5.4.34 7.22.2018 Ephesians 1.15-23 Pray it Forward
Engaging the Empire • Sermon • Submitted
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· 32 viewsWe need to pray the church toward maturity in Christ
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Sweet hour of Prayer...
Sweet hour of Prayer...
▾ Start:
1 Entice: I'm sure you prayed today. You prayed yesterday. Why? For what? For whom? We rightly acknowledge the power and effectiveness of prayer but too often prayer is reaction to a crisis, or routine words of gratitude.
• 1 Entice: I'm sure you prayed today. You prayed yesterday. Why? For what? For whom? We rightly acknowledge the power and effectiveness of prayer but too often
prayer is reaction to a crisis, or routine words of gratitude.
2 Engage: Would we even pray if nothing went wrong, if no one got sick, if we were never directly threatened?
• 2 Engage: Would we even pray if nothing went wrong, if no one got sick, if we were never directly threatened?
3 Expand: The one who said "pray without ceasing" certainly understood what it meant to pray for the healthy and flourishing not merely for the blessings of health and vitality but for a growing, maturing, flowering, effective faith. We need to follow that model-for when we do we will be praying not only for an empowered Church but for a fallen world.
• 3 Expand: The one who said "pray without ceasing" certainly understood what it meant to pray for the healthy and flourishing not merely for the blessings of health
and vitality but for a growing, maturing, flowering, effective faith. We need to follow that model-for when we do we will be praying not only for an empowered
4 Excite: Paul lived and prayed in a world where the guy in charge wanted to be addressed as a God. Ephesus was a city that for more than a hundred years competed with other cities in Asia to have the biggest temple to toady up to that guy. Were people hurt, hungry, homeless, hunted, hated, and harassed in Ephesus? Yep. The best way to end those things is to pray for a Church which understands it's mission as Christ's continuing presence in the world.
Church but for a fallen world.
• 4 Excite: Paul lived and prayed in a world where the guy in charge wanted to be addressed as a God. Ephesus was a city that for more than a hundred years
competed with other cities in Asia to have the biggest temple to toady up to that guy. Were people hurt, hungry, homeless, hunted, hated, and harassed in
Ephesus? Yep. The best way to end those things is to pray for a Church which understands it's mission as Christ's continuing presence in the world.
We need to pray the church towards maturity.
We need to pray the church towards maturity.
• Explore: We need to pray the church towards maturity.
Explain: Paul's prayer extends 4 challenges to the Church
• Explain: Paul's prayer extends 4 challenges to the Church////He challenges us to move toward…
He begins by challenging us to move toward…
▾ Body of Sermon:
1 Richer Intimacy.
1 Richer Intimacy.
15 For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints,
16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,
17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him,
Ephesians 1.15-17
Richer intimacy=Knowledge of God's Person.
Richer intimacy=Knowledge of God's Person.
▾ 1 Richer Intimacy.=Knowledge of God's Person. 15-17
15 For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints,
16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,
17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him,
Ephesians 1.15-17
• 1.1 Make it personal
1.1 Make it personal
1.1 Make it personal
• 1.2 Make it a priority
1.2 Make it a priority
1.2 Make it a priority
When we focus on the Person of God we can move on to the challenge of
▾ 2 Greater Clarity.=Understanding God's Purposes 18-19
2 Greater Clarity.
2 Greater Clarity.
Which is
Greater Clarity=Understanding God's Purposes
Greater Clarity=Understanding God's Purposes
Look at what Paul writes in vs. 18-19
=Understanding God's Purposes
=Understanding God's Purposes
18 having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,
19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might
Ephesians 1.18-19
• 2.1 Our eyes opened to our hopeful vocation.
2.1 Our eyes opened to our hopeful vocation.
2.1 Our eyes opened to our hopeful vocation.
• 2.2 Our eyes opened to our empowering faith.
2.2 Our eyes opened to our empowering faith.
2.2 Our eyes opened to our empowering faith.
The next challenge is in vs. 20-21
Ephesians 1.20-21
20 that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,
21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
▾ 3 Fuller Capacity.=Empowered by God's power. 20-21
3 Fuller Capacity.
3 Fuller Capacity.
Empowered by God's power.
Empowered by God's power.
• 3.1 God's power is fully released by the passion of Jesus.
3.1 God's power is fully demonstrated by the exaltation of Jesus.
3.1 God's power is fully demonstrated by the exaltation of Jesus.
• 3.2 God's power is fully present in the Lordship of Jesus.
3.2 God's power is fully present in the Lordship of Jesus.
3.2 God's power is fully present in the Lordship of Jesus.
Paul’s final challenge is still as difficult today as in 1c
Ephesians 1.22-23
22 And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church,
23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.
▾ 4 Deeper Unity.-=Embodied as God's presence. 22-23
4 Deeper Unity.
4 Deeper Unity.
Embodied as God's presence.
Embodied as God's presence.
• 4.1 Jesus is the head which gives the church form and substance
4.1 Jesus is the head which gives the church purpose.
4.1 Jesus is the head which gives the church purpose.
• 4.2 The Church is the body which makes Jesus present.
4.2 The Church is the body which makes Jesus present.
4.2 The Church is the body which makes Jesus present.
A Dangerous prayer
Dangerous prayer
Dangerous prayer
Praying like this poses a danger to us. It makes us uncomfortable, it gives us focus and purpose. It raises the stakes. It raises the bar.
If we pray this prayer…If Paul gets what he asks for if we get what we ask for it forever changes our relationship to our community and our world. This prayer moves us from timidity to boldness. It moves us from defense to offense.
Some might call it excessive…Paul just describes it as faith.
Will you come join us on this journey of unity, ability, clarity, and intimacy? When we know God so deeply and are changed by him so completely we will always be praying our way to greater ministry. What an adventure!