Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Actions or Outcomes?
You can choose one or the other, but not both.
Outcome: Comfortable and active retirement.
Actions: Save money and exercise and eat healthy
Actions: Buy nice stuff now and eat everything in sight.
Outcome: Die young and broke
For our children and grandchildren:
Outcome: Don’t get pregnant until married
Actions: (Do I need to explain?)
Actions: Party, live it up, no restrictions
Outcomes: Wrecked relationships in your wake (divorce) , pregnancy, child or an abortion, STD, underdeveloped emotional attachments (b/c things got intimate too fast).
Outcome: No DUIs or drunk driving accidents
Actions: Don’t drink.
Or, at least don’t drink and drive.
Actions: Party and drive.
Outcome: DUIs, lost driving privileges, accidents, vehicular homicide.
Outcome: “Till death do us part”
Actions: Faithful, sacrificial love
Actions: Selfish pursuit of pleasure.
If it moves, chase it.
Outcomes: More than one marriage and divorce.
Or, dead b/c you were murdered by your wife.
Wife doesn’t believe in divorce...
Action: You can give your kids everything they want
Outcome: Spoiled adults
You see how this goes.
It works in every area of life.
You have to decide which is most important.
Once you decide and pick either, the other is determined for you.
Don’t kid yourself, or you family, this is a truism.
You can’t have it both ways.
Churches can have a problem w/ this truism.
Actions: Nothing changes for years and years
“I’m all for progress so long as nothing changes.”
Outcome: The church dies.
Outcome: Reach new people, ppl who aren’t coming to church now.
Action: Do something different.
Actions: Do different things for the sake of different things.
Outcome: Chaos.
There has to be a specific desired outcome.
The first church I was a part of in ND was a fairly conservative church.
Their worship every Sunday was very similar to our summer Sunday mornings.
Hymns accompanied by an organ, a grand piano, choir in robes.
We pressed to get a little more contemporary.
Our piano player was young and incredibly talented and willing to play some newer music.
We got pushed back on hard.
No electronic instruments and no drums.
No cords and no percussion.
We had to think creatively w/out being disrespectful.
We could have pointed out that the organ was electronic and had a cord, but that would just be picking a fight.
Here’s what we did do.
We had a student in the youth group who grew up in the church.
His dad was a regular board member and his mom very involved.
His name is John.
John is a talented pianist and keyboard player.
But, we only had 1 piano and a very talented pianist already.
B/C we were involving a beloved student from and prominent family in our adult worship we were allowed to let him play his electronic keyboard w/ our pianist for our hymns.
And, when we did there were so many compliments that the music never sounded better.
The ppl loved seeing young John on the stage using his talents to lead us in worship.
What the ppl didn’t realize as they complimented the music was John pre-programmed percussion into his keyboard that he played while we sang.
So, both electronics and percussion.
A more contemporary sound to the same old beloved hymns.
Our desired outcome was to reach people who weren’t currently going to church.
The mission.
Our actions were determined for us that we needed to change things up a little and get a little more contemporary without offending and losing our current membership.
There were some in the church whose desired actions were to not change anything.
The outcome would have been that we could only reach our own membership and those exactly like them and in a generation the church would be gone.
I learned a lot about this indirectly as I went on mission trips to other countries.
What do I do in a worship service where they don’t have access to instruments I’m used to and like?
My version of the bible?
Suits, ties, dresses?
Am I excused from worshiping God that day?
So if the desired outcome is genuine worship of God.
My actions are determined for me that I will express God’s value to me regardless of the environment I’m in.
But, if my actions are I’m only worshiping w/ the instruments I like, songs I like, preaching I like, a chair I like, etc.
Then my outcome is I’m never really worshiping b/c I’m saying these things are more valuable to me than God.
Our culture here.
We do things, for the most part, the way we all like it and want to.
But, honestly, every one of us probably has something that we wish were done differently.
When all of you are in the valley you attend so many different kinds of churches.
And, when you’re up here this is who we are.
God has called us as a church, and every other church on the planet, to be unified; at peace w/ one-another.
He did not call us to uniformity.
It’s okay to do things differently in different churches in different cultures.
That is, as long as we are all intent on accomplishing the right outcomes.
We unify around the same fundamentals though we may accomplish them in different ways.
So, our responsibility as individual believers is to commit to the fundamentals no matter how your local church gets you there.
This is His Old House.
And the fundamentals of every wing of it are the same.
Outcome: Be part of His Old House.
Actions: Fulfill His Mission.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9