a church is determined by it’s members.
Individual’s passions become the passions of the church.
The church begins to take on the character of the congregants and leaders.
For a church to get a new lease on life it is important to identify the passions of the members that lead to identifying core values.
For example: Fombelle’s Service set out to make a reputation on providing the best service they could in the shortest amount of time to their customers.
Many and I mean many Monday mornings would promote an atmosphere of frustration.
Service had remained idle on Saturday and Sunday.
Monday mornings and the unfinished work wasn’t in line with their values.
Dad would work late nights to finish repairs before Saturday came when possible.
Gaining a New Lease on Life
another heading: The importance of What we are doing
In order for Calvary to get a new lease on life Calvary needs to identify passions and core values that are aligned with it’s current membership role.
That means we share and listen to one another.
It will probably require some level of organization and compromise.
By compromise I mean that we plan ministries with balance and purpose.
For example, next year lets make the church building and members a priority.
Let’s pay attention to personal and family needs in Christian Education
In 2020 lets make New Castle a priority.
Let’s put a float in a parade, attend a prayer vigil, and make a stand for life and the unborn!
In 2021 lets make missions a priority.
Plan a short-term mission trip
Maybe we need to think in 6 month cycles.
Here are some answers given when asked what some of Calvary’s organization and programs reveal about it’s core values.
First, I gave them a list: Core Values are evident in programs and ministries.
What do you think the following reveal about core values in Calvary Independent Church?
• Awana
• Boards/Administration
• Committees
• Fellowship/Discipleship
• Midweek Service
• Missions
• Shoebox (Samaritan’s Purse)
• Sunday Morning Worship Service including nurseries and Children's programs
• Sunday School for all ages
• Youth Programs
Here are some of their answers.
Something for everyone
A way to find your passion or gift
We value proper education, prayer and a focus on our children
We are service oriented backed by christian values
Spend time with fellow believers and growing closer to God
We are focused on growing God’s people through missions and children by spreading the Gospel
Responses from the Elders when asked, apart from Calvary’s building and location how would you minister the gospel in New Castle?
Be more visible in the downtown area
meet needs within our community
Attend relay for life and prayer vigils
I suppose it goes without saying; but, what we do as a church provides insight into our core values.
Some believers will value Christian Education.
Others value missions
While others value worship through music.
Discovering your values is the basis for knowing and understanding your identity, because they are at the core of the church’s culture.
Discovering your values is the basis for knowing and understanding your identity, because they are at the core of the church’s culture.
Malphurs, A. (2013).
Advanced Strategic Planning: A 21st-Century Model for Church and Ministry Leaders (Third edition, p. 146).
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
Jerusalem Church Models Core Values at the point of Impact
In the problematic situation of Acts 6:1–7, the Jerusalem church models the values impact.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9