Why Did God Create Us/World If He Knew We Were Going To Sin?

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We saw two Wednesdays ago about how God is eternal, and what it meant when He said He was the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end....remember?
He’s eternal
He’s creator
He’s all knowing and all powerful
He’s perfect
And we were nothing but a chicken’s nostril in time
Well hold onto that thought that He is creator…because it will come back into play tonight for our second Big Question!

The Big Question

The question that we are addressing tonight is this: “Why would God create us if He knew we were going to sin and turn away from Him?
We had several questions that sounded like this one…so it’s a big question for our group…which is awesome, because it’s a GREAT question!
So let’s get into it!

First Things First

I think to answer this question correctly we’ve got to look at the first part of this question first, which is “Why did God create us?”
Because if we don’t know the answer to this question, or if our viewpoint is skewed, or we are just flat out wrong on this one…then we won’t answer the second part of this question correctly at all!
So, you all have a pen and a paper, I want you to write down the answer to that question..... “WHY DID GOD CREATE US?” GO!

“…bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”
Right there we have the very simple answer to a very big question
We were made for His glory
We were made to glorify Him
We were made to make much of Him
That was the intent, that is why God created us. That is why we were made in His image.

“ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Why do people make statues of other people? Have you ever stopped and thought about that?
Outside of Liverpool’s stadium, there is a statue of a man named Bill Shankly, a man who made Liverpool what they are today.
So why is it there?
Do people look at a statue and say, “Wow, what a fine mix of concrete they used for this statue!” or “Whoa, check out the bronze work they did, what a great piece of bronze that is!”
People look at a statue and are drawn to remember, think about, ponder about the image that is being portrayed by the statue, right?!?!
Genesis just told us we were made in His image.

And even in , we see the angels crying “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory”
So not only us, humans, but all creation points to Him
And so again we see, just like in Isaiah, the truth of the Bible that we and creation were made to point people towards Him, to reflect Him to others, to be a “statue”, if you will, that’s on display that makes people wonder who He is



Now, if the wheels inside your head are turning at all, and I hope they are.
I know it’s summer break.
If they’re turning, two weeks ago we talked about God being eternal.
He knows what has always been and what will always be, so therefore, logically, he is all-knowing right?
Which is where the second part of the question comes in.
“If He knew we were going to sin, why’d He create us?”
So let’s get into this:

Three Truths

God created us with free will
How do we know this? Because after He created Adam and Eve, he saw that they were both very good. Made in God’s image, perfect in nature, and unable to sin
But we also read in , that God created a tree of choice essentially
Don’t eat of this, and live with me forever in perfect harmony, glorifying me
Eat of this, and you shall surely die
Now, this can be confusing. How can God be in complete control, yet we have free will at the same time. Let me try to illustrate:
Imagine you are going on a cruise. Let’s say Royal Caribbean to Cozumel
If you look at Savannah right now she’s most likely salivating
But you’ve bought your ticket, and you and several thousand people have just set off, headed for your destination which has been set by the captain right?
Nothing can change the course right, the boat is destined for it. Even if you decided you didn’t like cruises and started panicking, or throwing up, your headed for that destination because it has been set!
Now remember, on the ship are so many people. They are eating, sleeping, playing, lounging, reading, talking, eating some more…doing whatever they want to do right?
Notice, they aren’t in chains, they aren’t being forced to do certain things, they have FREEDOM upon board right?
Let’s apply this to our lives:
God has an ultimate plan, and ultimate destination for us all. And regardless of our choices while “on board”, we will reach the destination that He has set
But…he’s not forcing us to do certain things while on board, we have freedom of will to choose what we want to choose
And man, Adam and Eve, chose sin, and went from being unable TO sin, to being unable NOT TO sin
Was it God’s plan for man to sin then?
Absolutely not.
James: For God can not be tempted with evil and He himself tempts no one, but each person is lured and enticed by HIS own desire
We had free will to choose, and we’ve all chosen sin.
But we were created with the free will to worship and glorify Him, sin altered that.
However, second point, our sin, mankind’s sin, did not take God by surprise
: “even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.”
even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.
: “to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.”
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
God knew what mankind would choose, yes, and He always had a plan to fix it
These verses point to that
He chose us before he even created the world
Why? for the praise of His glory
Again, back to His glory
Finally, knowing what He knew, knowing what we’d do, God’s Sovereign plan was always in play
Here’s the final truth: God’s glory would reach and does reach its highest point in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary.
He did what no one else could do, at the hands of people who were made to worship Him!
says this, “and all who dwell on earth will worship it (that is the beast), everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.”
Focus on that last phrase for a minute
Before anything was made, the book of life, in which your name is written if you are a believer, was titled “The book of life of the lamb who was slain”.
See God knew everything that was going to happen.
He knew he’d create us and we’d fall
He knew that Jesus was going to be a necessary and perfect sacrifice!
The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world


So why were we created?
To glorify Him
That was our purpose, and that is our purpose today
Why did He create us if He knew we were going to sin?
Because forced worship is not worship at all, is it?
We were given free will, and we fell
God didn’t make us sin
God could have stopped it, yes, but He had a plan
And that plan involved Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, coming to earth from Heaven to die for the very sin that God can’t stand
And when we come before God as sinners, who put our hope in Jesus Christ alone, God receives finally from us the very thing that we were created to give: glory and praise and honor and worship
Is this confusing? Absolutely it is…but it’s truth
But finally, let me make this clear.
There is coming a day when God will put an end to the sinfulness that plagues creation and all of mankind.
Where are you?
Has Christ been made most glorious in your life
Have you found freedom from the sin that plagues our world?
How are you giving glory to God as a redeemed, saved believer?
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