Wisdom Walking, Introduction
What does it say?
What is the Combination Code to unlock Proverbs?
The named authors in Proverbs are King Solomon, King Hezekiah’s men, King Lemuel, and the court official Agur.
First, they were spiritually sensitive. They viewed their audience as the covenant people of God, and also their wisdom enabled them to see beyond what they saw with their eyes and heard
BSac 165:658 (April-June 2008) p. 144
with their ears. Their spiritual sensitivity enabled them to see and hear the human heart. Second, they spoke as kings by divine right, that is, they spoke their words as oracles from God with the authority of prophets. Their officials spoke similarly. Third, they were brilliant. These protoscientists probed into astronomy, gemology, psychology, and so forth; they retained knowledge, had a creative imagination, and expressed themselves with wit and a love to play with words.
He has heard Israel’s worldview and life view of reality in its covenants and proverbs, but he refuses to commit himself to Israel’s covenants and its inherited wisdom based on those covenants. The sage lumps the uncommitted, gullible simpletons, who are open to both wisdom and folly, together with condemned fools and mockers.