Multiplied Bread
Multiplied Bread
I. Introduction
A. The Miracle Described by all Four Gospel Writers
1. The great discourse on the bread of life
2. The lesson: “I am the bread of life”
B. Three People Mentioned in Connection with the Miracle
1. Phillip … Andrew … the boy who gave his lunch
2. Lessons from their lives and words for us today
II. Body
A. Philip … Who was Figuring on the Least (vv. 5–7)
1. “Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat?”
2. We can identify with this problem
a. This is a problem about daily bread
b. Some are surprised that Christians have problems
3. Note that Jesus saw the problem before Philip did
a. Nothing takes Jesus by surprise
b. The question to prove Philip
c. Jesus knew what He would do all the time
4. Philip … figuring on the least: “That every one of them may take a little”
a. Many see only problems and focus on them
b. Focusing on problems limits horizons
c. He should have focused on the power of God
5. Most of us live far below our potential
B. Andrew … Who was Finding for the Lord (vv. 8, 9)
1. Some are always fretting over problems, others are finding possibilities
2. Andrew as a finder
a. Right after coming to Jesus he found Peter (John 1:40, 41)
b. Often those who are newly converted are best finders
c. Do you remember when you were a finder?
3. Andrew did not rule out any possiblity
a. That lunch was a small thing … but he reported it
b. Elijah needed only a cloud the size of a man’s hand to expect rain (1 Kings 18)
c. Whatever you have is enough for God
C. The Little Lad who Gave all he had (vv. 10–14)
1. The struggle that precedes surrender
2. The unrecorded part of the miracle
a. The struggle over the call to give his all
b. The struggle that called for concern for others
c. The struggle that called for faith: he was hungry
3. The lunch given to Jesus … THE WIDE-EYED BOY
a. The disciples distributing food
b. The miracle, the satisfied people, the boy’s joy